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Freddy's POV

We were done with the sound pass when a bunch of girls surrounded me, trying flirting with me and asking my phone number. I got annoyed, I mean, what if I had a girlfriend? And I think I already have a crush... Oh no! What if Summer saw?
I tried getting out of this crazy crowd, and when I finally did it, I saw Summer looking at me, and then she ran away.
I ran behind her, but I was too late, she was already talking to Tomika.
"What am I feeling?" Summer asked.
"Summer, I think you may be jealous." Tomika said.
"Jealous? I'm not jealous!" Summer said.
"Summer..." Tomika said.
"Maybe I'm just confused. This whole thing is new for me..." Summer said.
"Maybe. Anyways, let's go back to the boys. We have a show to open!" Tomika said, and I ran away so they wouldn't see me hearding their conversation.

About an hour later, we were getting ready for the show when I finally saw Summer alone, so I decided to talk to her.
"Hey, Summer!" I said.
"Hey, Freddy!"
"So, about early..." I started.
"What about early?" She asked, kinda nervous.
"When we were done with the sound pass, and the girls surrounded me..."
"Oh. Right, that."
"I saw you running away when I finally got rid of them. Are you okay?"
"Wait, you wanted to get rid of the girls?"
"Yes, they were so annoying!" I said, and she laughed. "But why did you run away?"
"Because... I know a girl who kinda has a crush on you, and watching her dreams being possibly crushed made me feel bad for her, so I ran."
"Guys! It's time for the show!" Shawn shouted.
"Let's go!" I said, helping her up, and we walked to the backstage to meet the rest of the band.

"Alright little rockers, it's time to rock!" Mr Finn said, and we ran to the stage.

"What's up, LA!!!!!" Tomika screamed, and the crowd cheered.
"We are School of Rock!!!" We all screamed, and the crowd cheered even more.

We played 3 songs: our version of Shut Up and Dance, our version of When I'm Gone (a/n: cup song) and This Isn't Love. Everybody loved the songs.

"And here's what you are all waiting for: SHAWN MENDES!!!!!!" Tomika screamed, and the crowd went crazy.

Shawn made his show (of course, it was perfect) and we went back to the hotel. Our flight would be at 1pm, so we had to rest and pack.

During the van ride, we were singing Shawn Mendes's album Handwriten.
"You guys were so great! School of Rock is going to do amazing things!" Shawn said.
"So were you! You are definitely an inspiration to all of us!" Summer said, beside me.
"I feel honored. Thank you!" Shawn said.

We arrived at the hotel and went to our rooms.
After packing, there was a knock at the door, and the girls came in.

"We can't sleep. Can we stay here with you?" Tomika said, and Summer nodded.
"Of course!" Lawrence said.
Tomika laid down beside Zack, and Summer looked at me. I nodded my head, and she laid down beside me.

"Tonight was amazing, wasn't it?" I said.
"Yeah. It was the best night ever, for sure." Summer said.
We turned on the TV and wached Narnia.

Halfway through the movie, I noticed that everybody have already slept, even Summer. She had her arm around me, and her head was resting on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her forehead.
"Good night, Sunny." I whispered, and she smiled.

And I drifted of to a nice and calm sleep, with my princess by my side.

Heyyy another chapter!! Hope you liked it!!
Also, thank you guys for 100 followers on Instagram!!!
And!! I commented on Rico's post on Instagram, on his sneak peak of his new vlog coming out later today (Friday), and he liked!! But the best part is, I commented about Jicardo!! Maybe Rico likes Jicardo? 🤔😏 Check it out later (the vlog) cuz there might be Jicardo!!

Thank you all for reading!!!

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