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Freddy's POV

After that crazy crowd experience, we got in the plane and had a nice flight. Thank godness I was sitting with Summer, she always knows how to calm me down.

After the flight, we landed on Austin and met with our parents.
"Mom, dad! I missed you so much!" I said, hugging my parents.
"I missed you, bro!" My brother said, imitating my voice.
"I missed you." I said, hugging him.

"Emily!!" I heard Summer screaming, running to her sister.
"Who's that?" My brother asked me.
"This is Summer, she's my-"
"No, I mean the taller girl!"
"Oh, that's Emily, Summer's older sister."
"Wait, are you crushing on her?"
"You see, she's one year younger than me and we go to the same school, but I never really talked to her."

"So, Summer!" I said, aproaching her.
"Hey, Freddy!"
"Can I talk to you?"
"Uhn... Sure?"
I pulled her by the arm until I was sure no one would hear us.
"So..." She said.
"Daniel has a crush on Emily."
"Again: what?!"
"We have to set them up!"
"Okay, and how are you planning to do that?" She asked me, giving me a 'are you serious?' look.
"I can ask my mom to ask your family for a dinner, we all leave to play some games and we leave Em and Dan alone!" I said, hoping she would agree.
"Okay, that may even work!"
"Really? I feel so smart right now."
"Not so fast, Huerta. Not so fast."
We laughed and went back to the others.

"Freddy, Summer, can you come here, please?" My mom called us, and we did so. "Tomorrow night, we will be having a dinner between Huerta and Hathaway family, since Freddy's dad and Summer's dad will start working together next week!"
"Really? That's awesome!" Summer said.
"It is! I can't wait!" I said.

------time skip, next day, afternoon-----

It's almost 6pm, I think I should start getting ready for dinner. I should dress formal, I mean, I have to impress a whole family!
"FREDDY!!" I heard Daniel calling me.
"WHAT IS IT?" I scream back.
I went to his bedroom and, as soon as I got in, he locked the door behind me.
"Dude, chill!" I said.
"Please help me!"
"I have to impress Emily!"
"Dude. You're a lot older than me. I should be the one asking for help."
"But... You do great with that Summer girl... I wanted to do as good as you..."
"Awww! Okay."

After what seemed forever, Daniel was ready. And me? I only had 20 minutes left to get ready and look handsome.
I ran to my room and got ready by the time my mom called me that the Hathaways would be here in any minute.
I was waiting at the living room when I heard the doorbell ring.
My mom answered it, and I went with her.
"Hey! Welcome to our house!" My mom said, and let Summer's family in.
"Hey, Freddy!" Summer said, aproaching me.
"Hey, Sum! You look amazing!" I said, and hugged her.
"Thanks! You too!" She said hugging back.
We looked at our siblings and they both looked REALLY nervous. Maybe Emily likes Daniel back.
"By the way, I found out Emily is also crushing on Daniel." Summer whispered to me.
"Really? That's great! That makes everything so easier!"
"Kids, let's go!" My mom called us.
"Coming!" We all screamed.

At the table, I was sitting beside Summer, who was beside her sister, who was beside my brother, and our parents were across from us.

They basicaly talked about work (boring) stuff, and Summer and I just had small talks.
After dessert, they told us 'kids' to go upstairs play some games while they talked about 'serious' stuff.

We went to Daniel's room, since he had lots of cool games, and played a little. After about half an hour, when Em and Dan were both feeling confortable, Summer gave a 'it's time for the plan' look, and I nodded my head.
"Hey, I'm gonna get some more games at my room. Sum, come with me?" I asked, and Daniel gave me a 'what the heck?' look.
"Sure! We'll be right back." Summer said, and we left, closing the door behind us.
We went to my room, looked at each other, and laughed our butts off. It was REALLY funny setting Emily and Daniel up.

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