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Freddy's POV

So me and Summer basicaly ended up falling asleep on my couch watching Harry Potter. We woke up by the sound of my alarm (he had school).
"Morning, Summer!" I said.
"Morning... Wait, where am I?"
"My house, you came here for our song project and we fell asleep watching Harry Potter."
"Oh yeah! I remember that."
We got ready for school and had breakfast. After that, we started walking to school.
We just talked about random stuff and I learned that Summer is pretty funny, too! Can she be more perfect? Wait, what?!
"Freddy? FREDDY!!" Summer screamed.
"Uhm... What?"
"You zoned out for like, 3 minutes!"
"Oh... Sorry!"
"Don't worry!" She laughed.

We were at our classroom waiting for Mr Finn to come, and we were all talking about how cool it would be to go to LA and be on a TV show.
When Mr Finn finally arrived (by the window, duh), we made a few math exercises and talked about the First World War until it was lunch time. Wow! That must be our record.

We got our foods and sat at our usual table (that now had a new addiction: Summer!) when Principal Mullins grabbed a mic and started trying to get our atention.
After about 7 minutes, we all shut up and she starts talking:
"In two weeks, our school will be having a dance for middle school people. You should all find dates and dress formal, for a good view of Willian B. Travis. Thank you for your atention!" She said, and everybody cheered.
"A dance! That's so cool!" Tomika screamed.
"I know!" Zack answered. I wonder when these two will start dating already.
"Wait, Esme's over there! I'm gonna ask her to be my date!" Lawrence said.
"Go, buddy!" I said.
"You can do it, man!" Summer said. If I asked her to be my date... Would she say yes? I don't know. I might ask her later, anyways.
"Uhm... Tomiks?" Zack said. "Can I talk to you? Alone?"
"Sure! Let's go." She answered.
When they left, it was just Summer and I.
"They like each other, don't they?" She spoke up, breaking the silence.
"Yes, since 5th grade."
"They are cute together!"
"Yes, I ship Zomika."
What I said made Summer laugh again. Her laugh is so freaking cute!!

Okay, I'm gonna admit. I like her. Like like her. And I wish she could be mine. Only mine.

About a week have passed, and I still haven't asked Summer to the dance. Zack and Tomika are going together, and so are Lawrence and Esme. I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous about it!

It was the end of the class, and I was walking on the hallway when I saw her by her locker.
This is it. I'm gonna do it!!
As I'm walking to her, I'm starting to get even more nervous. 'You can do it, Freddy.', I keep repeating it on my mind.
When I reached her, I tapped her shoulder and she turned around.
"Oh, hey Freddy!" She said, giving me her brightest smile that always melt my heart.
"Sum, I have to talk to you. Are you free this afternoon?"
"Good. Let's go have some ice cream, so we can talk?"
"Okay. Let's go!"

I took her to best ice cream place in this whole town. We got our ice creams and sat at a table.
"So, what did you wanted to talk about?" She asked.
"Do you... Do you wanna go to the dance with me?"
She thought about it for a few seconds and said:

BOOM!!!!!! Cliffhanger!!!!!!!!
Sorry, you'll have to wait for next chapter to find out if they are or aren't going together to the dance!!!! Muahahahahaha

I know, I'm weird. Lol sorry.


~Maddie 2.0 or Isa or whatever you want to call me ✌🏻️😝

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