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Summer's POV

So, today we are going to LA. It was the day we were all waiting for!!

We were at the airport, waiting for Mr Finn to get our tickets, when he finally came back.
"Alright, rockers! Here's your tickets, please don't loose it. I paired you up, but if you wanna change partners, just come to me, and if the four are okay with it we can see what we can do." Mr Finn said, and gave us our tickets.
"I'm 6a!" I said.
"Really? I'm 6b!" Freddy said, aproaching me.
"Well, looks like we are plane buddies!" I said, and we high fived.

About two hours later, we were at the plane, waiting for the flight time.
"Are you excited, Freddy?" I asked him.
"Y-Yes! Totaly!" He said.
"Hey, what's going on?" I asked.
"Please don't tell anyone, but I'm afraid of hights, and I'm terrified just to think about flying..." He said.
"Freddy, why didn't you tell Mr Finn? He would understand, we could go by bus!" I said, worried about him.
"I don't know... People would make fun of me..." He said.
"Nobody's gonna make fun of you. And you know why? Because I'm here with you. I'll help you get through this flight, and you will be 100% over this fear." I said.
"I swear you are the best, Sum!" He said, and hugged me. Of course, I hugged back.
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Steve, and I will be your pilot today. Please sit down, we will fly in any minute." Steve, the pilot, said, and everybody sat down.

About 5 minutes later, the plane started to move, and it would fly in any minute. When it was about to take of, I noticed Freddy getting tense.
"You okay, Freddy?" I asked him.
"A little nervous, but yes... Maybe not..." He said.
"Don't worry. I'm right here." I said.

I couldn't help my hold his hand. As soon as I did it, he started to relax.

When the plane let go of the floor, he squished my hand, and I knew he was nervous. I looked and smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"Thank you, Sum." He said.
"That's what friends are for, right?"

Freddy and I talked during the whole flight, and I tried to keep him distracted, so he wouldn't pay attention to the fact that we were in the air. But, land time arrived and he got nervous again.

"Freddy, just relax! We'll be on the floor in like, 10 minutes! It's going to be okay, I promise you!" I said, calming him down.
"Okay, okay! I'll relax!" He said, laughing.

Finally, we were on the floor. Thank Godness!

"Summer." Freddy said.
"You did it. I did it. We did it!" He said.
"What did you, me, we did?" I asked.
"The flight is over!"
"It is! You were brave, you got over your fear, and I'm proud of you!" I said.
"I wouldn't be able to do this without you. I will... I will buy you a present! For being the best friend in the world!"
"Freddy, calm down, it's okay, you don't have to buy me anything, okay?"
"Okay. But I will! Thank you, Sum!" He said, and hugged me.
"No problem." I said, hugging back.

We got out of the plane and saw no one else than Shawn Mendes, waiting for us with a School of Rock banner.

"Guys! It's so nice to meet you!" He said, aproaching us as soon as he saw us.
"Shawn Mendes! Hi! We are big fans, we love your songs so much!" I said.
"Well, I love meeting fans, so another point for you!"
"It is going to be an honor to open for you tomorrow night." Freddy said.
"Thank you! You guys wanna go to the hotel? My limousine is waiting at the parking lot!"
"Yeah!" We all said, at the same time.

Okay, let me recap. I moved to Austin. I made amazing friends at my first day of school. I have a best friend/crush. I'm on a band. We auditioned for Shawn Mendes. We were accepted. We are in LA. We will play for Shawn Mendes tomorrow night. We are going to Shawn Mendes' s limousine.

God, my 'brand new start' is going very well!

Heyyyyy!! Another chapter!!
So, I'm running out of ideas right now so I'm trying to get into every detail I can, so this book won't end in a few chapters. It might end on chapter 0.25 just like my other book (Love is in the air), though.
Next chapter is the cutest ever!

Hope you like it!!!
Love you all 😻

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