Accidents Cause Accidents

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      Word Count: 3043
     A/N: this was requested by Nerdy_Girl1423, and it was real fun and interesting to write. I hope this is what you wanted! Feedback is always welcomed by dudes and it is also appreciated! Much love ❤️

     "Cheryl! Where'd you go?" Y/N yelled, trying to find her way around the maze of a mansion. "We need to keep studying for our biology test, you know you can't fail this or else your parents will kill you!" Y/N stumbled around the hall, coming to two big doors at the end of it. Slowly, she approached the door hoping to find Cheryl on the other side of them. She started for the handle, but stopped when she heard voices that didn't belong to the red headed girl she was tutoring.
     "You listen here Cliff, we had a deal, and if you want to break that deal, I'll break your face, and then your family name. Got it?" an angry mans voice boomed from the other side. She wasn't sure what prompted her to do so, but Y/N pulled out her phone and turned on her camera, pressing record and pointing it towards the door.
     "Are you trying to threaten me?" Cliff hissed. "Listen here, I don't give a fuck who you are or what you could do to me. I paid you for a job, my end of the deal was done and over with, you're the one who had to go and fuck it up! I said I wanted him gone, disappeared, never to be seen again, but sure enough he turned up."
      "We killed him, he's gone. That was the serpents job, you never said anything about him never being seen again. If you have a problem with how we did our job, I guess you'll have to just deal with it. If you wanted him gone so badly, you should have just killed Jason yourself." the man on the other side of the door sneered. Y/N gasped, staggering backwards. She quickly clamped her hand over her mouth and turned off the recording.
     "What the hell was that? Is somebody out there?" Cliff asked,  making his way toward the door. Y/N turned and ran as fast as she could, turning into random hallways.
     "Y/N, what the hell! Where have you been?" Cheryl yelled as Y/N ran past her.
     "I was never here, Cheryl." she said quickly, trying to catch her breath.
      "What the fuck does that even mean?" Cheryl yelled angrily. "You're supposed to be helping me!"
     "Listen Cheryl, I need you to just trust me on this one. You'll understand soon, just please, I need to go! Don't tell anyone I was here, at least not for awhile!" Y/N said, turning to run again as she heard  Cliff come down a nearby hall. She made it to the front door and ran out of the gates, hiding in the nearby woods. She pulled out her phone and called the first person she could think of.
     "Jughead!" she yelled through the phone, adrenaline and fear coursing through her body.
"Woah, there's no need to yell, are you okay?"
     "No! Please come get me, I'm terrified!" she begged.
"ARCHIE!" Jughead yelled. "GET THE CAR READY WE HAVE TO GO! Y/N, what the hell is going on?"
     "I know too much Juggie, they're going to kill me! Please just come get me I'm so scared." she couldn't help as a sob came out, but again she quickly clamped her hand over her mouth as Cliffs car slowly drove by, followed by a motorcycle. "Oh god, they're looking for me."
"What do you know? Who's going to kill you?" Jughead asked worriedly.
     "I have to be quiet, they're going to find me." Y/N whispered into the phone, ducking behind some trees.
"Where are you?"
     "In the woods near the Blossoms mansion." she whispered. The man on the bike took stood from it and stood in front of the woods.
     "You don't think she's in the woods, do you?" Y/N faintly heard the man ask, and Cliff stuck his head out the window.
     "I don't know, maybe she had a car. We should keep going." he said. "Y/N couldn't of gone that far." The man climbed back onto the bike and followed as Cliff drove off.
     "Oh my god." Y/N gave a sigh of relief.
"You need to breathe, tell me what's going on."
     "They killed Jason, Juggie! And now they're going to kill me too because I know! I'm gonna die because of an accident!"
"Woah, slow down. Who killed Jason, and how do you know?"
     "I heard them, I didn't mean to and when I thought something weird was going on I recorded it just in case." she rambled.
"We are almost to you, you're going to be okay."
"I don't know, I'm so scared." she cried.
"We are driving up the road to the mansion, where are you?" Y/N looked down the road and saw Archie's familiar car coming towards her. She quickly got up from where she was hiding and bolted into the middle of the road, almost being hit by Archie who stopped just in time. She ran to the back door and climbed inside, collapsing in the back seat and started to take shaky deep breaths.
     "What the hell happened?" Archie asked after a few minutes, turning around for at a stoplight to look at Y/N.
     "Take me home, I need to get something real quick and then I'll need you to take me to the sheriffs." Y/N said, taking her phone out of her pocket.
     "Can I take you later tonight? I have to get to football practice." Archie asked, pressing on the gas again and speeding towards Y/Ns house. Y/N gave a shaky sigh, and slowly nodded her head.
     "I guess, I'm scared to be alone there though, I wanted to go right away so I know for sure I'm safe and they're put in jail." she said, and Jughead reached for her hand from the passenger side.
     "I'll stay with you, I promise I won't let anything happen to you." Jughead said, squeezing her hand and giving her a comforting smile.
     "I love you." Y/N quickly said, and Jughead winked at her.
     "I love you too, baby girl."
     "Woah Jug, I didn't think I'd ever be in the presence of romantic Jughead, you're always shy or woman-hating." Archie teased and Jughead rolled his eyes.
     "I'm not woman-hating, I just don't like most girls. Especially teenage girls, they're the worst." he said and Archie and Y/N chuckled.
     "Damn Juggie, tell me what you really think. I don't even know if I should take offense to that." Y/N giggled.
     "That sounded pretty woman-hating to me." Archie joked, pulling up to Y/and apartment. "We're here. I'll come get you right after practice, I promise." Y/N nodded her head and gave Archie a kiss on the cheek, taking him and Jughead by surprise.
     "Thank you Archie, I don't know what I'd do without you. I really appreciate you, please remember that." she said, sliding out of the car. Archie gave a worried look to Jughead and he returned it.
     "That was odd." Archie whispered, looking past Jughead and out the window, watching as Y/N nervously fidgeted with her phone.
     "I'm worried about her Arch, what the hell happened." Jughead said unbuckling his seatbelt and looking back at her too.
     "Try to figure that out, and for the love of god make sure she's alright. Lock her doors." Archie said, and Jughead nodded his head.
     "I'm gonna take her inside before anyone sees her, see you later Arch." Jughead said stepping out of the car and closing the door. Archie took one last look at Y/N and waved at her, giving her a smile before he drove off. Jughead wrapped his arm around Y/and waist and walked her to her door.
     "Thank you for staying with me Jughead." she whispered as she unlocked the door.
     "Of course. Can I ask you something?" he asked and she nodded her head, stepping inside and locking the door behind them.
     "What was all that with Archie, are you okay?" he asked worriedly, and she sighed.
     "I have a bad feeling Jughead, it's like a pit in my stomach that won't go away. I wanted to let him know he was appreciated just in case I-" Y/N trailed off and looked at the floor.
     "Nothing's going to happen to you, I won't let anything happen to you." Jughead said, walking up to her. He cupped her face and made her look up at him. She blinked back tears, but one fell down her face and she buried her face in his chest.
     "It was Clifford and the serpents, Juggie! I heard them, I have a video of them talking about it! And now they're going to come here and kill me too!" she sobbed in his shirt, and Jughead held his arms around her tight. Y/N immediately pushed him away, fear written across her face.
     "What?" Jughead asked.
     "You need to go Jughead, if they come here for me they'll kill you too!" she yelled.
     "No, I'm not going anywhere." Jughead said defensively.
     "Forsythe please! I can't let you get hurt on my behalf, you need to go! If something were to happen to you I wouldn't be able to live with myself, I love you way too much to put you in harms way!" she begged, grabbing his hands.
     "Y/N listen to me, I cannot leave here knowing that you could be in harms way. I'm going to stay and protect you because I love you and I need you alive and well, we will get through this." Jughead tried to reason with her, but she just shook her head, tears falling from her face freely.
     "Please Juggie, go and protect yourself." she gave one final plea but he wasn't having any of it.
     "No." he grabbed her face and leaned down to kiss her. The kiss was needy and passionate, Y/Ns hand flying to the back of his neck and pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. "Let's go nap until Archie gets here." Jughead whispered, looking down at Y/N. She ran to the windows and closed the blinds and turned to face Jughead.
     "Okay." she said. Jughead held out his hand and Y/N took it, the both of them walking to the bedroom. Jughead laid down first, his arms open for her. She laid down next to him, placing her head on his chest. She pulled out her phone and opened the crews group chat.
To Archiekins XD, Juggie <3, Betts :), Ronnie :), Kev ;) -
I love you guys so much! You're all the best, and I hope you know you're all so important to me! Much love!
     Y/N pressed send and put her phone on her chest, closing her eyes and snuggling into Jugheads chest. Jugheads phone buzzed and he opened the message, smiling sadly at his screen. He leaned down and kissed her forehead.
     "You're going to be fine." he whispered, and she gave a small smile as sleep washed over her. Jughead soon followed, snuggled into his girlfriend.
     Jughead and Y/N jumped up from bed, Y/N immediately breaking down in tears.
     "They're here..." she quietly sobbed, grabbing her phone from the bed.
     "Get in the closet, now!" Jughead said, pushing her into the small room with him in front of her and closing the door.
     "She's got to be in here somewhere. She was seen coming in here and no one said they saw her leave." a mans voice boomed through the apartment. The sound of furniture being thrown around and heavy steps filled the small apartment, and Y/N opened her messages, ignoring the texts back from the group chat but instead opening her messages to Kevin.
To Kev ;) - Kevin, I was scared to send this to you before because I didn't want people coming after you too, but I need you to show this to your dad. I'm in trouble at the moment and I can't do it, this video shows who killed Jason and most likely me too. Maybe Jughead too because he refused to leave, god I hope it doesn't kill him. We're in my apartment. Send help. I love you.
(Video file (37) attached.)
     Steps in the hall came into her bedroom, and Jughead braced himself for a fight. The closet door swung open and a big man in a leather jacket stood before them. Y/N shut off her phone, and the man laughed.
     "Found her boys! And her little boyfriend too."
     "Don't you fucking think about touching her." Jughead sneered, and the man laughed again. He grabbed Jughead by the shoulders and threw him across the room hitting the bedside table and knocking him out. The man turned back towards Y/N and grabbed her wrist, pulling her out of the closet.
     "Let go of me you bitch!" she yelled, trying to tear her wrist from his grasp. He used his other hand to slap her across the face, and he threw her over his shoulder. She tasted metal in her mouth and her head was pounding from the impact, but she continued to fight the man. She hit his back, shoulder, and legs and wiggled as much as she could, trying to break free from his grasp. He made his way into the living room and she noticed two other big men.
     "What are we going to do with Miss Nosy here" the man holding her asked the others.
     "She knows too much, she can't live." one other guy said, opening her back door that lead to her balcony. The men walked out, and looked down and Y/N started to cry.
     "You won't get away with this you jackasses!" she yelled. "Help me! Someone help!"
     "That should be a long enough drop to kill her, you think?" the man holding her asked and the other men nodded their heads. "Well okay. I hope you had a good sixteen years." He laughed. "Too bad no one ever taught you to mind your own business." He started to take her off his back, and she held on for dear life.
     "No! God no! Please don't do this!" she begged, sobbing.
     "Sorry kid." The man said shrugging. He pushed Y/N off his shoulder and she fell over the railing to her balcony, desperately trying to grab at it. In that moment, time slowed down and every second felt like minutes. Her life flashed before her eyes, and she thought of Jughead, god how she hoped they'd leave him be. Just before she hit the ground, she could have sworn she heard sirens, but it was short lived. She hit the ground with a large crack and everything went dark.
                               • • •
     Slowly Y/N opened her eyes, the bright white light blinding her. She struggled to open her eyes, but when they opened she looked around and fear set in.
     "Oh my god, Y/Ns awake!" a blonde haired girl yelled. Just then not only was the blonde by her side, but two redheads, a boy and a girl, a raven haired girl, and another boy with brown hair were surrounding her as well.
     "What's going on, where am I?" Y/N asked groggily, looking at the people surrounding her. Just then a handsome, puffy eyed, beanie clad boy came to her side, and a look of relief washed over his face and tears fell from his eyes.
     "Oh thank god! I thought I lost you!" he exclaimed, laying his head in his hands and wiping his face. "How are you feeling, baby girl?"
     "Is that my name?" she asked, and everyone gave her confused looks.
     "What? Sweetie, do you know what happened?" the redheaded girl asked, and she shook her head. "You solved my brothers murder and almost got killed yourself. Thank you."
     "What the hell are you talking about? Who are you people and where am I?" Y/N asked, fear kicking into full blast. A doctor rushed in hearing as her heart rate increased, and her vitals jumped.
     "I'm gonna need you all to leave for right now, I'll call you back soon." he said, ushering the kids out of the room. Y/N noticed as they all looked hurt and sad, and for some reason she felt sad too, but couldn't put her finger on why. The only person who refused to leave was the beanie boy, who looked heartbrokenly down at her.
     "Do you remember me?" he asked quietly, and the doctor grabbed his shoulder.
     "Son, I'm gonna need you to leave so I can check up on her. If you refuse leave peacefully I'm going to have to escort you out." Y/N stared up at the boy, and her chest and stomach felt warm. It was nice feeling, but also weird and she didn't know why it was happening.
     "No, but I know you make my chest tight and my stomach feel weird." she whispered, and Jughead gave a small laugh.
     "It's because we're in love." he said. Y/N couldn't help but mirror the smile the beanie boy wore when he spoke that sentence.
     "Son, I'm not going to ask you again, you need to leave."
     "I'm Jughead, you are Y/N, and those people are our friends." he said, slowly backing out of the room.
     "Wait, don't go!" she called, trying to sit up, but she fell back down in pain.
     "I'll be back soon, I promise." Jughead said, almost out of the door. "I love you." he called as he exited the room.
     "I love you..." Y/N whispered quietly to herself.
     "Miss Y/N, I'm Doctor Smith. I'm going to need you to tell me what you remember. We still aren't sure you're completely safe yet, so anything helps." he said, and Y/N blinked blankly at him, nothing coming to mind.
     "I-I don't know." she stuttered.
     "I need you to try, your life depends on this." he stated. Fear took over her body again, and she wanted nothing more but for the beanie boy called Jughead and the others she didn't know to come back in and save her.

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