*Chapter 4: The escape out of Britain*

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12th of may 1779 evening after dinner

I was in my room after my father had picked me up from Gene. The guilt that I would leave Gene for the time being really hurt me a bit. But on the other hand...I would rather want to find my one true love.

I looked over at the big grandfather clock in my room.

12 o clock

I don't need anything here, so I didn't pack anything. I did grab some papers, ink, a quill and a dress "just in case". Speaking of that...I didn't wear a dress to go to America.

I wore the American soldier uniform that I "accidentally" found in a closet, in the house of Gene instead. It was covered in blood, but I washed it off and fixed it up a bit. If I was going to pull this off without a chase after, at all times, I'd better wear something they won't recognize me in. If I didn't, then after the first 5 minutes I would be outside and be spotted by someone.


I am happy to leave this household really...I never loved anybody here except the maids and guards. My family, not so much. They hated me too...I am sure. I had 6 sisters before me...I hated them all too, except for 1.

My eldest sister Birgit was married off when she was 15 years old. She has Brown hair and blue eyes. The pearl of the family.

My second sister Julie was married off when she was 14 years old. She has h/c hair and Brown eyes. The pride of the family.

My third sister Kiara...Died of abuse of her husband. She had black hair and e/c eyes. She was loved by all of my family.

My fourth sister Delfine was lucky, she ran away before she could be married off. She had short blond hair and blue eyes.

My fifth sister Amber left and became an assassin, she was my favorite sister. She followed after Wren. She ran away 2 years after Wren at the age of 12. She said she would go to Belgium and stay there and find her true love. She lied... After the 2 months that she had left, the people started to talk about an assassin in Belgium. She had brown silky hair and Brown eyes, she always had this smirk on her face.

My Sixth sister didn't make it and died at birth.


Why didn't I follow Amber? I could have been happy with her. I could have been with my true love. She left me, she betrayed me. But I need to pull myself together. For both of us.


I don't want to go anymore...I don't want to leave... I don't want to leave Gene alone...I don't want to go to France and America...

1 o clock

Forget it...

I heard a rock hit my window. I opened the window and a rock hit my head. I gave a death glare to Hercules who was the one that threw the stone. Hercules stood there with a smirk on his face. But the smirk changed when he saw that I was in an army outfit. I swiftly grabbed the rain pipe and let myself slide down.

When I had my both feet on the ground I saw him looking at me like I was a wonder sent from the heavens and then looked upon by God and Satan at the same time as they were arguing who should have me in heaven or hell.

"You're staring." I implied. "Where did you get that uniform from?" He asked curiously. "You know Gene's mansion ?" I asked. He nodded and rolled his eyes. "It was in a drawer covered in blood. I cleaned it and stitched it up." I explained. "Good job, miss perfect." He fakely praised with a golf clap and looked at the uniform.

"And another thing...from now on I will be addressed as a man," I said he frowned. "Why?" He asked again. "If they are searching for a woman, they won't go and bring a man to my parents, "I explained. "Smart." He nodded. "What's your name man?" He asked as I grinned. "Robin Scalewinds," I answered.

He then proceeded to help me on the one horse he brought with him. I shook my head no and jumped on the horse on myself. He then sat behind me and the horse started to move.

The horse ran softly and swift across the garden and jumped over the fence making little to no noise. We stopped at the harbor and first went to France and then took another horse to the harbor in France.

We were traveling for 5 hours straight on the horse

"When are we there?" I asked.

"We are going to the harbor and then we're going to America," he said. "How long is it gonna take us to get to the harbor?" I asked annoyed. "...5 minutes." He said and pointed to the harbor from the top of the hill where we had stopped.

The horse ran the last 5 minutes like a champ and soon we were by the harbor. Hercules stepped off the horse and offered me a hand, but I just jumped off before he could say anything about it.

I walked around a bit after I jumped off the horse. A mistake on my part...
The moment I wanted to walk around in bumped into (to cliché) a man.
I fell over and landed on the ground on my buns.

A/N see translation further in the text

"Oh Monsieur, Je suis tellement désolé!" I heard. With the little basics I had of French, I replied as anybody would: "Regarde le diable où tu vas! Es-Tu aveugle!?"

He then helped me off the ground and said: "Regarde, Je suis vraiment profondément désolé."

"Désolé mon ass!" I shouted at him.

Oh, sir, I'm very sorry!
Look where you're going! Are you blind!
Look, sir, I am truly very sorry.
Sorry my a$$!)

"Ah, un American, that's where the attitude came from." He said in a heavy French accent. Hercules came rushing in and gave the man a high five, pushing me aside as I stared at the Frenchman with an intense gaze.

"Ah, Mulligan, it's nice to see you're doing great, but um...how do you say...
It's unexpected." The Frenchman laughed. "Well, I would have stayed in Britain a little longer but...something got in the way..." Hercules said and looked at me.

"You two are together?" Frenchie asked. "Well...this little chipmunk asked me to bring him to America." He explained. "But since it would take a lot of my time to bring him to America and return back to Britain, I want to ask you to do it in my place." He said

Lafayette looked at me as I scoffed at him and sighed. "You owe me big, Mulligan." He said. "Of course! I will owe you a lot after this because she-" 

'God damn it, Mulligan.' I raised my eyebrow.

"I mean, he is a real pain in the ass." Hercules coughed. The Frenchman raised an eyebrow.

"And they say that I can't speak English," He said and walked off.

"Well, you're in good hands, kid, take care." He said and left. I gulped at it and went next to the man. "What's your name?" I asked. 

Again a mistake at my part...

"Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette." He answered.
"Okay, Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette," I said wide-eyed. He looked surprised that I could say his name in one try. He grinned and then said: "but you can call me Lafayette. What's your name man?" He then asked.

"Robin Scalewinds, my name is Robin Scalewinds."

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