The Girl In The Serpent Jacket

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Word Count: 2377
A/N: okay so I got two requests from jishwadunwityou and fandom-quote on Tumblr that were super similar so I decided to just write them together! I hope you enjoy this! Much love ❤️

     Word Count: 2377     A/N: okay so I got two requests from jishwadunwityou and fandom-quote on Tumblr that were super similar so I decided to just write them together! I hope you enjoy this! Much love ❤️

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"There she goes again, it's every day with this girl!" Cheryl exclaimed, watching with Veronica, Betty, Kevin, Josie, and Archie as Y/N Cierra walked by, sporting her Southside Serpents jacket.
"I don't think I've ever seen her without it on." Archie commented, and everyone nodded, agreeing.
"Who and what?" Jughead asked, walking up to the group as Y/N turned the corner into another hallway.
"Y/N Cierra and her Serpent jacket." Betty said, and Jugheads face lit up.
"Y/N Cierra, I haven't heard that name in forever. How do you know her, and how do you know she wears a serpent jacket?" Jughead asked, and everyone turned to him, trying to read his face to see if he was kidding or not.
"You're kidding right?" Kevin asked, and Jughead shook his head slowly.
"Of course he isn't. That boy doesn't ever look up from his laptop long enough to notice anything in this school." Josie said, earning a few chuckles from people in the group.
"Jug, Y/N goes to school here, she has for a long time. Although it's hard to notice because she's gone a lot, probably off breaking the law with her Serpent buddies." Cheryl explained, and Jughead nodded, his gaze falling down the hallway where the gang was staring before he came over.
"How do you know Y/N Cierra?" Veronica asked, but Archie answered for him.
"She was part of our little gang years ago, you know, before she joined an actual gang." Archie replied, and Betty nodded.
"Her and Juggie here were best of friends, but Y/Ns family started going through some tough times, her dad picked everything up and left, and her mom didn't know what to do, so she joined the Serpents. Y/N grew up around those men, and became one, but she grew distant as well." Betty explained, and everyone nodded.
Just then, Y/N turned the corner into the hallway once more, and everyone in the hall stepped to the side, staring her down. Jug looked at his friend for the first time in what felt like ages, she was beautiful, and she wore a smirk on her face as she walked down the hallway, a glowing confidence radiating off of her. The stares coming her way were cruel and judgmental, but she didn't seem to mind, and Jughead couldn't help but take interest in his old friend again. Without saying a word, he broke off from his friends and made his way over to the middle of the hallway, stopping right in front of Y/N.
"Y/N Cierra." he said, and she stopped walking, looking up at the raven haired boy.
"Jughead Jones." she replied, giving a small smile. "Long time no talk, although I always see you around."
"Yeah..." Jughead chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I hadn't even noticed we went to the same school, it's been forever since I've seen you and you haven't ever been in any of my classes."
"Don't worry about it, you're always busy writing that novel, and you've got your own stuff going on, I'm not mad. It's good to talk to you again, although I'm a little surprised." she said, and Jughead looked at her questioningly.
"How so?" he asked, and Y/N gave a slight shrug.
"You seem to have a tightly knit gang, full of people who I can only imagine don't approve too much of my kind. I thought they might have rubbed off on you, that you just didn't want to talk to me because I'm the odd one out at this school." she confessed, and Jughead chuckled, giving his award winning smirk.
"You do realize who you're talking to, right? I'm not exactly a fitting piece in this schools puzzle, I don't fit in either. I don't mind that you're a serpent, if I had known you went here, we would of had this conversation a long time ago." Jughead reassured, and Y/N smiled, blushing slightly. Just then her phone buzzed, and she pulled it out of her jacket, looking down at the text she received.
"I have to run, can we continue catching up later?" Y/N asked, typing a response back and putting her phone back in her pocket.
"Absolutely, how about Pops tonight?" Jughead suggested, and Y/N smiled, nodding.
"Sounds like a plan, Beanie." she replied, and Jughead chuckled, rolling his eyes at the use of her old nickname for him.
"Let's not bring that back, I don't need Reggie hearing it and adding it to his list of names for me." Jughead said, and she giggled, straightening her jacket and backing up slowly.
"Whatever Beanie, you know you like it." she said, waving at him and turning to leave the school. Jughead watched as she left, and he felt something he hadn't felt since the last time he had spoken to her all those years ago, butterflies.

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