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Freddy's POV

On the next day, I arrived at school and went to class, because the be was about to ring.
"Hey, Freddy!" Summer said, as I entered the class.
"Hey, Sum! Morning, guys!" I said.
"Morning, Freddy!" They said.
"GOOD MORNING DUDES AND DUDETTES!!" Mr Finn said, entering the classroom.
"Wow, Mr Finn! You're here one minute before the bell rings!" I said.
"Now, that's new!" Summer said, and the bell rang.
"Let's rock!!" Mr Finn said.

We practiced until lunch time, then practiced a little more and 'learned' math. Then, when dismissed, we decided to go to the mall, since the girls wanted to but clothes to the show and we (the guys) didn't really had a choice.

"OMG, Tomix! Look at that dress! You'll look gorgeous wearing it! You have to try it!" Summer said.
"A dress? Really, Summer?" Tomika said.
"Just try it!" Summer said.
"No thanks." Tomika said.
"Okay..." Summer gave up, and we laughed.

After what seemed forever (but it was only one hour), the girls had their clothes bought, when they decided we should buy us some new clothes too.
"Are you kidding me?" Lawrence asked.
"No! We have to look good if we wanna win!" Summer said.
"Don't worry. I have my hair, I will always look amazing!" I said, joking.
"Haha. How funny." Summer said, full of sarcasm.
"Come on! For us?" Tomika said, grabbing Zack's hand and looking at him in the eyes.
"Just for you!" Zack said, and we all laughed at the happy and weird couple.

Once again, after what seemed forever (30 minutes) the girls decided what we should buy. And, I have to admit. Summer knows my taste, she chose awesome clothes, for both Lawrence and I.

But I can't say Zack liked what Tomika chose for him.

"I'm not wearing it!" He complained.
"Why not?" Tomika asked.
"Because I'm gonna look like a 80's disco cop!" Zack said, and we laughed.
"Zack, I'm kidding! Here's what you should wear." Tomika said, showing him some really nice clothes.
"Now that's sweet!" Zack said.
We paid for the clothes and decided to go have some ice cream.

Mine was cookies and cream, Sum's was dark chocolate with sprinkles, Lawrence's was vanilla, Tomika's was strawberry and Zack's was coconut.

We paid for it and sat at a table, talking about the Talent Show.

"We only have a few days to practice..." Lawrence said.
"We can do it! Today's practice was pretty good." Zack said.
"Agree. I think Freddy and Summer sound amazing together." Tomika said, teasing us.
"Thanks. So do you two." Summer said.
"Do you guys think we can win?" I asked.
"Oh, for sure! School of Rock is amazing!" Zack said.
"And we work really hard. I think we have a chance!" Summer said.

After having ice cream, we went to the arcade and played some games. I beat the guys at the basketball, but Summer was the big winner at the overall, since she won more games than the rest us.

After that, we went home, and I asked Summer if she wanted to come over since I had nothing to do, and she said yes.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I asked her, closing the door behind us.
"We could play some games, or practice our part of the song." She suggested.
"What do you like to play? We have some xBox games."
"Do you have Just Dance?"
"Yes, my cousin left here last time she visited us."
"Can we play it?"

We danced a few songs, and Summer beat me on all of them. She's an amazing dancer!

"Hey, wanna practice the song?" I asked her.
"Sure! We could practice our part."

We went to the basement and sang a little, but then her mom called her and told her to go home, since we had school the next day.

"Bye Freddy!!" She said, hugging me.
"See you tomorrow!" I said, hugging back.
"See ya!" She said, and walked down the streets, her hair glowing by the moon's light, making her look like an angel full of life.

I couldn't wait for the Talent Show! It would be our chance to introduce School of Rock to the world. We worked so hard!

And then there's Summer. She just came a few months ago, and already has such a strong friendship with all of us! She's just so amazing...

Our song is about friendship. We all have a strong and nice friendship!!

We are gonna win this thing. People will finally recognize us as a band!!

Our time is now.


I'm really sad to say that this book will only have about 5 more chapters...

But then maybe,


(It's more a yess)

I'll write a Jicardo book!!

Cause, you know

Jicardo is just GOALS ✨💕💖


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