*Chapter 10: The library*

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I have done a lot of research for this chapter for names, ages and times.
I have changed a little thing, I have made the second son of Hamilton 1 year older than he would have been. I am already history-wise failing with this book.
(because Philip is in the war and he would be nonexistent in 1779)
But I need to alter the history a bit to make it more interesting.

7th of June 1779

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up on the ground. Back bent, neck twisted, eyes pulsing I rose up to sit straight. My pillow was damp and covered in mud just like my blanket and uniform. Why was I here? As I rubbed my head and tried to think through the big migraine, I looked at my tent. Suddenly it all came back to me. 

"HAMILTONS !!!!" I shouted as I stood up and rushed toward the breakfast place. I looked around and suddenly saw both Philip and Alexander peacefully eating their dry bread. "YOU!" I yelled. They both looked up from their plates and looked at me. "I refuse to sleep next to two elephants for the rest of the war! I don't get a lot of sleep and if I do, I wish it to be in peace and quiet." I spat at them. At this point, I had made a scene and everyone turned his head to us...Including the general.

Philip and Alexander looked confused but after a moment of thinking about the night, Alexander handed his plate to his son. "Dad, no," Philip quietly said. "Well, you have nowhere else to go, cry-baby," Alexander said, completely ignoring his son. "Does John put up with this all night?" I asked and poked him in his chest. "Yes and I hated it from the first day..." John hissed and twitched his eye as he bit right into his dry lump of bread. 

"What does he mean, Pa?" Philip asked still holding his father's plate.  "Apparently we snore at night," Alexander told his son. "And Robin couldn't sleep because of us." He added and smirked at me.

I'd had enough.

"You know what?!" I shouted. "What?" Alexander grinned. "I don't know what John will do with you two," I began. "Probably kill myself," John mumbled with a full mouth. "-But I am switching tents!" I shouted at Alexander.

He got down to my level which was a bit embarrassing considering that he was shorter than an average man. "HA! Who is willing to put up with your bull sh*t at this point?" He snatched back at me.

"I will!" A voice called in the back of the crowd. We both turned our heads to the voice. It was Lee. He walked to us and looked into Alexander's eyes, then stood next to me.
"HA! This guy is willing to put up with my bull sh*t!" I shouted back. Alexander looked up at Lee.
"Fine!" He said. "Fine!" I hissed back.

Time skip after the (little) move to Lee's tent.

"That's everything!" I said and looked at the tent.
"It's going to be so much easier to sleep considering that I won't need to check every few seconds to see if anybody is looking at me and realizing: 'Holy sh*t... That dude's got boobs' ". I said with a smile. "No one would stare long enough at your chest to-nevermind," Lee sighed as he saw me slowly narrow my eyes at him. 

"Were you informed about the town trip many soldiers are taking today?" Lee asked as he plopped down on his bed. "No. No, I wasn't," I said surprised. "Well, some of the soldiers are going to town today because of the ambush yesterday. Washington said it was a deserved break." He said. "I would like to go," I said. "Breakfast is over so we can go now." He said and was walking to the tent exit. "Wait! I would like to go as a girl." I said.

"You have the amazing talent to make everything complicated." Lee sighed "And the last time I checked;" he started"; I don't own any dresses." Lee said. "Well, I do! I had it inside a little bag 'just in case' ". I said and pulled out a dress out of the small bag. 

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