Because I Like You

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     Word Count: 1670
     A/N: this is a touch of Jealous/Protective!Jughead, but I have one more coming out here fairly soon that will be even more jelaous-y and protective-y and possessive-y than this so yay! *squeal* I hope you all enjoy lol!

     Word Count: 1670     A/N: this is a touch of Jealous/Protective!Jughead, but I have one more coming out here fairly soon that will be even more jelaous-y and protective-y and possessive-y than this so yay! *squeal* I hope you all enjoy lol!

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"Juggie, I'm going to be gone for a few hours so don't wait up!" Y/N yelled down the hall, half expecting her best friend to completely disregard what she said.
"Where are you going?" the beanie-less boy yelled, bursting out of his office slash bedroom, his hair falling over his face. Y/N chuckled slightly at the concerned boy, and picked up her bag off the counter.
"Out...?" she replied, and Jughead rolled his eyes, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms over his chest in an attempt to play off his worry.
"Out where? With who?" he asked, trying his best to make his million questions sound as casual as possible, but ended up ultimately failing because Y/N smiled at his concerned tone he was trying so hard to conceal.
"Why does it matter?" she asked, putting her hand on her hip and eyeing the raven haired boy.
"Because there's a killer on the loose," he quickly shot. Y/N followed Jugheads eyes as he gave her a glance over, and she melted for a split second under his gaze, shifting on her feet. "And I don't know if I want you going out dressed like... that."
"What do you mean? Do I not look good?" she asked, looking down at herself. She thought she looked pretty good, she was wearing her favourite (black skater skirt, a white lacy crop top, a flowy nude cardigan, and short black booties/black plain tank top, skinny ripped jeans, and plain black sneakers).
"No, I think you look beautiful as always," he started, and Y/N felt as her heart skipped a beat, and tried to fight the blush creeping up her cheeks. "It's just... you look too beautiful, you're gonna get a lot of attention from guys if you're going to be out in public." he said, and Y/N rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
"I'm going to the club with Ronnie and the Pussy cats, I'm sure I'm going to be getting attention either way, being surrounded by drunk men and all." she teased, but that only seemed to upset him more.
"All more of a reason for you to go change, do you want to borrow one of my jackets? That'll cover you up better, and maybe scare a few guys off." He offered, and Y/N chuckled.
"No Jug, I'm okay I-" she started, but Jughead shook his head.
"Yeah, I'll go get you a jacket." he interrupted, backing up slowly to his room, digging around for a spare and baggy coat for the (y/h/c) girl, but before he could find one, he heard the front door open.
"Bye Jughead, don't wait up!" Y/N called, and Jughead rushed out of the room and to the front door, where Y/N winked and slammed the door behind her, leaving Jughead to his own burning thoughts and feelings.


Y/N opened the front door slowly, trying her best to avoid the squeaking noise the hinges made every time the door was used, but like clockwork, the door cried out.
"Shut up you stupid door, people are trying to sleep!" she whispered angrily at the inanimate object, closing it behind her.
"You know it doesn't understand you, right?" Jughead asked, turning on a lamp in the living room, revealing him sitting on the couch of their small apartment. "It's a door, just because you verbally abuse it doesn't mean it will do what you want."
"Yeah whatever, I can still try. What are you doing up?" Y/N asked, tossing her bag on the ground and taking her (booties/sneakers) off.
"Waiting for you." He replied, standing from the couch. "Do you know what time it is?"
"I don't know? 2 maybe?" Y/N guessed, and Jughead shook his head.
"5:30 in the morning, I was worried sick!" he slightly yelled, and Y/N rolled her eyes, making her way into the kitchen.
"You had no reason to be, I'm fine." She said nonchalantly, pulling a mug out of the cupboard and (hot chocolate/tea) out of another.
"You've been gone for 7 hours with no word to me, the only way I knew you were alive was from your instagram, which by the way I have a few questions about, like where'd you go after the club and who the hell were those guys you were with?" He asked angrily, and Y/N threw her hands in the air in surrender.
"I went back to Josie's with Ronnie, Melody, Valarie, and some guys from the club." she said, taking a sip of her (hot chocolate/tea) and jumping up onto the counter.
     "Why?" he asked, and Y/N shrugged, kicking her feet slightly as they dangled off the edge.
     "Did you really think I was going to be in a crowded club for 7 hours? I'm surprised I even survived the 3 I was there. Honestly if you ask me it was 3 hours too many, there were-"
     "That's not what I was asking. Why did you take guys back to Josie's with you?" Jughead asked, and Y/N giggled. "What's so funny?"
     "You're so angry, it's kinda cute." she said, and Jughead did his best not to look affected by her comment, which wasn't too hard, he was pissed.
     "You didn't sleep with any of them did you?" he asked, and Y/N choked slightly on her drink, taken aback by the question.
     "No, I'm very much awake right now, and I was very much awake earlier, and I'm not in a strange bed with a man I don't know," she said, and Jughead huffed out in frustration. "At least I don't think I am, this could be just a dream. This would be a very weird dream to be having, although I've had weirder. One time, I had a dream that you got kidnapped by aliens and I was chasing around this shiny purple UFO trying to get you back and-"
      "Y/N, you know what I mean." Jughead said impatiently, but she just kept on rambling.
     "They refused to give you back, and I was pissed, so when they landed I snuck into the ship and beat the shit out of like three ugly grey aliens who had guns that shot out energy cells, and I was dodging all of their bullets-"
     "Y/N!" Jughead yelled, effectively shutting the girl up. "How drunk are you?" he asked, and she giggled and shrugged again. "Did you have-"
     "No I didn't sleep with any of them." Y/N cut him off, jumping off the counter but leaned back against it instead. "I don't see why it's any of your business if I did though, why should you care?"
     "Because I'm your best friend, and I only want to protect you." he said, and Y/N scoffed, now getting slightly annoyed with Jugheads over protectiveness.
     "I can protect myself Jughead, I don't need your supervision." she argued, and he glared narrowly at her.
     "Obviously you do." He spat. "I'm only doing this to make sure you don't end up like Jason Blossom-"
     "I still don't understand why you care so much, you don't care about anything half the time!" she yelled, throwing her hands up.
     "BECAUSE I LIKE YOU!" he yelled, not thinking over what just came out of his mouth, but it didn't matter too much, because neither did Y/N.
     "WELL I LIKE YOU TOO!" she screamed back, staring wildly at Jughead, who just processed what Y/N had said to him and was taken aback.
     She paused for a second, taking her eyes off the boy in front of her to think about the argument that just went down and the words that were said. She stared off confused into space, a panting mess as she tried to catch her breathe and process the fact that Jughead had just admitted his feelings for her, or maybe she was so drunk she imagined it? But she just admitted her feelings to him, she knew that for a fact so if she imagined him saying that and she just yelled that she liked him that-
     Her thoughts were cut off when Jugheads lips crashed into hers, and without missing a beat she kissed him back, her hands flying up to his face. She quickly pulled away from him, staring him in his eyes and he looked slightly panicked, worried he had done something wrong.
     "Please tell me I'm not passed out somewhere drunk as all hell and dreaming this." she breathlessly asked, and Jughead smirked.
     "Is that what you think is happening?" he asked.
     "God I hope not." she replied, pulling him back down for another hungry kiss to which he happily complied. He picked her up and threw her on the counter behind them, moving from her mouth to her jaw, trailing kisses from there to her collarbone as Y/N tugged on the hem of his shirt.
     "I've liked you for so long..." she said and he smiled against her skin, standing up straighter to look at her.
     "Ive liked you since you moved here." he said, and she blushed and rolled her eyes, leaning down to peck him on the lips.
     "Damn I've wasted so much of my life not doing that." she said, smirking down at Jughead, to which he chuckled slightly.
      "Let's make up for all lost time right now, what do you say?" he asked smugly, and she nodded her head, crashing her lips with his again, continuing to tug on his shirt until he pulled it off himself. She reached to her own and pulled it off as well, and Jughead picked her up off the counter, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She giggled as he made their way to her bedroom that they both knew was going to be shared after tonight's events, which by the way, totally made up for lost time. ;)

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