a/n and thank you

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Hey guys, its your recently absent, shitty at updating author here. Nice to see you all again, thank you for reading!

I know this is like a weekish late, but i got quite a few happy birthday messages on my birthday and i just wanted to say thank you to those who messaged me! It was very sweet and made my 18th better.

I also would like to thank you all for being so patient with my inability to update on a normal schedule and frequently. Life is just crazy, ya know? And hard af, ya feel me? So thank you for not hating me and for your kind messages about it.

Also again, thank you for reading and commenting and liking. Expect another update probably immediately after this one, and a jealousy update by the end of the week on my jealousy book.

Okay, im about to go fail a math test, hell yeah! Much love!

(Also old song, but my fav atm)

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