Chapter Seven

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Danse's eyes widen a bit, "Wait why was there a Courser after you?" He looked at me. I got scared but I hid it, "They've been trying to kidnap me and my family for years. We're not the normal type." Well it was technically the truth.
Maxson glared at me a bit, "'Normal'?"
Danse looked back at him, "Yea that's kinda the thing.. She a-"
"Mutant" I said, cutting him off and took off my beanie while unwrapping my tail.
"When the bombs fell, me and my brother had gotten mutated with our cats. I can hear from miles away and the mutation had made my agility impeccable. My intelligence helps my agility as well. I can calculate mine, my partners, and the enemies moves before I make my own."
By the time I finished talking they were both looking at me in shock. I looked at them blankly, "What?"
Maxson coughed awkwardly before looking back at Danse, "I will grant her the rank of Knight" he then looked at me, "You will get your own suit of Power Armor and a bed on the main deck." I smiled, "Keep the Armor. It only slows me down."
"Well okay then. Go around and get used to the Prydwen. Ad Victoriam, Knight." he replied as he saluted me. I nodded and saluted back. I left and climbed up the ladder to the main deck with Danse following me, "Meet me in the cafeteria when you get yourself familiarized." I nodded and started walking around. I could feel eyes on me, I couldn't blame them. I hugged my tail and flattened my ears as I started feeling a bit nervous, hoping no one would pull a gun on me.
As I walked up a flight of stairs I could see a room with a bunch of beds and containers. It was a little bit before someone noticed me, "Ah you must be Annette. He said youd be different but I didn't know he meant mutant." I sighed a bit relieved that hes announced to everyone already but also a bit annoyed. Yes I'm a mutant but I never really liked the term.
"Your bed is that way." Said the girl as she pointed towards three beds. I nodded and went over. I looked in my container and saw an orange jumpsuit, a box of caps and about five stimpacks. I took the caps and counted 50 in there. I smiled before I headed to the cafeteria and paid for two Mirelurk on a stick.
I looked around while eating it and spotted the Paladin talking to some girl. I walked up behind him quietly and kept eating the Mirelurk. The girl noticed me but went back to talking to him about some mission. When she noticed I wasn't gonna move she stopped the conversation, "Um Paladin Danse? I think she needs to talk to you" she then pointed at me, "She's been standing there for five minutes."
Danse looked at me and I smiled innocently. I then looked at the girl and introduced myself, "Hello ma'am. Im Anne-"
"Knight Annette." I heard Danse cut me off. The girl smiled and shook my hand, "Scribe Haylen."
"So what was the mission, if i may ask." I looked at Danse as he started speaking, "We have to go clear out Fort Strong and it's armory. There's some Fat Man shells and we don't want the super mutants to get to them first." I nodded before he continued, "This'll be your first mission. So buy some extra ammo before we leave. There should be come caps in the container near your bed." My ears flattened when he said that, "I may have used that to buy food.." He sighed in annoyance, "I'm sorry it's been a week since I last ate! I still get hungry ya know.."
"Ill buy her some" I heard Haylen say. I looked at her as she grabbed my arm and showed me to their store. I smiled as she gave me the fusion cells, "Thank you so much. Ill pay you back when I get home I promise." She said that it was no problem and I headed back to Danse, "Are you ready to start our mission, soldier?" I nodded and followed him as we went to the vertibird and left the Prydwen.
I got dropped off behind one of the crashed buildings and was ordered to wait till the Behemoth was down before sneaking to the armory. As I saw the giant mutant drop I started sneaking around, trying not to get hit in the crossfire.
"BEG. BEG FOR YOUR WORTHLESS LIFE" I looked up as a super mutant with a spiked board ran towards me. I waited till it was close enough to take a swing at me before running behind it and used my katana to decapitate it. I looked around and luckily the others were too involved with the Power Armor buddies to have noticed me.
I went around the armory trying to look for a weak spot. I saw a broken window on the first floor and I quickly climbed in it. I quickly hid behind a desk and looked from around the corner. There was one walking back and forth. I quickly got my katana out and moved to the wall near the doorway and waited until I saw it walk in through the doorway. I quickly stabbed its back as it screamed. "Shit shit shit" I muttered as I realized my katana was stuck. It turned and started shooting at me as I quickly zigzaged around the bullets and got my rifle out. As I started shooting at it I felt a sharp pain in my thigh but ignored it as it finally fell dead. I struggled to get my katana but when I did I went around and killed the rest as I ended up in the lobby. Suddenly the doors busted open and I quickly aimed at the doors before I realized it was some of the Brotherhood. Some in Power Armor and some not. The ones that weren't in Power Armor I could see had shocked faces.
I awkwardly coughed before saying, "I'm pretty sure their all dead. I apologize if I missed any."
They seemed to snap out of it as they went in quickly and I left the building. I sighed and pulled my hair up in a ponytail as I heard A certain Paladin speak, "Good job, soldi-" I looked at him confused as he was looked at my leg, a concerned look on his face. "That doesn't hurt?" I looked at my thigh as I noticed quite a bit of blood, "I didn't even feel it.. It must've been the adrenaline." I looked back at him. He said nothing in reply but instead pulled out a cylinder device and threw it as a bunch of red smoke came out of it. I limped over to him and my ears flattened. The adrenaline was wearing off and it started becoming extremely painful. I yelped in surprise as I was suddenly picked up and placed in a vertibird. "This should help the pain a bit" Danse said before he injected me with a stimpack. I quickly bit my lip and tensed up. I held on tightly to the side as Danse finished and jumped into the other side of the vertibird. By the time we were back at the Prydwen, I started feeling dizzy from the blood loss and sudden loss of adrenaline. When I got off the vertibird I instantly fell down. I felt myself being picked up and carried before i blacked out.

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