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Please read the a/n at the end of the chapter! It's really important!

Freddy's POV

I woke up facing Summer, and God! She looked like an angel sleeping!! She is so cute!!

I got up and went to the bathroom to fix my hair. You do not want to see my hair when I wake up. It's such a mess! I don't let anyone see it, not even my brother. He always makes fun of me and takes picture of my morning hair. Ugh.

So, I was just having a few problems. My hair wouldn't help me, it didn't want to get fixed! I hate when it happen. Then, I heard a cute giggle, and turned around to see Summer standing at the door of my bathroom.

"Oh, morning Sum." I said, embarassed of my hair. Great, now my crush knows about my morning hair!
"Morning! I see you're having some problems with your hair." She said, chuckling.
"Please don't make fun of me!" I begged.
"And why would I make fun of you?" She asked, now serious.
"You are not gonna take a picture?"
"Of course not!"
"Then why were you laughing?"
"Because it was cute watching you trying to fix your hair!" She said, chuckling again.
"Cute?" I asked, and I was blushing a bit. And so was Summer.

Just then, Lawrence came.
"Hey, lovebirds!" He said.
"Haha. Need something?" I asked.
"Uhm, we wanted to make breakfast, but we can't find the milk..." He said.
"Oh! It's on the island. Summer, can you go help them while I try to fix my hair?" I asked.
"Sure. Good luck!" She said, laughing.
"And, you two! This whole hair thing will be between us three!" I said.
"Okay!" They said, already going downstairs.

About 10 minutes later, I was done, so I headed to the kitchen.
And, wow! They made pancakes, toasts, and smoothies.
"Good morning, guys! The food looks awesome!" I said.
"Thanks!" Zack said.
"Summer made almost everything. We can't really cook, but she's amazing!" Tomika said.
I laughed and we sat at the table. I was beside Summer and across Zack, Tomika was beside him, and Lawrence just sat at the balcon.
We ate EVERYTHING. And Tomika was right, Summer cooks amazingly!

"So, have you guys already packed for LA?" Lawrence asked.
"Not yet, but I already thought of everything I wanna take." I said.
"FREDDY!!!" They all screamed.
"What?!" I said.
"We leave in two days!" Summer said.
"I know!! I'm gonna pack today, okay?" I said.
"Okay." She said.
"Ha. You guys are so cute!" Lawrence said.
"Who?" Zack asked.
"Summer and Freddy. They would make such a cute couple! Aww, look! They are blushing!" Tomika said.
She was right. Summer and I were both blushing.
"Guys, this is a joke! Relax, Fremmer!" Lawrence said. Dude, shut up!
We laughed and talked until it was time for them to go.

About half an hour later, Summer's parents were the only that haven't got her yet. Yes, we were alone again. Well, except for my parents and my older brother Daniel, but still.

"Hey, wanna help with packing?" She offered.
"Yeah, sure! I'm awful at it, and my mom doesn't have patience with helping me anymore." I said, and we laughed.

About an hour later, we were almost done, and Summer's phone rang.
"Hello? Oh, hey Emily! (a/n: if you don't remember, Emily is her sister)! Yeah, I'm still at Freddy's. 20 minutes? Okay. See ya!" She said.
"Was it your sister?" I asked.
"Yeah, she said mom and dad had to go on a business trip again, and she's at a friend's house, but she will be here in 20 minutes to get me." She said, looking a bit upset.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked her.
"N-Nothing." She said.
"Sum. I know you. Tell me what's going on?"
"It's nothing important, really."
"Summer, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But just know that I'm your friend, you can trust me, and you can count on me anytime. Okay?"
"Okay. I'll tell you... It's just that it upsets me the fact that my parents are always away, and leaving Em and I alone at home... Sometimes I miss them... Especialy my mom. Her, my sister and I used to do everything together, because since I was a baby my father has always been on business trips, but a few years ago she started going too, and I really miss spending time with them... But, don't worry about it, really..." She said.

I didn't know what to say. My parents have always been with my brother and I, and they usually don't go to business trips, so I didn't know what advice to give her.
So, I just hugged her.

"Sum, I'm sorry. It's going to be okay, I promise you. And... If you want to, you can stay here while your parents are away! It won't be a problem. And Emily can sleep here too! My brother's looking for a girlfriend, and they are the same age, so..." I said, and she laughed at the last part.
"Thank you." She said, giving me a weak smile. I knew she was hurting, but I also have to give her some space. We are like brother and sister, but she needs her space.

We watched TV until her sister came to get her.

"Bye, Sum!" I said.
"Bye, Freddy! Thanks for everything."

I watched as she went away on her sister's car.

I feel bad for Summer. It's hard to move away from home, especialy when your parents are always away on a trip. But I'm not gonna let her get hurt. I know her heart is broken, but I'm gonna do everything I can to help her. I have a new mission now:

I'm gonna unbreak her heart.

Hey, guys! First of all, I wanted to apologise for not updating so much lately... I've been really busy with everything, and I have A LOT going on right now, that it's becoming hard to update that much. But I know I can't let my personal problems come in the way, and I just have to learn how to deal with it...

Anyways!! Next chapter, they will be going to Los Angeles, and some interesting things might or might not happen 😏
LA will be a trip this squad will never forget!

Thanks for all the reads, votes and comments! If you have ideas you want to see in this book, feel free do DM me or comment down below and I'll see what I can do! Besides, this book is for you all!!

Another thing: I've seen people doing Q&As (Question and Answer) and really wanted to try! So comment some questions (nothing really personal, like name and those kind of stuff, because my mom doesn't let me give away this kind of information on social media) and I'll answer it!!

See ya 💕✨

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