*Chapter 8: The climb up*

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20th of May 1779

Y/N's P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly. The sun was beaming on my eyes, blurring my vision enough for me to wonder if the sky was blue or not. My head was pounding like crazy and when I tried to lift my arm, I felt like it was being held down by a heavy force. "I...am alive...?" I mumbled. With all the force in my body, I pushed myself into a sitting position. My clothes felt damp and the headache really began kicking in. I looked before me and saw the lake right at my feet. 'Must've washed ashore.'  I thought before looking up. The mainland was a good sixty feet climb up. 

Suddenly a memory hit me like a rock. There was a guy who tried to help me up but he fell down with me. I pushed myself up, stumbling on my feet and falling back down on my knees. I shrieked in pain and clenched my hand in the moist earth beneath me. I shakily took deep breaths in and out before pushing myself on my feet. The whole world seemed to spin around me. Despite this, I could look around. And then I saw him. In the middle of the lake, face-up, floating like driftwood. With the little strength I had, I stepped into the water to save him. 

I pulled him ashore laid down beside him, totally exhausted. I looked to my side and took a good look at him only to realize it was Charles Lee. Getting a kick of adrenaline, I pushed myself up and softly slapped his cheek. 

"Hey man, wake up," I whispered. He didn't answer. "Dude, wake up," I said a bit louder.
He didn't answer. I raised an eyebrow and rolled my eyes. If I survived the fall down then he should've totally survived it. "Man, I am going to smack you back to life." I threatened, searching for a pulse. Luckily, I felt one. But still, he didn't answer. "I am not giving you CPR man, that's just disgusting," I groaned as my cheeks became hotter. 

Still no answer. 

"GOD, FINE, I'LL GIVE YOU CPR!" I grunted.

~~Time skip because we both don't want me to write this scene, you can do it yourself~~

After a while, he started coughing. I backed away and watched as he opened his eyes.

Charles Lee's P.O.V

My loud coughing woke me up from whatever sleep I was in. The immediate feeling of nausea hit me. I turned on my side and coughed a whole gallop of water out. When I looked up, I saw Robin sit on his knees, looking pretty terrified. "What the heck happened?" I asked immediately feeling nauseous again. "Last night when the Brits attacked, I almost fell off a cliff. Well, I mean, I still fell but you tried to help me up. You fell in the process of trying to help me," He explained quickly. 

"Then you woke up, saw me and helped me," I finished for him. He shut his mouth and nodded. "How'd you help me?" I asked him. He looked away, his cheeks getting a bit redder. "Robin, the f*ck did you do?" I repeated my question, cocking my eyebrow. "Cardiopulmonary resuscitation," He mumbled under his breath. "What the f*ck is cardiopulmutiotary resuscitation?" I exclaimed messing up the term. 

"Honestly? No idea how I know that term. It's mouth on mouth resurrection," Robin pondered out loud before slowly getting quieter. There were multiple beats of silence before I even chose to open my mouth. 

"Dude, that's so gay,"

"You were dying, what should I have done?! Let you die!?" He shouted back. "No, no, but you just did it? You could've just let me die," I argued back. "Not even my best friend would put his mouth near mine, like, do you like putting your mouth over other mouths-" "Dude, I'm a girl, of course, I'm going to be fine with-" Robin cut himself off and turned around. Another beat of silence. 

"You're a girl?!" 

~~We're not going through this whole story again, so, time skip~~

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