Chapter Eleven

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I groaned as I attempted to crack the code. Ever since the whole incident, Adam has been more protective, especially since I came home with a fairly dark bruise from Rhys.
"uggHHH" I sighed in frustration as I threw another chip in the scraps bin. I've been up for days trying to crack at least one of them.
"Aunt Annie you need sleep.." I looked behind me and saw Izzy, "I'm fine sweetie. I'm just a little frustrated."
I saw her glare slightly at me, "I'm not stupid. The Brotherhood are working you too hard. Yes you're a mutant but you're still part human and need basic needs."
I sighed. She was right. "Fine. Wake me up in an hour." I got up as she smiled victoriously and nodded before leaving. I got on my bed and fell asleep quickly.

Elizabeth's POV
I walked down stairs and saw mom in the kitchen and Adam on the couch, "She finally go to sleep?" I nodded in reply. Adam's ears perked up as we both looked at the door seconds before a knock came from it. I went to open it and saw the Knight from before and instantly got frustrated, "No no no I just got her to sleep. " I heard the couch rustle as I'm pretty sure Adam just got into protective mode. I heard another footsteps before it was interrupted by the Knight talking, "She doesn't need to be sleeping she needs to be cracki-"
I instantly regretted it as the Knight grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, "Talk to me like that again and it'll be the last words you'll ever say." Adam quickly intervened as he pushed me back and glared darkly at him, "Fucking touch another of my family like that and you're dead. I don't care if the other soldiers come after me. You're the one giving them a bad name." Adam was easily a foot taller and made him look more intimidating. The Knight was fixing to say something else before I saw Danse behind him, "I think you've done enough. Go back to the airport. Now."
Mom came in right as the Knight left, "What on earth is going on?" "It was nothing. Just Knight Douchebag came back." I snickered at Adam's nick name for him.
Mom looked at the door, "Oh Paladin Danse. I'm sorry but Anne isn't accepting visitors right now-"
"I actually came for you three. I wanted to know how she's doing. I knew that she'd lie," I got up and walked behind Adam, "And I apologize on Knight Rhys behalf. I will be sure to report his behavior."
I nodded, "Well she's been extremely stressed. Decoding one of those demons is like fighting a Deathclaw with nothing but a combat knife. Its not easy at all."
"Certainly harder than making it. I used to work in Robotics and I still don't know how to decode one of them." I heard mom add in.
Danse got a confused look on his face, "Robotics?" Mom looked at him, "I thought Annette told you. There are four sections in the Institute. Robotics, Bioscience, Advanced Systems, and the Synth Retention Bureau. Anne dabbled in a bit of all but the SRB. They were afraid she'd use that to escape."
Suddenly we heard a loud scream. We all ran upstairs and saw Annette attempting to fight off a Courser. But this one was different. He looked like a male version of Annie...
We all started shooting at the Courser and it eventually dropped dead. I saw Anne instantly drop next to the Courser and search his hair.

Regular POV
I started panicking. I pushed up the hair on the back of his neck. My ears flattened as I saw nothing. "He almost lured me back.. IT almost lured me back.."
I looked at Bella and she knew exactly what I was thinking, "They're making Coursers from Anthony's DNA.. But they can't do that! There's no way unless.."
I started tearing up in fear and joy, "Anthony's alive."
I had mixed feelings. I was happy that my brother is alive. Scared of what they may be doing to him and angry that they would make synths from him. But it only motivated me more to get into the Institute.
-The Next Day-
I walked to Elder Maxson with the holotape with the Courser Code on it. "Knight Annette I thought I told you to give that to Proctor Ingram." I nodded, "You did sir. But I want something out of this."
He raised an eyebrow and motioned for me to go on, "Well yesterday I was attacked by a Courser. But the thing is.. This Courser. It looked exactly like my brother. They're using his DNA. Theres no way that's possible unless if he's alive. So when we get into the Institute I want to help my brother escape." He sighed and I could see that he was thinking.
I heard him mutter before looking at me, "Fine. You have a deal." I smiled victoriously before saluting him and running off to find Ingram.

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