*Chapter 21: Consequences*

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31st of December

Y/N's P.O.V

I awoke from my sleep. I nearly forgot about the events that occurred yesterday but I didn't. With that in mind, I stood up. I looked at the other bed. Charles' bed. It was empty. He had gone to Georgia as well. 

With those thoughts swirling around in my head, I left the tent. I knew certainly that John would've told everyone who was still at the camp about yesterday. I knew I should've just killed him. But I didn't. 

Knowing me, I overslept and everyone had already finished their breakfast. No matter how hard I tried to calmly sit down and concentrate on my dry bread, I still felt very nervous. My hands were shaking and so I clasped them together as I thought: What did John hear? How long was he standing there? What did he tell the others? Did he hear me yell out that I'm a girl?

When I finished eating, I slowly stood up. As I walked out of the breakfast tent, I almost immediately heard: "There he is. I swear he's just a British spy," 

A spy? Do they think I'm a spy? Out of everything they could've called me? Did John choose to call me a spy? DAMN. The audacity.

"What?" I said and turned around to face the trash talkers. Not even flinching a bit, the soldier looked at me and said: "You heard me," This pissed me off. I opened my mouth to say something but then I noticed his smirk. They knew I get angry a lot. They just want to get to me.

I scoffed and turned around to leave. I had to keep my head cool if I wanted to prove that I could take a little trash talk. That didn't mean that everyone stopped being mean to me.


"King George's right-hand man"

"Nasty Brit"

But I looked at them, a bit confused even. And so they started to think a bit. 

"Maybe, John is just paranoid."

"Maybe he's just pranking us."

"Maybe he's trying to put the blame on Robin."

"Yeah, that guy really hates Robin."

"Robin did lead a whole group of soldiers and came up with some amazing ideas. A spy wouldn't do that, right?"

At the end of the day, some of them came to apologize. The majority even agreed that John may be paranoid. They were wrong, of course. But John started the trash talking so he deserved a bit of backlash. However, he was not happy with people thinking that he was going crazy. "I haven't seen him," One of the soldiers told me when I asked about him. 

Around 8 pm, I decided to walk around the camp to see if anybody needed my help with anything. That's when I suddenly tripped, feeling the ground under me disappear, and fell into the mud. I thought I tripped over something on the ground but saw a soldier boot sliding back to place. I turned to my side and saw John. 

He smirked at me. "Whoops," He said. I huffed before standing up, slipping a bit as I did. I pushed past him, rubbing my eyes as I felt some tears welling up. By the nearby pond, I crouched down and splashed some water on my face. As I did, I stared into my reflection. No wonder no one can recognize me. My hair was in front of my face, layers of dirt and grime had built up making me look so... intimidating. 

I pushed my hair aside and put my hat off before splashing some more water. Slowly, Y/N started to reveal herself. I sighed as I put my hat back and stared into the reflection. As the ripples slowly disappeared, I saw a figure pop up beside me. It was Charles. 

I turned around and looked at him with this tired look. He looked kinda sorry. He probably saw it happen. With a sigh, he sat down beside me. He knew about my double feelings for John. He treated me so bad as Robin but treated me with respect as Y/N. I could care less about what the soldiers thought of me. I care what John thinks about me. 

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," Charles sighed, looking at me through the reflection in the water. "It's okay," I sighed, hugging my knees. He remained silent before groaning and looking at me. "Do you want a hug?" He asked. "You said you don't do hugs-" "DO YOU WANT A HUG OR NOT?!" Charles asked a bit louder. 

"Ah, you big doof! Just give me that hug," I said at the same volume and wrapped my arms around him, tackling him to the ground. I felt the breath being knocked out of his chest against my cheek. "Know that this is a one-time thing," He wheezed. "Mhm," I agreed as he wrapped his arms around me as well. 

After a while, he patted my back, signaling me that he wanted to get up. So I got off him and he rose back up. "It's almost new years, isn't it?" He asked which made me frown. "I forgot it was already around that time of the year," I mumbled, staring at the sky. 

"Wanna go get a shot before it's 12 am?" He asked. I slowly began to grin and nodded. We stood up and walked to the A.T. tent. When we arrived, a soldier came walking in with a bottle. "Guess what? The merchants brought champagne with the delivery today!" He yelled. Oliver came in as well. "I didn't know Washington had the money to buy us champagne!" He smiled as he brought in some more bottles.

The sudden memory of me ordering some bottles of champagne when I paid the merchants came flooding back. The bartender poured the champagne in some glasses and handed everyone a glass. Charles and I headed back out with ours because the tent was getting crowded. We headed back to the pond where we had a great view of the stars.

"So," I started. "I got to know some rather odd Christmas traditions you Americans do. What about New Years'? Got any funky traditions?" I asked and took a sip. "Well, at 12 am some choose to make a lot of noise, hug each other, and so on," Charles explained.

"That's it?" I asked


"Well, some people do this New Year's kiss,"


"A kiss? Again? At Christmas, they also had a kiss-thingy"


"It's to give people a chance to kiss the person they like. Some say you'd get an unbreakable bond with the person you kiss,"


After my glass was empty, I laid down on the grass.


"You guys have some weird traditions..."


"I know." He said as he laid down too.


"Is it like that mistletoe thing?"


"Kind of, you'd have to find the right person at the right time."


"So, if I were to kiss someone under the mistletoe I would have an unbreakable bond?"


"Why? Did you kiss someone?"




"...Okay then."










"Hm? What's up?"


"I did,"


"You did what?"


"I did kiss someone but I regret it. I regret it so much. I've been losing so much sleep and I can't think anymore," I breathed out, feeling a tear glide past my cheek.

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