Chapter Three

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"S-Sorry Paladin Danse!" The two said at the same time. Luckily I wasnt close enough to alert the entire "army". I looked around trying to calculate how to leave without being noticed.
I waited about 5 minutes and peeked out and squeaked quietly before ducking back down quickly. That "Danse" character was looking straight at my hiding place.
"GET OUT AND KEEP YOUR HANDS UP!" I whimpered before looking out the entrance of the bus and noticed the second floor of a building. "I could jump up there and escape.." I thought. I heard footsteps coming to the bus before I stood quickly and ran out of the bus and jumped on top of it. I yelped as I saw a red laser pass me, close enough to feel the heat.
I jumped on to what should've been the window of the building and quickly crawled in and hid behind the wall. He kept shooting at the wall protecting me. I heard him growl before stopping, knowing the wall isn't going to budge. I peeked out and he was glaring at me.
I suddenly noticed movement behind him and my tail puffed up. Radscorpion. I quickly grabbed my katana and jumped from the window onto the bus. He started shooting at me again. How the hell does he not notice the damn thing?!
I dodged every shot with the best of my ability and ran towards him. When I got close enough I got a glimpse of a surprised expression before I used his Power Armor as a jump boost and landed on top of the giant insect.
I gripped it's tail and used my katana before slicing off the stinger before it could use it. It started to thrash around and claw at me. I quickly stabbed one claw before looks up at Danse's surprised stance. "YA KNOW MAYBE IF YOU COULD HELP THAT'D BE AMAZING" I yelled at him. He seemed to snap out of it before shooting at the Scorpion. I calculated the speed he was shooting quickly and cut off it's head with the help of his weapon. I got off it and put my katana up before grabbing my butterfly knife and cutting the meat out of it.
"I-I-I- H-Howd you do that?!" I looked up at an astonished Danse, "Well since I'm positive you were born after the war, there was a saying. 'Cats always land on their feet.'"
I stood up to walk away before I felt an oversized hand on my shoulder. I looked at him, "Yes?"
"What did you mean by that?" I smirked when he asked that. "That's for me to know and you to find out." I shook his hand off and started walking home.
I sighed and looked up at the sky. How could something so ominous be so beautiful still? I started thinking of my life.. before the war..
I smiled and looked at my mother and Anthony, "Guys you didn't have to do this." It was my birthday but I treat it as a normal day.
"Well I know that you didnt want a party so you can think of it as a little family get together" my mom replied. "Plus I'll be damned if we went through all this trouble without you having a hangover tomorrow" Anthony added in. I laughed a bit. He knows I only drink on special occasions.
Suddenly my moms eyes widened as Mango and Felix jumped on the table, "Mom what's wrong?" I asked while petting Felix.
"I forgot to get them food! I'll be right back. I'm sorry honey." My mom hugged me before walking out.
Thats the last we ever saw of her alive.. We never knew what happened exactly but the police had suspected a notorious gang leader, Eddie Winter. It didn't matter though. It was only a month before the bombs fell.
-End of flashback-
I sighed and took off my beanie and let my ears breathe a bit before pulling my black hair in a ponytail. "Forever 25. Yippee.." I muttered.
Suddenly I felt a grip on my arm, "Ma'am you're coming back with me."

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