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Summer's POV

It was the first day of school after our trip to LA, and I couldn't wait to meet up with the gang.

"Summer!" I heard someone calling my name as I was walking to our class, so I turned around to see Freddy.
"Freddy! Hi!" I said, giving him a hug.
"Hey! I heard Principal Mullins has good news to give us."
"Really? What do you think it is?"
"I don't know, but people said it's nice!"
"Let's hope it is!"

The bell rang and we ran to the classroom, since Clark is now targing people who stay at the hallway after the bell.

"What's up my rockers!!" Mr Finn said entering the classroom, half an hour after the bell.

We practiced a few songs, but our alarm buzzed, meaning Principal Mullins was coming.
"Hide everything! This is not a test, people!!!!" Mr Finn screamed.

"Good morning, kids!" Principal Mullins said, getting in just by the time we were all sat down.
"Good morning, Mullins! What a pleasure to have you here!" Mr Finn said.
"I'm super happy to tell you that our school will be holding a Talent Show next week. You can sing, dance, act, do anything. Teachers can join too!" She said, and we all cheered. "But we can't have solos, you have to in a group. For example: if you wanna sing, at least four people have to sing, and the others can play instruments! Any questions?" We all stood quiet. "I will be going now. Good day!" She said, and left.

"What are we going to do? We only have three people who can sing!" Mr Finn said.
"Summer, you'll have to sing!" Freddy whispered to me.
"Freddy, I can't!" I whispered back.
"Guys, someone will have to sing, even if that person isn't so great!" Mr Finn said, desperate.
"Please!" Freddy whispered.
"Okay..." I whispered, and Freddy smiled.
"Mr Finn?" Freddy said.
"Yes, Fredward?"
"Summer can sing."

Everybody bursted out laughing.
"Dude, no time for jokes!" Mr Finn said.
"It's not a joke!" Freddy said.
"Oh yeah? Prove it!" Zack said.

I couldn't take it. They were basicaly calling Freddy a liar.

Then, I did something I thought I would never do. I started to sing a song, One Call Away.

I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one call away

Call me baby if you need a friend
I just wanna give you love
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Reaching out to you
So take a chance
No matter where you go
You know you're not alone

I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one call away-y,
I'm only one call away...

Everybody just stood there, shocked, while Freddy had the most happy and pleasured smile on his face. He started clapping, and everybody clapped too.

"Summer, that was amazing!" Mr Finn said.
"Why didn't you tell us you could sing so beautifully?" Tomika asked.
"Personal reasons." Was all I could say. I didn't want her to know she was the reason why.
"Will you sing with us at the Talent Show?" Lawrence asked.
"Yes!" I said, and everybody cheered.

"What should we play? It has to be an original..." Zack said.
"Freddy, it's your time." I whispered.
"But..." He said.
"I already told a secret. Now, it's your turn!" I whispered.
"Okay. But you tell them." he agreed.
"Guys! Quiet, please!" I asked, and they did so.
"Freddy wrote an amazing song, that I think we can use for the show!" I said.
"How is it like?" Lawrence asked, and Freddy sang the chorus.
"It's awesome! Can we sing it, Freddy? Please?" Mr Finn asked.
"Sure!" Freddy answered.
"Good! Cause I have a plan: Tomika and Zack will sing some parts as a duet, Summer and Freddy will sing some other parts, and we could all share the chorus!" Mr Finn said, and we all agreed.

We practiced a few times, until it was lunch time.

I was at the line to get my food when I felt a tap on my shoulder, so I turned around.
"Oh, hey Freddy!" I said.
"Hey! You did great back there."
"Thanks! So did you."
"You know, I think you're really talented. You should try a record deal."
"Freddy, seriously? First of all, I don't think I would ever make it. Second, I don't wanna do this alone! I wanna stay with you guys, forever and ever! I would miss you so much..."
"You're amazing, Summer. Just... Amazing."
"Thank you!" I said, side-hugging him.

We got our lunchs and sat at our table, where the rest of the gang was.
"Hey, guys! What's up?" Freddy said.
"Let's go right to the point. Why didn't you two tell us you had those talents?" Tomika asked.
"It's personal..." I said.
"How personal?" Zack asked.
"Can we not talk about it, please?" I asked.
"Okay. Sorry, guys." Lawrence said, sweet as always.
"Don't be sorry, Lawrence! You did nothing wrong!" Freddy said.
"Yeah, it's not a problem at all." I said.

We ate and went back to class, and practice a little bit more. After that, we were dismissed, so we went home. I, of course, walked with Freddy.

"Thank you, Freddy." I said, out of a sudden.
"For what?" He asked.
"For supporting me back at class... Thanks, really."
"Hey, it's okay! You're incredibly good, you couldn't hide your talent forever!"
"I guess you're right." I said, giggling.

"We're here!" Freddy said, and we stopped by my house.
"Thanks for the walk!" I said, hugging him.
"No problem!" He said, hugging back.

He tried to pull away, but I didn't let go. I didn't want to leg go.

"Sum! What's up?" He asked, hugging me back again.
"Nothing, I'm just... Glad that we met."
"Me too! You changed my life for 100% better. I would be a nobody by now without you."
"I don't know what I would do if we haven't met. Thank you, Freddy. For everything, thank you."

He hugged me tight, and so did I.

Again, I didn't let go.

I didn' want to leg go.


I would never let go.


So, I have a question.
1)Do you guys want me to keep updating 2 or 3 times a week, and take a little break before I start the Jicardo book, or
2)Do you guys want me to post only 1 chapter a week and take just a few days break before I start the Jicardo book?
Please vote! Tell me what do you guys want!!


~Maddie ❄️💚

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