Chapter Tweleve

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My ears flicked as I looked around. I was with Paladin Danse and, unfortunately, Knight Rhys. Both in their Power Armor while I went bare. We were looking through some hospitals for something for the relay. I instantly stopped as my ears perked up. I motioned for the two to stop as well. Thats when I heard clear groaning. Like really close. I instantly got my katana out and snuck up to the door.
As it opened up a swarm of ghouls came running in. I started swinging at them and dodged the red lasers. My ears perked up before I noticed that Rhys was kneeling in pain. I glanced at Danse and he was too busy fighting his own swarm.
As I finished up my swarm I ran to the Knight and got a stimpack from my bookbag and quickly took off his helmet, injecting it into his neck. I quickly gave him his helmet back as I went to help Danse. When all the ghouls were dead, the two were out of breath. I looked at them blankly, "How are you not out of breath?! You were basically doing gymnastics!" I looked at Rhys blankly, "When have you ever seen a cat panting? It's rare. Besides, that was nothing." That was all I said before walking in the next room. We all split up and looked through desks, trunks, and all types of containers. I went into an office and was a skeleton with a familiar blue jumpsuit. My ears perked up, "An escape dweller?" I looks at its arm as my eyes widened, "OH SHIT NO WAY!" I quickly grabbed the pipboy and dusted it off. I got giddy as I wrapped it around my arm and turned it on. "Adam is gonna be so fucking jealous" I mumbled to myself.
"Did you find it?" I jumped a bit as my tail puffed up. I looked at Rhys. "No but look what i did find!" I showed him the pipboy.
"Stop acting like a 5 year old and find the scanner." He said as he walked away. My ears flattened, "Killjoy."
Eventually I was called to the main office. I walked down there and Danse handed me the Biometric Scanner. I put it in my backpack as I heard him, "Wait when did you get a pipboy?" My tail started flicking as i got excited, "I found it while looking upstairs. It was on an escaped Vault dweller."
He nodded as I put the backpack on.
When we got back to the airport I gave the Scanner to Ingram. She smiled and took it, "Great job Knight. I'll take care of this. In the meantime Elder Maxson needs to see you when you have the time. Ad Victoram." I nodded and saluted her before getting a flight to the Prydwen. Ingram heard about my little problem with getting in the vertibird and was nice enough to make me a little step stool. I hopped off as we landed and walked straight to Elder Maxson, "You needed to see me sir?"
"Yes. Paladin Danse told me you found a pipboy is that right?" He asked as he looked at me. I nodded as I showed it to him, "Yes sir. Why do you ask?"
"Is there anyway you can install a relay chip in it?"
I honestly hadn't thought of that, "Uh.. I really don't know. I'll check it out when I get a chance."
He  nodded, "Well, if you can I want you to install a chip on there incase the pad breaks. Dismissed." I nodded but inside I was exhausted. I had to decode yet another Courser Chip.
-The Next Day-
I was called to the airport and to bring Adam with me. They thought that in case I get attacked I should have someone else to battle with. I was able to install a chip in my pipboy so he would be able to use the relay. When we got there, I saw Ingram and Elder Maxson near the teleporter.
"Knight Annette, may I have a word with you?" I looked over at a worried looking Paladin Danse. I motioned for Adam to go on as I went towards him, "Yes Paladin Danse? Is something wrong?"
He sighed, "Are you sure this is gonna work?"
I looked up at him. "I honestly don't know Paladin. If my calculations are correct then we should be fine."
He seemed to be disappointed with that. What's wrong with him?
He looked me in the eyes, "Just please be safe."
I was taken by surprise. He's never been like this before. "Ill try." I replied. Before I turned around I suddenly felt something on my cheek before i was him walk away quickly and a bit tensely. Then I realized, he just kissed my cheek. I attempted to hide the dark blush as I walked over to the relay. I saw Adam on it and Ingram hand him a holotape.
"Knight Annette I have a mission for you when you get in there."
I looked at Elder Maxson, "What's the mission sir?"
He stood up straight, "I like your eagerness. Anywho about a decade ago one of our best scientists, Dr. Li, left the Brotherhood. She was working on one of our most important weapons. I believe she came to the Commonwealth to try to get in touch with the Institute. I need you attempt to convince to come back with the Brotherhood."
I nodded and saluted him, "I'll try my best. Ad Victoriam."
As I selected the relay button I saw Danse at the entrance. I smiled comfortingly and did a small salute towards him before all I saw was blue.

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