*Chapter 25: Turn up*

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Y/N's P.O.V

~before being shot~

As I ran out of the tent I really didn't know where to go. That's when I remembered a conversation I once had with Charles:

"So, Y/N, ever heard of dueling?" Lee asked and looked at me on a sleepless night after the winter ball. The nights before the winter ball I had tried to get a command since more and more soldiers were dying and I asked the general about it, but he dismisses me every time I tried to get close to the topic. I shook my head no. He looked to the ceiling of the tent.

"It's when two people don't get along over something and it's basically the extreme form of getting to be right." He said as he shifted a bit in his bed. "I already don't like it... " I whispered a bit, but it was loud enough for him to hear what I had said.

"So, they usually do it at or before dawn on a dry Hill so no one will slip on the floor." He said with a slight chuckle.

"And...where would the most duel if we were to have a duel here?" I asked just in case I had to save his butt from a duel. "Near the cliff, that we once fell off of, is a hill, probably there...it's far enough from the general's tent." He added that last detail in. I shot up and looked at Charles.

"It's illegal?" I asked with a frown, he gulped like he knew that he made a mistake, a really BIG mistake. Like he knew he done messed up (a-a-ron).

"Okay maybe it is, but you get to kill your enemy..." He tried to make it better. I laid back and frowned at the ceiling. He knew something was really on my mind. "Charles..." I asked and he looked at me and gave a slow: "yes?"

"Just...promise me, that you won't duel anyone. Ever, " I said as I looked at Charles with a frown. He inhaled really deep, before exhaling really fast. He then chuckled and said: "Okay I promise" I smiled at him and laid back in a sleeping position.

Back then, I didn't know that he would break the promise as soon as someone asked him. But no wasn't the time to hold grudges. 

I ran to the cliff and looked around for any signs of a hill. After I looked around for longer than I had to, I saw a hill with a few figures standing on the top. Bingo.

I ran uphill and when I was almost there I heard the counting. Panic settled into my heart and my head. Not knowing how to prevent a bullet with nothing more than my body, I ran. 

One of the bullets went right through my hip, the other zoomed right past my face. After I felt that sharp pain in my stomach I just stood there for a moment.  It was all too much and I collapsed, screaming in agony. Just then Charles ran up to me and tried to stop the bleeding. The doctor came too, this sacrifice might cost me my damn secret.

Then I heard a voice above all the yelling and whispers:


Alexander's P.O.V

After Robin got shot we all froze not knowing what to do. I've never known a man who literally intervened in a duel. I am amazed. He surely didn't get in the way for John. It was for Charles. 

When he collapsed everything began to move again and everyone rushed to Robin. When I was about to, I saw that John was standing still. Staring from a distance.  "John, what are you doing?! We gotta help him, he's gonna bleed to death!" I yelled as he watched it all unfold. "No, this will do..." He said and kept watching. 

"John!" I said out of disbelief. "I know you guys don't get along but this is just cruel! You shot an innocent man!"

"I'm not cruel, Alexander-


Washington looked around to see Robin on the ground immediately understanding what happened. He began to give commands left and right.

"Burr get a second doctor for Robin!" He yelled, Burr nodded and ran to the doctors' tent to get a second or even third doctor. He then moved on to Lee. He tore Lee from Robin's side and held his shoulders tightly.

"Lee, you will never agree with me but believe me these young men don't speak for me, thank you for understanding." He said as he made a small bow for Lee that absolutely disgusted me.

"Hamilton!" He yelled without turning to me. 


"Meet me inside..." He said as he walked to his tent. 

With a groan and a deep breath, I followed him. When I entered, I got to hear it all. A whole load of screaming and accusing. But before I could say anything, someone interrupted us. 

"Mister Scaleswind, please settle down. You'll tear the-" "Shut... Up..." Breathing heavily, Robin entered the tent with a doctor hesitantly following him. He tried to get a hold of Robin but Robin just stumbled inside, falling to his knees inside the tent. 

"What are you doing?!" Washington yelled louder and louder every passing second. "Listen," Robin coughed as the doctor kneeled beside him and tried to grab his arm. "Mister, we should really get you patched up before-" "Let go," Robin weakly said, tearing his arm away.

I looked at Washington; his face was full of anger, surprise, and worry. "Scaleswind!" He barked at Robin. "Don't let this be a useless sacrifice and let the doctors take care of your wound!" He demanded. "I'm not going till I get my point through," Robin breathed heavily. 

"You are not solving anything! Go to the medical tent!" 

"Charles, Alexander, Burr, and John are idiots!" Robin exclaimed. "Wow. Okay. Roode." I mumbled, folding my arms. "But their vision was clouded," He continued, ignoring my comment. "They've been through a lot, they shouldn't bicker about trivial matters," Washington sneered, glaring at me.

"Don't exile them," Robin pled. "Of course I'm going to exile them!" Washington said, looking at him. "Please," He repeated. "Don't," 

"Leave this tent now or Hamilton will be sent home," Washington said, crouching down beside Robin. "Sir," Robin coughed. "Leave!" Washington barked, making Robin wince. 

Robin had lost a lot of his energy and power by coming here. After Washington said that, he fell down like a bunch of wet towels. The doctor and I quickly picked him up and carried him outside toward the nurse's tent. After dropping him there, I left and saw that Lee and Hercules were waiting outside.

Wait. Hercules? 

"Herc, you're back," I breathed to which he nodded. "Robin is well?" He asked. "..." I looked down, not really knowing how to put my thoughts into sentences. "I see," He sighed. "Lee, we should check ourselves then?" Hercules suggested. 

"Huh? Since when are ya'll so chummy?" I asked. They said nothing but went inside. I tried to follow but I wasn't allowed in anymore. "Why not?" I asked the doctor, raising my eyebrow.

"Frankly, we're with too many people already. Aside from that, you're also very loud and vulgar most of the time. That causes stress and stress is not good for the patient nor the doctors and-" "Okay, okay, I got it," I grumbled before leaving.

Hmp, fine then! They can have their secrets, I'll have my own secret squad...



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