*Chapter 18: Mistletoe part 2*

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John Laurens = John

John Church = Johnny

24th of December 1779

Y/N's P.O.V

A few minutes ago, I saw Philip and John run upstairs. I had been thinking about what they were doing for a good minute as I sat down on the couch. I was so focused that I didn't notice John Church sitting next dow

I sat down on the couch and focused with 300% of my brain on the stairs where John and Philip left a few minutes ago. I didn't notice that John Church came and sat next to me. "Hey, Y/N!" Johnny said. "Hmm?" I hummed and snapped out of my trance. "Why're you sitting here and not joining the party?" He asked me. 

"... Is Philip a nice guy?" I asked after I remained silent for a while. "Oh please. He seems nice but that's just an act to real in girls," He huffed which surprised me. This was news to me. "Really?" I asked and folded my arms. 

"Hey, don't worry about it too much! You're not the first girl I'm telling this to," He said and patted my back. "Somehow that's even crappier," I sighed. He grabbed my hand and lead me toward the other people. "Let's go to the party," He said.

As soon as we got there, I let go of his hand and went straight for the red wine. 

John's P.O.V

"Damn, Philip. How come I can fit in your clothes even though you're 2 years younger than me?" I asked as I looked in the mirror. "Don't question it," He groaned and buttoned up the last buttons. "Okay, ground rules," I said, clasping my hands together. "What?" Philip asked as he turned around. "You can't make a fool of me and I can't make a fool of you," I told him. "I won't," Philip promised. 

"I got another rule," He said. "If things are getting serious with Y/N, you can tell her who you really are," He told me. "Because I'm a gentleman and I don't want Y/N to get hurt over this little prank," 

"Okay, sure, fine," I said and opened the door so we could go back downstairs. Once there, we parted and headed to our own groups. I went to Philip's siblings and he went to Lafayette. I saw Johnny glare at me for a while after I started to talk with Angelica. "Erm... What's up, Johnny?" I asked a bit concerned. 

"I ruined your chances with Y/N," He bluntly told me.

"Wow. Didn't see that one coming," I chuckled. "Yeah! Take that, bro!" He mischievously laughed. I didn't know Philip's siblings were so scary. "I'll go talk to Y/N to clarify things up a bit," I said. "Not gonna work," Johnny told me. What an angsty teenager. "What'd you tell her?" I asked. "That you're a fox," He answered and folded his arms. 

O H.

Y/N was near the kitchen, sipping some red wine from her glass. "Hey Y/N!" I said as I approached her. "Get lost," She sighed holding her upper lip in the glass.

Philip, I'm doing you a solid here.

"Look Y/N. I don't know what Johnny said-" "Oh, good. So you know I'm mad," She cut me off. I could just be a jerk and ruin Philip's chances with her but I promised I wouldn't. "Y/N, you're different," I said trying to roleplay. 

"How many girls have you told that?" She asked as she lightly bit the edge of the glass. "Y/N, please. If you ever gave me a chance, I would never cheat on you!" As I said that, I realized that I was ruining my own chances. Obviously Y/N cared about Philip enough to grow upset about him.

"I may be a girl but that doesn't mean I'm dumb, Philip!" She said and bit down harder on her glass. "I didn't say you were dumb!" I said getting a bit defensive. "Well yeah, you aren't physically saying it," She bit down harder. "Y/N, calm down-"


Y/N's lip began bleeding as a piece of glass broke off and poked her lip. She spat out the shard and heavily exhaled as she walked toward the bathroom. Not wanting to get slapped, I backed away. Philip saw this happen and immediately headed over to me.

"WHAT'D YOU DO?!" He shout-whispered at me. "I didn't do squat! On the contrary, mon ami! J'accuse!" I said, pointing at him. "How could I be a part of this when I wasn't even near her?!" He said. "Philip. You have a past of cheating on people and she found out," I explained. 

"I DID Not..." He suddenly grew quiet. "Oh no," He said wide-eyed. 

Y/N's P.O.V

I splashed some water on my face from the sink and looked in the mirror to look at my lip. I grabbed a tiny towel and dabbed the blood away. It hurt like hell but I wanted to return to the party... And my glass of wine.

However, when I arrived I saw that Philip was holding my glass wine and was talking to John and Alexander. Absolutely fantastic. I walked over there and Philip spotted me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I looked at him in complete annoyance as I yanked my glass from him and threw the leftover contents over him. Alexander began to chuckle but John looked horrified.

"What was that for?!" Philip shouted. Eliza saw this unfold and rushed over with a towel. "Because this is your fault," I hissed. "Okay, okay, I'm done laughing," Alexander said, composing himself. "Out of my house, now," He told me. 

"Alexander! You literally threw red wine over another lawyer the other day!" Eliza sneered. "But Eliza! She literally threw red wine over my son just now!" Alexander whined. "And? He once came home soaked in red wine. This isn't the first time!" Eliza said, shooting a glare at Philip. 

"Fine!" Alexander sighed making Eliza smile and give him a hug. I decided to distance myself from Philip and talk to Lafayette instead. I didn't really talk to him a lot as a girl. Now we were having full-on conversations about our deepest and darkest secrets.

"So Y/N," He said nudging my arms. "Have your eye on a boy yet?" He asked. "Erm... Why? Should I?" I asked. "Well... You obviously threw wine over the boy for some reason," He teased. "Shut up," I whined and looked away. 

"So you do have a crush! Who is it?" He asked and sipped at his drink. "... I don't know," I admitted. "What'd you mean?" He asked. "I don't know who I love anymore," I shrugged. "So there's more than one," He chuckled. "What should I do?" I asked. 

"Wait," He said and took another sip. "What?" I asked. "Wait and see," He said and walked away. "H-Hey!" I stuttered as he waved at me before really disappearing. I sighed and looked outside from the window I was standing next to. It was located in the hall that was separated from the living room with a door. The door was wide open and so I could hear everyone in the dining room. I figured that I should be with them and so I turned around to go there. 

When I did, I bumped into someone. "Oof, Excuse me," I sighed and looked up. "I was just going to call you over for dinner," He said as I looked up. It was Alex. "That's why I was heading to the dining room," I said making everything very awkward. "So um... I guess we should go to-" "Look," I said and pointed up at the doorframe. A bundle of leaves, tied up with some string dangled above our heads. 

The mistletoe.

"Oh," He sighed. "I don't want to insist after..." He fell silent. "Well, it's bad luck if you don't. Man up," I said. "May I?" He asked before I slowly nodded. And so he gently kissed me.


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