Accidents Cause Accidents Pt3

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Word Count: 3777
A/N: Here is the third part to Accidents cause Accidents! I'm sorry it's so long lol. Let me know what you think, I love feedback! Much love!

"And I love you." Jughead felt as sleep took the beautiful (Y/H/C) haired girl laying on him and he cherished this moment. He knew for sure that in the morning the police and the hospital were going to be pissed that she was here, but he didn't want to worry about that right now. All he wanted to do was spend some quality time with the one person in his life who had never betrayed him, promising to himself that this time if danger would show its ugly face again, which it most undoubtedly would, he'd do whatever it took to protect her.


"Jughead! It's time to get up. You have school today." Fred called, trying to wake up the sleeping boy who was sprawled out on the couch. Jughead slowly opened his eyes, reaching to pull Y/N closer to him while he could before he had to go to school, but he felt no one by him. He quickly shot up, looking around the room but there was no confused girl to be found.
"Where is Y/N?" Jughead asked, quickly standing up to go find her. Before Fred could even answer the question wildly thrown at him, Jughead stormed out of the room and into the kitchen. He quickly calmed down as he found Archie making pancakes and Y/N cutting fruit beside him, the two of them laughing and talking. Jughead leaned against the door frame, the two of them not noticing his presence yet and he enjoyed the sight. His two best friends were talking and joking around, just like before the accident.
"Its my turn to make a pancake, Archie! You've already made enough!" Y/N complained, giggling as Archie bumped into her with his hip.
"You don't even know how to make them." he playfully argued.
"Did I before?" she asked, and Archie sadly nodded his head, remembering Y/Ns accident. It was easy to forget she even had one until she brought it up or when you saw her trying to learn things all over again.
"Yeah, you did. You used to break into our house in the morning and surprise my dad, Jughead and I with them as a thank you." He said, grinning at the memory.
"Then move it, Archie. I'm going to learn again." She said, pushing him out of the way of the pan.
"Yeah Archie, move so she can learn and continue her morning felonies." Jughead called, and the two of them whipped their heads around and finally notice the raven haired boy smirking at them. Archie laughed and threw his hands up in surrender, leaning against the opposite counter. Y/N turned around and stuck her tongue out at him and they all laughed. She took the batter, and poured it in, making the best circle she could. She watched as it bubbled, and she carefully flipped the pancake, revealing a beautifully golden treat.
"Suck it, Archie! I do know how to make pancakes." She teased, putting the pancake on the stack Archie had previously made and gave herself a high five. "Go me!"
"Yeah whatever, I guess I'll finish cutting the fruit." Archie sighed, chuckling over at the girl doing a weird dance in front of the stove.
"Yeah, you better." she joked, and Jughead came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his head in her neck.
"Good morning." he said, his breath tickling her neck.
"Good morning to you too handsome boy." Archie said, and Jughead turned his head to face him. Archie gave him a playful wink and Y/N laughed. She broke free from Jugheads hold, and placed the spatula in his hand.
"Damn, I'll just leave you and your boyfriend to it I guess, you two obviously need some alone time." she said sarcastically, backing up and making her way to the living room.
"No, come back here." Jughead called and she slipped from the kitchen, winking to the two of them on her way out. Jughead sighed and flipped the pancake in the pan in front of him.
"She is going to have to learn everything all over again." Archie said worriedly, cutting up the apple that was on the board. Jughead sat there in silence for a few minutes, trying to think of something to say that would hopefully make Archie less worried. Archie was right of course, school was going to be a pain in the ass for the poor girl if she doesn't get her memories back, which the doctor had predicted she wouldn't.
There is so much that Y/N did before that she has no idea how to do now, would she even be the same person? Jughead shook himself from that thought, of course she would be the same person, you can't change someone's personality. Your personality sticks with you, its molded by the things that you grew up with and the things that have happened to you, but Y/N didn't remember any of that. At this moment in time, all she knew was the jackass doctor and the three people in this house not including her. The things she would know is being interrogated by police, being tracked down and hunted by serpents, and constantly being protected by people she didn't know. She already felt vulnerable enough, what if it gets worse? What if it gets to the point where she starts to rebel in an attempt to feel less vulnerable, to feel in control. Her life to her is now a blank slate, her personality could completely alter, and the girl he fell in love with could be no more. What was he going-
"Jughead! You're burning the pancake!" Fred called, snapping him out of his thoughts.
"Oh shit, sorry." He quickly picked the pancake up with the spatula and placed it on the stack.
"Are you okay?" Fred asked, watching as Jugheads face contorted, and he could tell the gears in his head were turning.
"And did you even hear what I said?" Archie asked. Jughead sighed and ran his hand through his beanie free hair.
"I'm fine, and yes I did hear you. Don't worry Archie, look how quickly she picked up on pancake making, I'm sure she'll learn everything else quickly as well." Jughead said. "I have faith in her."
"Yeah, but that was making a pancake, that's something five year-olds can do. Its easy. What about everything else? She's going to be so overwhelmed." Archie argued.
"She'll be okay, she was a smart girl and I'm sure she still is. If anyone can figure this stuff out, she can. She isn't as helpless as everyone seems to think, just because she doesn't remember much doesn't mean she cant take care of herself." Jughead concluded, trying his best to end the conversation.
"Jugheads got a point Arch, she will be just fine. She will be staying with us for awhile though because I don't trust that she'll be safe on her own in her apartment." Fred said, grabbing the orange juice out of the fridge and placing it on the table.
"Okay." Archie sighed. He was just worried about one of his best friends, and he was scared that things were going to change drastically with her, he had a gut feeling. He pushed it down though, deciding that he was outnumbered in his worries and that maybe he was just over-reacting. Although he wasn't aware that Jughead and Fred feel the same way. Jughead turned the stove off and made his way out to the living room to check on Y/N, she had been far too quiet for far too long.
"Y/N?" he asked, turning the corner to find her on the couch laying down. "You alright?" he asked, walking towards the girl. He heard a sniffle and worry set it. He knelt down by the couch in front of the crying girl, staring down at her face and playing with her hair. "Hey, come on, you can talk to me. What's going on?"
"I'm alright." she whispered and he rolled his eyes.
"You're still a terrible liar." he teased and she grinned. "Seriously though, are you okay?" he asked. She sat up and crossed her legs, staring down at her fidgeting hands.
"I'm alright, to be honest I'm just a little scared. I heard you guys talking, what if I don't remember Jug? I don't even remember how we met, or where I came from, and apparently I have an apartment? Where are my parents, where are yours? Whats my favourite colour, what do I like to eat, I don't know any of this!" she said, her voice shaking and cracking.
"Woah, breathe." Jughead tried to sooth, taking her hands into his. "We met when we were very little, I don't even remember how we met so don't feel bad. You come from Riverdale, and yes you have an apartment. Its your own because your parents left you about a year back, they said you were too much to handle and you were glad to leave because they were constantly at eachothers throats. My parents aren't any better, my dad is an alcoholic and my mom took my sister and left, and I miss those two every day. My dad is still around though, but I don't live with him, I cant really stand to be around him. I moved out a few months ago and I lived at the Drive In, although you probably don't remember it. It was our favourite place to hang out and watch movies together. We would be up all night watching movies and joking around, stuffing our faces with popcorn and soda pop, it was nice until it got torn down."
"After the Drive In was torn down, I lived at school until you found out and you tried to get me to move in with you but I refused. I didn't want to be a burden so you and your stubborn and caring self took my matters into your own hands and told Fred, who forced me to live with him. At first I was a little mad, but now I'm thankful for it, you always have my back and I don't know what I would do without you. You and I both have been betrayed time and time again, but we have never betrayed eachother which is probably why we are so close." he explained, and Y/N nodded her head listened.
"I'm sorry Juggie." She said, reaching out and wrapping her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, relishing in the moment.
"Don't be. Its not your fault, everything good that's happened these past few months have been because of you, and I don't know how I can ever thank you." he said. She pulled away from him and sat back down on the couch.
"Fred seems nice, I like him." She said softly, and Jughead chuckled.
"He seems to be the only good parent in this town." Jughead agreed, looking over to the kitchen door to find him and Archie quietly watching. Fred gave him a small smile, and Jughead smiled back. "He is always there for us kids when we need him, he is definitely trustworthy."
"Alright." She said quietly. Jughead looked down at her and smiled.
"Oh, and your favourite color is (Y/F/C) and your favourite food is (Y/F/F)." he quickly added, earning a giggle from the (Y/H/C) haired girl.
"Alright you two, its time for breakfast. Jughead and Archie are going to be late for school if they don't hustle." Fred called, and Y/N jumped off the couch, making her way to the kitchen. Jughead and Archie walked in first, but Y/N pulled Fred aside.
"Thank you." She said, and he smiled at her.
"You're very welcome." He said, patting her arm. "I've known you since you were little, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you."
"I appreciate it." she pulled him into a hug, and she quickly pulled away and made her way into the kitchen. Jughead and Archie were eating, talking and laughing and Y/N took a seat in between them. "Move it you two, I want to sit in between of my two favourite people."
The three of them ate and talked for the remainder of breakfast, Jughead and Y/N playing footsie under the table. When breakfast was done, the two boys picked up their backpacks and got ready to leave, and there was a ring of the doorbell. Y/N tensed up, and hid in the hall as Jughead opened the door, but a blonde-haired girl she barely remembered to be named Betty walked into the house.
"Hey you two." She said. "Did you guys hear, Y/N wasn't in the hospital this morning, she had checked herself out and no one has seen her since. Everyone is worried sick, I've been crying all morning." Jughead and Archie laughed nervously.
"About that..." Jughead said, and Y/N stepped out of the hall.
"Betty right?" she asked quietly, and the blonde dropped her backpack and ran up to her.
"Oh my god! You're alright!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around the girl.
"I am." Y/N said, laughing as she wrapped her arms around the blonde as well. Betty pulled back and stared happily at Y/N.
"You're up and walking and you're okay and ahh!" she exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me you checked yourself out and you were alright?" she asked. Y/N shrugged, nervously shifting on her feet.
     "I didn't even know I was coming here, I kind of just walked and ended up here by chance. I also don't really remember anything about you." Y/N mumbled quietly, and Betty's face fell.
     "Oh yeah, I keep forgetting." Betty said, clearing her throat. Everyone in the room could tell she was choking back tears, and Archie spoke out.
     "We should probably be heading to school." Betty nodded her head quickly, sniffling and wiping a stray tear from her face.
     "Betty, are you okay? I'm sorry-"
     "Don't worry about it Y/N,  it's not your fault. I'm sorry about what happened to you, and I know that you'll remember soon." Betty said cheerily as a cover for her sadness. She picked up her backpack and walked to the door.
     "Y/N, we'll be back soon. How about you come to Pops with us after school, I'll come pick you up?" Archie suggested, and Y/N nodded her head slowly.
     "Okay." she replied, trying to swallow the lump in her throat. "Have a great day guys."
     "You too." Archie said, opening the door and waving. Jughead jogged over and smiled at her, to which she did her best to return. Jughead wrapped his arms around the girl, burying his head into her neck.
     "You'll be okay. If you need anything just text me." he whispered in her ear as he pulled away. She just nodded her head and leaned up, wanting to feel something that made her happy, Jugheads lips on her own. He smiled in the kiss, realizing that this was the first time since her accident that she initiated a kiss.
     "I will." she promised. Jughead picked his backpack up from the ground and walked to the door, turning to give one last smile to the girl. "I love you." she called as the door closed, and she heard no response. She quietly made her way to the kitchen and started picking up breakfast, leaving a plate out for Fred. After everything was put away, she sat at the table and slumped over, her head resting on her folded arms.
"You all good, kiddo?" Fred asked, making his way to the coffee machine. She quickly shot up, looking over to the man.
"I'm fine." she mumbled, sighing and then yawning and rubbing her eyes.
"Tired?" he asked, and she nodded. "Want some coffee?"
"I don't know." she shrugged, playing with her hands. Fred took a mug out of the cupboard and poured some coffee in it, placing it on front of her.
"You might not like this, so if this is too bitter for you then tell me and I can fix it." he said, nodding down to the cup. She reluctantly took the mug in her hands and brought the hot liquid up to her lips. She took a sip and quickly placed the cup down.
"Oh, no. Please fix it!" she exclaimed, shivers coursing through her. Fred chuckled and grabbed creamed out of the fridge, pouring it into the coffee, stirring it, and handing it back to Y/N. She looked at the mug that was now filled with a light colour liquid and she brought it up to her lips again, this time taking a long drink.
"Much better." she said, taking another long drink.
"I'm glad." Fred chuckled, taking a seat at the table as well and Y/N pushed over his plate of breakfast.
"Eat up. I made you a plate before I put stuff away." Fred took a fork in his hand and dug in, closing his eyes and leaning back in his chair.
"Archie and you did a good job on this." he remarked, taking another bite.
"Thank you."
"you've been excused from school until they figure out what to do with you, so that leaves us with what to do with you here. What are your plans for today?" Fred asked, and Y/N thought for a second.
"I don't really have any. To not get dragged back to the hospital I guess." she mumbled.
"Stay out of trouble and that won't be too much of a problem." he teased. "And be careful walking, you're quite a clumsy person." Y/N grinned and rolled her eyes.
"Okay dad." she joked, and Fred froze. Y/N noticed and she felt her stomach drop. "I mean-I was just joking...I thought that's what people said." she stuttered, hoping she hadn't freaked him out to the point he'd make her leave.
"No, it's alright Y/N, I promise." he said, putting his fork down and turning to better face the girl. "If it's any conciliation, I think of you as a daughter. I've known you practically your whole life and you don't exactly have a family to take care of you, that's why I do it. I'm really sorry about your parents, I tried to talk sense into them but they just don't listen to reason and didn't understand how fucked up it was to just abandon-"
"It's okay, I don't remember it anyways." she brushed it off, giving a light chucked. Fred gave a saddened smile.
     "Yeah. I guess so." he mumbled, looking at the time. He stood from the stool quickly, grabbing the things he needed for work and rushed to the door. Y/N got up and followed and watched.
     "I'll be home soon, have a good day. Anything in the fridge or pantry is fair game, okay?" he said, opening the door. She nodded her head.
     "You have a good day too." she called as she left, shutting the door behind him. Once the door shut Y/N ran a hand over her face, sighing heavily and making her way back into the kitchen. She leaned against a counter and her eyes roamed the room. Her eyes lazily caught a glimpse of what looked to be a picture of a young girl on the front of a newspaper in the recycling, and she took it out.
     "Young Girl Solves Local Case And Consequences Follow." she read, looking more closely at the photo. "Oh my god. That's me." she quickly scanned the page, her head racing too much to fully read it. She slammed the paper down on the counter, trying to take deep breathes to calm herself down.
     "Chill the fuck out Y/N, you're a wreck." she muttered. No one had really talked to her about what happened, she didn't even know the simplest details on the case she supposedly solved, reading this could shed light to what happened to her. She could figure out who turned her life around, who took the past 16 years from her. Slowly, she picked the paper back up.
     "Sophomore at Riverdale High School, Y/N. Y/L/N  recently solved the murder of Jason Blossom, another sophomore who was found dead last summer. After recording a conversation she overheard at the Blossoms residence, she soon made it home where she sent the video to Sheriff Kellers son. Unfortunately, she was spotted and tracked by Southside Serpents, who are now also under investigation, at her apartment where her and her boyfriend Forsythe Pendleton the Third, better known as Jughead Jones were taking shelter. Jones and Y/L/N hid in a closet in hopes to avoid being spotted, but they were found, Jughead Jones being thrown across the room and knocked unconscious and Y/N  Y/L/N being taken out to her balcony and thrown off. By some miracle, the girl survived with her only injuries being a concussion, a few broken ribs and most unfortunately, amnesia. She woke up and has no memory of the incident that took place, or anything before that. We are wishing her a quick recovery and we thank her for her sacrifice." Y/N read the paper out loud, dropping the paper to the floor when she was done. She stumbled back into the counter and stood there numb. It was only until she felt her face wet that she realized she was crying, and she slowly walked to the living room, laying on the couch.
"We would like to thank her for her sacrifice." she scoffed, anger now setting in. "It wasn't a sacrifice I wanted to make, and now look at me! I didn't even know the town where I lived was Riverdale! Who the hell is Jason, and was he worth this?" she exclaimed, tears spilling from her eyes. South side Serpents... she thought to herself. They're the ones responsible for this.
"I'm going to get those sons of bitches and I'm going to make them pay." she growled, standing from her seat on the couch and making her way to the office. She opened the door and got on the computer, opening whatever search engine was first available and typed in Southside Serpents Riverdale. An address for a bar popped up and she quickly scribbled it on a piece of paper.
"They don't know what's coming."

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