*Chapter 13: Hide and seek*

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7th of June 1779


After a long painfully state of me sitting under a pile of children, John and Philip finally helped me get up. Philip reached his hand toward my shoulder to get so dirt off, but I smacked his hand away. "Don't touch me," I sneered.

"What happened?" Philip asked with a big grin. "I-I erm..." My face slowly heated up making Philip laugh. "Now you sparked my interest as well," John said with a smirk. "..." I felt out of breath and it wasn't because I had been squashed underneath nine children about a minute ago.

"Fine, I get it. You don't want to tell us. I respect that," Philip shrugged making me sigh in relief. "I'll just ask my brother," He said and walked toward the children. 

Oh no

"Hey James, can you tell me why all of you were on top of Y/N?" Philip asked after couching down next to his little brother. I sprinted toward the two and pushed Philip aside, making him land on his butt. "Let's play hide and seek! Philip and John are the seekers and we'll hide!" I told James who grinned widely.

A few seconds later all the kids began running in different directions to hide from the seekers. "But-" Philip protested. "No buts! Close your eyes!" I smiled and ran away. "Fine," John sighed and sat down next to Philip. "Close your eyes, ya door," He said making Philip groan. "Count to 100," Y/N said before running off.

John's P.O.V

"45,46,47,48,..." I counted and sighed. "She's smart though. 51, 52," I said. Philip audibly chuckled. "When I find her she's going to wish that she wasn't," He said. "What'd you mean when you find her?" I asked and opened my eyes. "I mean that I am going to find her first," Philip answered with gritted teeth. "Really now, whore son? 68, 69," I asked and closed my eyes again. "How dare you insult my mother like that?!" Philip yelled. "I was talking about your father, dumba$$," I mumbled and opened my eyes to glare at him.

"You know what? I'll prove you wrong," He said with full confidence. "How? 81, 82, 83," I asked with a smirk. "By not following the rules," He chuckled, stood up and ran off. "PHILIP YOU CHEATING BASTARD!" I yelled and scurried off as well. 


I pulled William up to hide in a tree with me. He was hopelessly walking around so I put him on my shoulders and ran toward some trees in the distance. We were secure at the top and nobody was ever going to find us. At least, that's what I told myself. "Is brother evil?" He asked me. I aggressively nodded. 

"He and his friend are pure evil. If they catch us, they'll turn us into frogs!" I said. "I like frogs," William smiled. "Did I say frogs? I meant spiders!" I said and did spooky gestures with my hands. That seemed to scare him a bit. "So let's stay hidden and not make any noise when we see them," I said and he totally agreed.

We sat in silence for the next 15 minutes before we heard this: "Look, Philip, I am sure that a toddler can't hide that well. He's probably with Y/N," We looked down and saw that Philip was leaning against the tree where we were hiding with John approaching him. "We found everyone but not them,"

William shuffled a bit to the right making a tiny branch fall off and hit Philip right on the head. "Aw shi-" I bit on my tongue and tightly held William. "AUWCH! What the hell was that?" Philip asked and rubbed his head. "That was fate telling you your luck is over," John said and bent over to grab the branch. "Or this branch..." He smirked.

"How'd that fall down?" Philip asked and snatched the branch from John. "Beats me, that branch doesn't look dead at all," John said with a frown. 

They looked up at the same time.

"Uh-oh," I said. Suddenly both of them began to climb the tree. I was freaking out. I looked at William and he wasn't doing any better. "I DON'T WANNA BE A SPIDER!" He shrieked. "ME NEITHER, AMIGO!" I screamed and hugged him. Just as I did, he was snatched by the collar and pulled downwards. "MI AMIGO!" I yelled, reaching out for William as he screamed and fell into the arms of Philip. "Gotcha," Philip smiled and his brother began to squirm and scream.

As I tried to back up, an arm snaked around my waist and pushed me forward. As I almost fell off the tree, I was pulled back. "NO! Let me go!" I yelled with a smile. I heard John chuckle behind me. He slowly let go off me and smiled as I turned to look at him. "Fancy seeing you here," He smiled. "Ha Ha Ha," I sarcastically said.

He gave me this smile and he came closer. "Hey John," I quietly said, feeling a bit flustered. "JOHN! Get your butt down here!" Philip shouted, not being able to see me or John come down. "Just a second," He semi-yelled before pressing his lips on mine.

Some kind of fireworks were going off but I was too shocked to do anything. After a few seconds of me doing nothing more than staring at him, he sighed with an awkward smile and helped me get off the tree. "Christ, what took you so long?" Philip huffed, as William sat on his shoulders.

"Her dress was stuck," John lied with a smile. We all walked back toward the house where we saw Eliza and all of the other kids. "Y/N! You look so much better than an hour ago!" She commented. "I feel better than an hour ago," I smiled. "Happy to hear that," She said.

"Elizaaaaaaa!" We heard an annoying voice scream from inside. "Yes, darling?" Eliza yelled back. "There are children in my study!" The voice yelled again. "Let them have a look around, Alexander!" Eliza laughed. "They can look around but not here-LET GO OFF MY QUILLS, YOU BRAT!" 

We heard a much quieter voice exclaim: "Mais mon ami! Ils sont des enfants! Laissez-les s'amuser!" 

"S'amuser my butt, Lafayette," 

"Alexander Hamilton!" Eliza shouted.

As we all laughed and went back inside, I couldn't help but go into deep thought.

Does John like me?

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