Chapter Sixteen

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I felt sick. I wanted to puke. "Okay now that everyone is here we can talk about phase 3." I sighed softly. Was this radiation sickness? No this is nothing compared. I was in and out as Father talked, "Annette are you feeling fine?" I looked up and everyone was looking at me. I nodded, "Yes sir. Just feeling a little under the weather, that's all." He nodded, "Well listen. As you all know we have to use a lot of power..." I faded out again. He was talking about a reactor core or something. When he was done I quickly teleported back to the airport. I couldn't hold it in anymore and threw up. "Knight Annette are you okay?!" I felt my hair being pulled back as an oversized hand rubbed my back. I sighed and nodded, "I was nauseous all damn day. I actually feel a lot better." I looked at Proctor Ingram, "Let me guess. New mission?" She laughed and nodded, "Yea. Liberty Prime needs a special kind of bombs. Mark 24s. But the only place that has them is in the Glowing Sea," I instantly groaned, "Yea I know. Youll have to wear your Power Armor for this. There's a vertibird waiting for you." I nodded and flew up to the Prydwen.
I went the normal route to the Power Armor stations and got in mine. "Are you ready to continue our mission?" I looked at Danse and nodded.
-3 hours later-
I sighed as we finally reached our destination. My ears perked up as my tail poofed, "Ghouls. Lots of them." Danse nodded as we walked in. I had a minigun but I still preferred to use a laser rifle. As we went down the ghouls got more and more tough. I sighed and looked at a stack of bombs, "Are those it?"
Danse shook his head and I groaned. As we went through the tunnels, I kept getting a dreadful feeling. "Paladin Danse? Something doesn't feel right.. It's too qui-" I stopped myself as my ears perked up. "Someones here. It sounds like.. theyre... praying?"
He looked at me, "It may be one of the Children of Atom. It would make sense as to why they're here." I nodded and followed the praying. It led us to a large room with a huge door and a small one. We went through the small one before we were stopped, "HALT! You walk on Atom's ground now. What brings you here?" He was right. Danse was fixing to say something before I intervened, "We came here for the Mark 42s."
"HA! No outsider is allowed in here. Now leave before you feel Atom's Wrath." He replied and motioned to an assultron.
I quickly thought of the island north of here, "Oh but I am part of The Children of Atom! I joined at Far Harbor, it's just north of the Commonwealth." He seemed to believe it and let us through. Danse took off his helmet, "Great job, soldier. You should head back to the Prydwen. I'll stay here till the vertibird comes." I nodded and took off my helmet as well, "Okay Paladin Danse." I kissed him quickly before putting my helmet back on and walking out. As I called the elevator down I got distracted. Why do I still have a bad feeling? Suddenly I was tackled by a Glowing One. I screamed before kicking it off me and shot at it with the minigun. I sighed and got on the elevator.
-1 Hour Later-
I arrived back at the Prydwen and went straight to the Power Armor stations. As I got out a nervous Ingram came to me, "Uh Knight Annette? Elder Maxson needs to speak with you immediately." I got confused but nodded. I went into the "conference" room and saw him there, "Elder? You needed to see me sir?"
He glared at me, "You have betrayed the Brotherhood. You and Paladin Danse." My eyes widened, "Sir what on earth are you talking about? We haven't done anything wrong!" I got scared. Did he find out about the affair? No.. That's against the rules but not betrayal.
"You expect me to believe that after all the time you spent with him, he never told you he was a synth?!" I was shocked. He.. My Danse... He was a synthetic...? "Sir you've got to believe me, I never knew!"
Elder Maxson softened his look, "Maybe I underestimated you. My apologies. But that doesn't excuse you from your duties. I need you to find Danse and execute him." I teared up but tried to hide it, "Sir I'm sure there's got to be another way!"
"NO! Danse is a machine. Science that has gone too far! Now I understand that he was your sponsor, but this has got to be done." My ears flattened and I nodded. "Good. Talk to Proctor Quinlin. Dismissed." I left and slowly walked to his office. He was a synth... How...? No no, this has got to be a mistake... It just has to be.. I had walked into his office, "Ah Knight Annette. Sorry about this... Business with Danse." I shrugged. I didn't want to talk about it. Suddenly Haylen busted in, "What's this crap with Danse being a Synth?! You seriously aren't gonna kill him are you?" She looked at me. I looked down and sighed,"... I'm just doing what I'm told Haylen..." She looked at me shocked, "SERIOUSLY?! AFTER ALL HE'S DONE FOR YOU YOURE JUST GONNA TURN YOUR BACK ON HIM NOW-"
"SCRIBE HAYLEN! You will speak to your Knight with kindness!" I heard her sigh. I knew she was still pissed but I couldn't help it. "Now if you have information about Danse's whereabouts then tell us. Or do we have to wait till you decide to grace us with your knowledge?" She glared at him, "I do. I'd like to speak to Knight Annette alone about it." He nodded and waved us off. I followed her downstairs, "You're not gonna ac-"
I cut her off, "No. I'm not gonna kill him. Believe that's the last thing I wanna do..." She looked at me with suspicion. "There's something else between you two isn't there?" I blushed and smiled sheepishly, "Is it obvious..?"
She chuckled before telling me about Post Bravo. I thanked her and headed off.

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