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Summer's POV

I woke up with Tomika jumping on my bed.

"Wake up, Summer!" She screamed, jumping up and down.
"Huh? What time is it?" I asked, sleepy.
"7am." She answered.
"And why in the world are you awake AND waking me up at 7am?"
"Today is the show!"
"OMG! It's today!" I said, getting up and jumping with her.
"Also, I heard about your lunch date date with Freddy today!" She said, teasing me.
"Haha. Who told you?"
"Zack. Freddy told him, and he told me. Seriously, when is Fremmer going to happen?"
"When Freddy likes me back, maybe? I don't even know if it's gonna happen! I don't even know if I want it to happen..." I said, sitting down.
"Summer... I know it feels weird to think about being in a relationship. I didn't want to date someone too, and look where I am now! I have a super nice boyfriend. Look... Having a boyfriend is not having someone you go out with or kiss. It is like having a second mother! He's gonna be someone special who cares about you and would give his life just to see you happy. And I know Freddy would do that for any girl, especialy you." She said, sitting down beside me.
"Why especialy me?"
"Because he cares about you. He had a tough past, he was bullied a few years ago, and we were his only friends. He was afraid of talking to other people. But when you came, everything changed. He's more confident, and more happy too. You changed him, for the best. And he is forever thankful about this."
"Is it true?"
"100% true."
"Maybe I'll try talking to him later..."
"Okay. If you need help, just know that we are sisters! I'm always here for you!"
"Me too, sis!"

We hugged until the time there was a knock at the door, and Mr Finn came in.
"Good morning, dudettes! It's breakfast time!"
"Wow Mr Finn! You are awake early!" I said.
"Yeah, the man at the room beside me wouldn't stop snoring the whole night..."
"That explains." Tomika said.
"The guys are almost ready, let's go!"

He left and we changed. We were going to the elevator when the guys stopped us.
"Good morning, ladies!" Freddy said.
"Morning!" Tomika and I answered.
Zack grabbed Tomika's hand, and Lawrence, Freddy and I took a picture and posted it on Instaram with the caption 'LA memories'.

We spotted Mr Finn at a table and we sat with him after getting our food.
We just talked about tonight, and Mr Finn said a van would come get us at 1:30pm to take us to the show place.

When we were done with eating, Freddy asked me to talk.

"What's up?" I asked him.
"So, about our lunch. Be ready at 11:30am, can you do it?" He asked me.
"Yeah, sure!" I asked. "But you don't have to do it, really."
"But I want to! It will be fun!"
"If you want to, then I'll see you at 11!"
"See ya!" He said, and I went to talk to Tomika about it.

"Tomix, please help me!"
"What is it?"
"Freddy will get me at 11:30. I have to get ready fast!"
"God, it's 10:30. We don't have too much time. Let's hurry!"

We ran upstairs and started getting ready. She picked a cute dress while I did a light make up and curled my hair.
At the end, I was wearing this:



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