Chapter Ten

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"Wait wait wait- So it was an accident?"
I groaned and covered my face, blushing quite a bit, "Yes Bella. I went to kiss his cheek but.. yea.."
She got giddy, like a teenage girl, "So what did he do?"
I blushed deeper and pulled my knees to my chest, placing my hands on them, "He kissed back... I think... I don't know it happened really quick."
It's been a few days since the incident and Danse has been avoiding me as much as he can. I'm pretty sure he resents me now..
My ears flatten a bit at the thought. "Did you feel anything?" I looked at Bella, "Huh? What do you mean?"
"Like did you like it? Or feel sparks as most would say."
"Well-" I was fixing to reply before a knock on the door interrupted me. I walked over and opened it to see Knight Rhys, "Elder Maxson wants to see you," He looked over my shoulder at Bella, "All of you."
I got confused, "What? Why them?"
He glared at me deeply, "Dont act stupid. He knows about your past with the Institute." My eyes widened and ears flattened. He betrayed me. He told.. I started tearing up as my voice cracked a bit, "B-Bella.. Get I-Izzy and Adam.."
I looked at her and she nodded, looking scared to death. As i walked out, Rhys grabbed my arm roughly, "You're lucky he just doesn't kill you and your family. I always knew there was something wrong with you." I flinched and let the tears roll down.. Was I gonna die?
On the way to the Prydwen, I could hear Elizabeth sobbing. 'It's my fault..' I thought, 'They're all gonna die because of me..' I started cussing myself out under my breath and I felt his hand tighten. I whimpered and lowered my eyes, "C-Could you loosen your grip a little-"
"Fuck no."
When we got on the Prydwen I could see people looking in confusion. Has he not told them? Rhys finally let go of me and walked in front of us, "Guys listen," I started whispering to Bella, Adam, and Izzy, "don't talk unless if he speaks with you directly or unless I motion you to." Bella and Izzy nodded while Adam was glaring at Rhys. I was confused before I looked at my arm and saw a bright red hand mark.
He led us to Elder Maxson before leaving and closing the doors. He was staring at the window a while before speaking, "Are you a synth?"
"W-What..? No I'm-"
"What about her," He turned and pointed at Bella then the twins, "or them?" He glared at me darkly and I got nervous, "T-They're not.. She was a scientist and they weren't even born yet!"
"And how do I know you aren't a spy for them? What reason should I have to let you and your family live?" I instantly got protective and started glaring back at him, "If you kill us, you're losing your only way of getting inside knowledge of the Institute." His eyes widened at that and backed up again. I could see him thinking, "Fine. But if I have even one more reason to expect you're working with them, you and your family are gone. Do you understand?"
I nodded quickly. "Good. Take your family home and come back immediately. Dismissed."
Once we got down to the airport I saw non other than Danse. I started tearing up again and my ears flattened as I walked to him. Suddenly I saw Adam pass me and walked straight to Danse and punch him. I instantly ran over as everyone pointed their guns at Adam. Bella and Izzy ran over and held him back as his tail puffed up and he started yelling at Danse, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! SHE FUCKING TRUSTED YOU AND YOU BETRAYED HER. NEARLY GOT US ALL KILLED!" "ADAM LEE EVERETT CALM THE FUCK DOWN AND GO HOME. NOW." Adam looked at me in surprise. Everyone did. I never really yelled or cussed. I cleared my throat and walked to Adam, "Take Bella and your sister and go home. Now." I whispered to him. He growled before storming away, Bella and Izzy quickly following him.
"Your nephew is weirdly strong." I looked at Danse and my ears flattened. "I need to talk to you. Alone. Now." I said as I grabbed his arm and dragged him far enough to be out of ear reach of the airport. He looked at the mark on my arm and his eyes widened, "What happened?"
"Don't act like you care now. You avoided me for days then you tell Elder Maxson that I used to be associated with the Institute?" I started crying a bit, "I TRUSTED YOU WITH THAT. HE NEARLY KILLED ME AND MY FAMILY. DO YOU KNOW HOW TRAUMATIC THAT WAS FOR BELLA AND ELIZABETH?! THEY ARENT USED TO THAT!"
He looked at me, both surprised and concerned, "I didn't tell him. I was gonna wait and have you with me so you could explain. I avoided you because it was a bit awkward for me after what happened that night."
I instantly shrunk down a bit, "T-Then who told him.. I know Scribe Haylen couldn't hear us from there.."
"It had to be the person checking the perimeter that night." I nodded in agreement and looked up at him, "Sorry for yelling at you.. and about how Adam handled this.."
"Apology accepted. Now can you tell me why there a bruise on your arm? I know it's not from a battle." He looked at my arm and I sighed, "Elder Maxson sent Knight Rhys to retrieve me and he refused to let go of me until we were on the Prydwen.."
I saw a quick flash of anger in his eyes before looking back at me. "What were your orders from Maxson?"
"He told me to take my family home and report back immediately. Why?"
He looked me in the eye, "I'm coming with you. More than likely Rhys is gonna be there and I don't want him to hurt you any worse." I nodded a bit surprised.
When we got back on the Prydwen, Danse walked closely behind me. I walked in where Maxson usuall is but I find a note instead. "Meet me in my quarters on the Main Deck" I read aloud, "Okay not creepy at all.." I chuckled at my little joke while Danse stared at me seriously. I cleared my throat and muttered a sorry before walking to the ladder. When I got up the ladder I looked at the three doors, "Uh.. Do you know which one he's talking about?" I asked as Danse came up. He led me to the door behind the ladder. I walked in with Danse close behind as he closed the door. Knight Rhys  was there beside Elder Maxson. "Why is Paladin Danse here?" I looked at Danse and he was glaring at Rhys he answered, "If I'm her sponsor, then I would like to know what's going on and the outcome."
Elder Maxson agreed with Danse, "Yes and I trust she has told you the situation?" I instantly hugged my stomach as my ears flattened, "Yes she has."
Maxson nodded as he sat on a couch and motioned for me to sit on the other side, "This will be recorded." I nodded and sat on the other couch.
Maxson placed a recorder on the table in front of him and pressed play, "Okay. So tell me, how do you get into the Institute?"
I shifted a bit, "W-Well they use something called a Relay. Or teleportation. The only ones who can get in and out are Coursers. Kill one, get it's chip, decode it, and you have a way in."
"And do you know how to decode one?"
I nodded, "Yes. I have a ton at home from the Coursers they sent after me and my family."
He nodded, "In that case you are free to leave. I want the chip decoded and given to Proctor Ingram when youre finished. Dismissed." I nodded and left with Danse. Halfway down the hallway, I yelped in pain and I was pulled back by my tail and lifted in the air by the neck of my jumpsuit, "You may have fooled Danse, hell even Elder Maxson, but I know you're working with the Institute. And I will find proof and have you and your "family" terminated." I instantly glared at Rhys when he said that. "Let me the fuck go and never touch my family or so god help me you will be lunch for the Mirelurk." I replied darkly. He threw me down and went off to god knows where. I got up and looked behind me as I noticed Paladin Danse was already gone. I sighed and dusted myself off before leaving.

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