Chapter Eighteen

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Anthony's POV
It's been about a month since we last saw Annie. We were worried sick. Usually she'd visit us when she stayed at the Prydwen for an extended period of time but this time...
I sighed as I looked through her room, looking for anything that could help me find her. My ears perked up as I heard a knock on the door. "Oh Hello Paladin." I quickly went downstairs and saw Danse at the door as Elizabeth stepped back, "Come in!" He nodded silently and walked in, sitting on the couch. "Paladin Danse, Any chance Annette is at the airport? We haven't seen her in a month and we're all kinda worried.." he looked at me in shock, "I was actually coming to see if she was here. Anywho I wouldn't know. She.. She did come home from her mission right?" I shook my head and he sighed, "I.. I got banished from the Brotherhood. They.. I found out that I was a synth. Last time I saw her, she was heading back to the Prydwen. You might wanna ask around there; Elder Maxson was pretty pissed at her for blackmailing him."
Elizabeth spoke up this time, "Blackmailing him with what?" He looked at us confused, "I thought she would've told you. Apparently Elder Maxson had attempted to rape her." I got pissed. How dare that bastard lay a hand on my little sister. I grabbed a gun and stormed out as my tail puffed up.
"WAIT DAD WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Elizabeth caught up with me, "I'm gonna talk to this "Elder" Maxson scum. Then I'll decide if I want to kill him or not." Her eyes instantly had fear in them and she stopped me, "Dad calm down and think about what you are doing! You're storming into a base that has people with very large, very powerful weapons. How do you think they're gonna feel if you kill their leader? Yes I know you want to kill him, believe me, I want to too, but you have to calm down and think about your family! Do you really want aunt Annie to come home and find out that you're actually dead this time?" I sighed and looked at her. I could see she was hiding her anger. Only I couldn't do that. That's why I had Bella. She kept me sane.
"Okay. I won't kill him," I saw her get instantly relieved, "But I do still need to ask him about Annette. And I need you with me. Lord knows I cant keep my sanity if I see him alone." She nodded and we headed on our way to the Prydwen.
-1 Hour Later-
As I helped Izzy off the vertibird, I heard a voice behind me, "Sir you can't be here." I looked at a guy in Power Armor, "Too bad. I need to speak with Elder Maxson. About my sister." The guy hesitated before nodding and leading us to him. I growled and balled up my fists at the sight of him. "Dad. Calm down. Just ask about Annie and we can go." I heard Elizabeth whisper and she rubbed my shoulder softly. I sighed and attempted to calm down, "I need to speak with you. About Annette." The man looked at us and replied, "Tell her she is banished. She ran away a month ago with that.. thing." I glared at him, "Actually no. She didn't. He came over earlier asking about her whereabouts. So I'm guess shes not here either. She didn't run away. She's missing." Maxson softened his look before Elizabeth spoke, "Wait... wasn't she working with the Institute? What if they found out she had been in the Brotherhood? Maybe they got her.. They're the "boogie man" of the Commonwealth after all." We both snapped our heads at her. She has to be. That's the only place we haven't checked. I sighed and looked at Maxson, "I want to work with the Brotherhood Of Steel. Only until we get my sister back."

Annette's POV
I whimpered as I was strapped to a table. I was afraid. They found out. I looked at my arm, what used to be my arm. They tortured me... Tried to find out about the Brotherhood. I told them a lie and thank god they believed it.
I knew Father was bad. I never knew hed go this far. I looked at my metal hand and moved it around a bit. This is it. I started to cry. Has anyone even noticed? My ears perked up as I heard the door slide open and a female synth came in, "Ma'am I'm sorry to say but Father has decided to install a component." My eyes widened and I started shaking. She put a mask over my face and I slowly fell asleep.

No ones POV
As F7 was getting ready to install the component, she had a nagging feeling. She sighed and put down the scalpel. "What am I doing wrong?" She decided to check Annette for anything that could prevent her from doing her orders. She lifted Annes shirt and noticed something. "Oh dear..." F7 quickly returned to Shaun, "Father, I apologize. I am not able to install the component." He glared at the female synth, "And why not?" She sighed and looked up at him.
"She's pregnant, sir."

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