*Chapter 32: The second winter ball*

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Come on, Robin. What do you mean you're not coming?" Philip asked me, plopping down on my desk. This was the exact moment I started noticing how often Philip came into my office. It made me nervous. "You heard me," I said, continuously writing and finishing off administration. "Listen," Philip said, putting his hand on my paper.

"Thread lightly, last time Jefferson did that, I screamed his ear off," I reminded him as he slowly lifted his hand off the paper.

"It may just be a ball to you, but it's important to me and my family," He explained. I knew this. Of course, I knew this. But I wasn't going to pull a Robin and Y/N trick again. I was tired and sleep-deprived. Y/N was going and that was that. 

In response, I pointed to the big pile of papers beside me. He grabbed the first document and skimmed it before promptly tossing it behind himself. "HEY!" I yelled, slamming my hands on the desk while Philip grinned at me.

"Look, next year. I'll join you guys next year," I said to which Philip let out a deep sigh. "Fine. But if you break your promise, I'll break your neck," He sighed as he playfully punched my arm. "Yeah, yeah," I said, closing my eyes.

~Back at home~

"Honey?! Are you ready?!" Philip called from outside the bedroom. "Yeah, yeah!" I said, fixing my sleeves. I heard a groan followed by an audible thud against the door. "Tightening a corset by yourself isn't easy, Philip!" I pointed out, a bit aggravated.

There was a small moment of silence. "You know," Philip started. "I could always help you with those kinds of things-" "No, go help Johnny!" I quickly said, heat crawling up my cheeks. With a soft chuckle, he said: "I already did. Come on, honey, it's been a while since I've helped you in and out a corset," He said, tapping on the door.

Shaking my head a bit, I looked in the mirror.

The dress was made by Hercules and let me tell you: That man has some mad skills

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The dress was made by Hercules and let me tell you: That man has some mad skills. I never really liked to wear dresses, but this one made me feel pretty. "Y/N, we're going to be late," Philip reminded me, knocking on the door yet again. Finally, I opened the door and looked at my husband. His eyes softened as his cheeks started to catch flames. "It was worth the wait," He mumbled, hooking his arm into mine. "Oh, shush," I smiled, looking down. We descended the stairs to get our two-year-old from his room.

When we entered the carriage, Philip asked: "Y/N?" I hummed as I pulled Johnny on my lap. "Would you like to stick with me and meet my co-worker?" He asked. "Yeah, we can leave Johnny with Peggy," I agreed. "Good idea," Philip grinned. 

Once we arrived, Philip grabbed Johnny from me. "Just walk around for a while, I'll go bring Johnny to Peggy," He said and kissed my cheek. After he walked out, I decided to do a tour of the place. The Hamiltons had decorated the estate in a way that almost seemed magical. Candles were lit all over the place, flowers and other plants made the room feel cozy, and the floors were as reflective as a peaceful lake at night. 

As I passed by one of the hosts, they offered me a drink. A glass of red wine. Swirling it around a bit, I kept walking until I finally sat down in a vacant dinner room which would later be used for the guests. I hadn't seen Alexander or Eliza yet. 

"You got your life under control, huh?"

I slowly blinked, looking to the side. I didn't have to, I knew who it was. A shade, a ghost I had grown quite familiar with ever since the birth of Johnny. "Are you judging me from the other side?" I asked, taking a sip. 

"I'm saying you're going to slip up one day," John grinned.

"Not going to happen," I said, looking away. "Keep telling yourself that. Maybe it'll actually happen then," He chuckled a bit less lighthearted than I'd like. "Are you even on my side?" I asked him, setting the glass down. "I'm not on anyone's side," He said. "If you mess up, you'll have to figure it out," 

"Yeah yeah, go back to wherever you came from and stay dead," I waved my hand in dismissal. "Maybe you should really imprint my dead face into your memory while you're still alive. Big fat chance you'll see me when you're dead," He said.

"And what do you mean with that?" I asked, looking up at him only to see him grinning widely.

"I'm in heaven," He told me.

"Y/N, there you are!" 

I skipped a heartbeat, turning around, knocking over the wine glass on the white tablecloth. As Philip rushed over to set the glass back upright, I clutched my chest. "Are you okay?!" He asked me. "I-" I started, looking back in the direction of John but he was already gone. "Y/N?" Philip repeated. "Don't scare me like that," I sighed, slowly lowering my hand from my chest to my lap. "Oh, yeah. My bad," He sheepishly said. 

"Don't worry about it," I softly smiled at him while standing up. "I shouldn't be drinking so fast," I said, gathering up the tablecloth. Luckily, they hadn't put the plates on it yet. "I'll personally apologize to Eliza," I sighed, holding the folded-up cloth. Philip threw an arm over my shoulder, putting his hand on the back of my head to push it toward his own. "Don't feel too bad," He said. I felt the warmth of his forehead against mine and felt my cheeks start to sting. 

We started walking back into the main hall. More people had shown up during my talk with...the ghost. That's when we saw Alexander talking with Jefferson. With a sigh, we walked towards them. "Hey pops," Philip said as we approached the pair. Alexander's eyes fixed onto us. He pushed Philip aside and pulled me toward him. "See, Jeffersh*t. This is the woman that carried my legacy toward the next level. A masterful achievement. Something you couldn't even phantom to think about," He said, shaking me by my shoulders.

"Did you hire her to go out with your son? If so, could I hire her as well-"

"Mister Hamilton!" I smiled, releasing myself from his grip and turning my back toward Jefferson. "I spilled wine over your tablecloth! Maybe you should go and take care of it," I smiled a forced smile so large it could've scared Philip away. "How did you-" Alexander said as he looked at the stain. "Don't worry about it! Take care of it!" I said pushing him away from us and giving him a big thumbs up. "Go team Hamilton!" I cheered.

Reluctantly, Alexander left. As I saw him off, I turned back to Philip who was so glaring at Jefferson. "Have you no respect or common decency?" He told mister Jefferson. "I'm just asking questions, aren't I?" Jefferson innocently said. Philip cocked his eyebrow and said: "I don't question the sudden amount of children you've cultivated, but go off I guess-" "Philip," I said, shutting him up. "Sir, my name is Y/N Hamilton. I'm Philip's wife," I smiled at Jefferson.

"Nice to meet you, miss," Jefferson said, bowing his head and reaching for my hand to plant a kiss on it. Before he could, Philip stepped in front of me and faced Jefferson. "My wife and I have places to be and we're in quite the hurry already so if you'll excuse us," He said, grabbing my hand and marching in the opposite direction as fast as he could. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Jefferson smile a bit too slyly and wave. 

Rolling my eyes, I looked at Philip. His cheeks had flared up in irritation. With my cold hands, I poked him in his plump cheek. "Poke," I said which made him stop walking immediately. A white dot, where my finger had been, stayed for a while before turning red again. 

"What?" He asked, nose raising as he twitched his eye a few times. "Jealous?" I asked with a bright smile. "Yeah right," He huffed, letting go of my hand. As he started turning away from me, I grabbed his jacket and made him turn back. "Don't worry," I said as I slowly put my cold hand at his burning cheek. He tensed up for a second before leaning into my touch. "I know," He hummed.

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