I Don't Celebrate Birthdays

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Word Count: 2872
     A\N: here's a requested fic, and I did it in first person because someone suggested that I write a fic in it. I hope you all enjoy! Much love!

 I hope you all enjoy! Much love!

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     "Did you really think you could keep secrets from me, Y/N?" Veronica asked, startling me as I was getting my history text book from my locker

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     "Did you really think you could keep secrets from me, Y/N?" Veronica asked, startling me as I was getting my history text book from my locker.
"I don't know what you mean." I called over my shoulder, digging through my backpack for a pencil, I was always losing those damn things.
"Don't play stupid with me, Jughead told me already." she said, my heart skipping a beat at the mention of Jugheads name. Other than that, I was a little tired of her guessing game and I rolled my eyes, thankfully she didn't see.
"I still don't know what you're talking about, Ronnie, you're going to have to be a little more specific." I said, closing my locker and turning around to face her.
"You're birthday is this Saturday! (y/b/d) is your birthday right?" she excitedly asked, and I gulped, reluctantly nodding my head.
"Yes, but please don't say anything to anyone else, especially not Cheryl, I really don't want anything big and special for my birthday. I'd rather pretend it wasn't happening." I said, walking down the hallway with Veronica by my side, looking curiously at me.
"Why don't you want to celebrate?" she asked, and I sighed, the subject made me kind of sad, but I trusted Veronica with my hardships and feelings.
"I've never really celebrated my birthday. Back home, my parents didn't care much about them, it was such an unimportant event in my household that when I was little, I barely could even remember when my birthday was. It wasn't until school when I really started to remember, only because my teachers would wish me a happy day." I admit, my heart sinking a little. Veronica looked at me apologetically, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, wait so you've never had a birthday party?" She asked, and I chuckled sadly.
"Nope, to me, my birthday is just another day. Nothing too special about it, or about me." I said, finally reaching my history class. Veronica gave me a hug, and I gladly accepted, she was my best friend of course. "Enjoy your off period." I said, and she smiled.
"Have fun in history." she said, backing up slowly, and I could see a hint of mischief on her face, and I could tell the cogs in her head were turning. She was up to something, but instead of questioning her further, I went inside the classroom, taking my seat, I'd ask her later.

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