*Chapter 14: Till we meet again, tomorrow*

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7th of June 1779

Y/N's P.O.V

After that little game, we all went inside and the kids went upstairs for a little sleepover. The rest of the adults and I went to the living room. Angelica said she'd be upstairs if anybody needed her. She claimed to be sick. 

I found that so weird because she was fine just before she went to talk with Alex. Then she came back and said she felt sick. I shook my head. 'Not my business' I thought and slowly started looking at Alex. 'I should talk to him about it though' I thought as I looked at the clock.

6:30 pm

It'd take me about 10 minutes to get back to the camp and I had to be there at 7 pm. If I was ever going to talk to him, it was going to be now or never. "Alex," I called as everyone sat down in the living room. He turned around. "Could you bring me back home? I don't want to bother the rest," I said. Slowly, he grinned and nodded. "Of course," 

"Eliza," I said and walked toward her. "Thank you so much for your hospitality. I have to go back home now," I smiled. "It was very nice meeting you, dear. You're always welcome," She smiled back and pinched my cheek. 

Alex and I headed outside and walked toward the town. He tried to call a carriage over but I stopped him. "Alex," He looked at me. "What is it?" He asked calmly. "I don't remember much, frankly but when you and Angelica went to talk in the kitchen... What'd you say to her?" I asked. He remained very calm. "I didn't say anything. She just got mad at me for giving you that shot," 

"But she seemed really upset and I think-" "Don't worry about it," He said and grabbed both of my hands. His stare instantly felt less and less comfortable. "But I should though! She seemed fine before she talked with you," I said a bit upset. "You were drunk. Maybe you just didn't notice how pale she looked before she headed in the kitchen with me," He denied. Jitters went down my spine as his cold hand was pressed against my warm forehead. 

"That's another thing. What was in that shot you gave me?" I asked, squirming backward. "How should I know? Someone else ordered it," The amount of calmness waved off of him and disturbed me even more. Was I just going crazy?  "Y/N, maybe you should get some rest," Alex advised me. "I-... You-..." I stumbled over my words, not knowing what to say. 

 Before I knew it, he had pulled me in and had put his lips on mine. A quick peck on the lips, it was only for a second but it was enough for me to tense up all the way. "I'm sure you'll find your way back home," He said and walked away. 

I'm pretty sure I stood there for a while even after he left. At some point, I started walking toward the city. Numerous catcalls were being said, numerous women were gossiping about me and my safety. They fell into my ears but they immediately fell back out. My mind was occupied at the moment. 

Lee was sitting on a bench near the place where we had agreed to meet back up. He was silently reading a book, looking very calm. But a different kind of calm than Alex was. He noticed me walk toward him. "Oh, hey. How has your da-What happened?!" He almost yelled as he saw me up close. "W-What?" I asked as he stood up. "Why're you crying?" I touched my cheek and felt some tears. 

"Please don't cry. I don't know how to handle that kind of stress!" Lee said, nervously twitching his hands. "I can't help you with your emotions, I'm a selfish bastard!" He whined. I took a deep breath. "Sorry. I didn't think that I was really crying. I'm fine," I said which made Lee sigh in relief. "Let's just go back to camp and get a drink," He sighed and began walking. "I'd rather not drink," I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. "Jesus, what'd you do?" He chuckled. His demeanor put me at ease, making me smile. 

"Trust me. You don't wanna know," 

We arrived and I got back into uniform and brushed my hair in front of my eyes before putting on my hat. I had to be very careful from now on. As I left my tent, Olivier immediately came up to me. "Hey, Robin," He greeted. "Hey, Olivier," I smiled. "You remember my name?" He asked. "You helped me when I was about to fall off that cliff," I said making him sheepishly smile. "That's how you remembered my name?" He asked. "And you're the only ginger here, my dude," I said and patted him on the back making his cheeks heat up.

"The general wants to speak with you," Olivier said with a smile. "Why?" I asked. "I don't know. He didn't tell me." He shrugged. "Well. I think I'm in trouble," I sighed making him chuckle as we walked toward the general's tent. 

"Good luck," He said before walking away and leaving me alone at the front of the tent. "Damn, breathe, Y/N," I whispered before heading in. "He'll probably very calmly tell you what you did wrong and-"

"WHY ARE THEY NOT ARRIVING?!" Washington shouted as he looked at his papers. I think I have never been this scared of a person before and I'm saying that after Alex just assaulted me. I coughed to get his attention. 

"Scalewinds, glad you came. We didn't see you today so I guess you went to the city?" He asked. Was this a trick question. He clearly didn't seem happy two seconds ago. "I actually went to the library and-" "Let's cut the nice sh*t," He told me before I closed my mouth. 

"Yes, sir?" I asked, looking straight ahead, twitching my fingers behind my back. "The cavalry is not coming and we need someone to go to the city and ask the merchants what is taking them so long. We are extremely low on food, Robin, do you know that?" Washington explained. 

"Why me?" I asked. "You, young man, are the only one who will go to town, not trail off to visit someone and waste valuable time," Washington said. "Why? Because you're not from here and you have no one waiting for you to come back," 

Okay, rude but true

"That said, I forbid you to take anybody with you or take any letters from other soldiers with you. Go to town, come back in an hour and don't stay longer than needed," Washington ordered. Behind the nod I gave him, I thought: 'Does this man expect that I'm going to walk through these soldiers without being stopped at least twenty times and be asked to deliver a letter?'

"Go tomorrow at dawn. Dismissed," He said and looked back at his letters. "... Yes, sir," I said and bowed. As I walked out, I let out an audible sigh of frustration. 'Easy mission. So easy it's almost impossible to do.'

Then again, who would know about my order to go to the city? The A.T. was lit up so I decided to get a cup of water and go to bed. As I entered, everyone fell silent. 

"You're going to the city right?"

I bit down on my lip and looked down as everyone collectively walked toward me. "Can you deliver this?" I heard from all directions as letters were being shoved in my direction. "No!" I answered and walked toward John, who I had spotted and was sitting at a table. "Oh, come on, Robin. Not everyone could go home today. Just deliver them after your business and no one will ever know," He said as I sat down. I shot him a glare and noticed the empty glasses of beer. 

"Why the hell are you drunk?" I asked and looked away. "Sometimes, naive Robin-" "I am not naive," I corrected him. "-Girls make you so lovesick that you have to enjoy the feeling a bit longer when they're away," He finished with a smile.

"Aw jeez, don't tell me you met some kind of girl," I huffed. "I did. She was wonderful," He said with that same smile. "And does she appreciate you drinking this much?" I asked and grabbed one of the empty glasses. "She wouldn't mind," He dismissed me.

"Well then maybe you don't know her as well as you think you do," I hissed and slammed the glass back down on the table, making it tip and fall on its side. "Yo, calm down, Scalewinds," John mumbled and sipped at his drink. "I am calm. You're the one drinking your life away," I said with gritted teeth. "I don't like alcohol," I said. "It made me fall off a cliff and then-" I trailed off.

"How about you mind your damn business?" John told me. "It's not because you don't know how to handle alcohol that I can't enjoy it. It's your own fault if something bad happens to you, you clutz," He said and walked away. 

That hit harder than it should have and I was left to deal with those last words alone as everyone around me continued their night. 

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