Chapter 1 [One Direction]

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A/N: Hey everyone! I've finally gotten of my lazy butt and edited this to the best of my abilities! Meaning, it's fixed but only so much and so I apologise to the grammar nazi's right now. I just don't like editing :'( you understand, right? Right! Okay, I hope so!

ACTION! . . .


Chapter 1

It was official. I've fallen in love with his voice. The sweet, harmonising ecstasy of this beautiful voice.

"Who's is this?" I asked my best friends Tynesha, aka "Twitch" and Jessie, aka "Tazer". Tynesha just shrugged and continued driving, not really caring, which was normal. I lightly play punched her and she smiled. I turned to Jessie who was giving me the stink eye.

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed, raising my hands in innocence. I started laughing at her unflinching face and, very quickly, Tynesha looked in the rear view mirror and began to laugh with me, focusing her eyes back on the road. I smiled at Jessie. 

"Oh come on! Please?" I said, smiling at her with my best and biggest grin.

"They're only the best band ever and that was Zayn Malik who was just singing." she said matter of fact. "They're band is One Direction and FYI Harry Styles is mine." Jessie finished with an 'I'm disappointed in you' look on her face.

I pulled a face of my own resulting in another round of tummy rumbling laughter. Right now were heading up to Brisbane to see some friends of ours. I turned the music up and sung along even though I didn't know the words. I must say this band is quite addictive. Perfect harmony.

Singing wildly we got some strange looks from people in their cars. We all simply waved. smiled, pulled ridiculous faces and blew kisses to all the hottie totties out there, when Jessie leaned through to the front and turned the music down a bit. I frowned. 

"What gives?" I asked, wanting to turn the music back up again.

"Shay, do you really not know who One Direction are?" Jessie asked, confusion playing on her face. I turned to her,

"1st put your seat belt back on,  2nd stop with the faces and 3rd no. No I don't know who they are", I replied, urging to turn the music back up and listen to this Zayn guy and his melodious voice. Jessie looked horrified. It was the look I pulled when there were great masses of crowds surrounding me and my little bubble of breathable air and confidence. Yes believe it or not I'm terrified of crowded places. 

"How is that even possible!?" Jessie asked incredulous. I gave her an exasperated look and shrivelled back round to the scenery of traffic. I turned the music back up and started singing the lyrics i did know,

I SHOULDA KISSED YOU!", I sung aloud, laughing when Tynesha roller her eyes at me.

"Here's Zayns Part!", I yelped excitedly.


I sung even louder looking at the people in the car next to us who were laughing and clapping. I did a mini sitting bow and yelled, "Thank You! Thank You! I'm here all week!".

The car tooted and laughed when the stop lights turned green. Someone poked my ribs and I jumped slightly. Turning I immediately glared at Jessie who, in turn, was looking at anything but me. I childishly poked my tongue out at her and turned back around once more opening my mouth to sing again when Tynesha stopped me,

"Hang on superstar, hottie totties 6 o'clock".

I turned abruptly and saw them grinning. Tynesha poked me in the ribs mumbling something that sounded like 'How subtle Shay'. Laughing I turned to her and said,

"Now you know I'm not one to be shy Twitch", I giggled then turned back around to the guys, who had some serious defined muscles,

"Hey! Whats your numbers?", I yelled and smiled brightly. Apparently they came prepared because the driver passed me a folded piece of paper. Our turn to go came and we lurched forward but not before I hear one yell,

"Call soon!", I couldn't help but laugh. now I could cross that of my list of random things to do when out and about.

"You're crazy you know?", Tynesha said giving me a fake worried look.

"No! Don't let them take me twitch, No!", I screamed then broke out in laughter, "I can-feel my-abs coming-through", I said between laughter.  Tynesha and Jessie laughed while Jessie recorded my little episode. I turned and waved at the camera before blowing a kiss and turning back to see Tynesha laughing slightly,

"You should be an actress! Or a singer! NO! A singing actress!", She yelled twitching her body. That's why we called her twitch because, well simply because, she twitched randomly. I smiled,

"Now being an actress is a done deal. My singing however is only good for when people want to go deaf or die quickly", I said with a smirk. At the same time both Tynesha and Jessie aimed a light punch toward my arm, so I intervened,

"CAR!", I shouted pointing forward. Tynesha whipped her head around while Jessie grabbed her camera. I looked at her like REALLY? Tynesha slammed on the brake and then a look of confusion crossed both hers and Jessie's face,

"Where the car?", Jessie asked filming me now. Tynesha glared at me then,

"Yeah where?" she second Jessie's comment.

"Ah um. PURPLE FLYING DINOSAUR MONKEYS IN A CORSET!", I said pointing again. Tynesha and Jessie began laughing while I sat there thinking 'ha yeah, what's so funny?'

"You don't even realise what you said do you?", Tynesha said. I shook my head, my turn to be confused. Jessie laughed and showed me the camera, she pressed, play and I sat there watching myself and hearing the words,

'Ah Umm. Purple flying dinosaur monkeys in a corset", Once again I burst out laughing. In situations when I'm stuck for an excuse or when nervous, angry sad, actually just all the time, I said random things to distract who ever was around. At that point we were pulling up into our friend Meg's house. After .1 milliseconds of being there I saw the front door swing open and heard a high pitched,


I rolled my eyes and hopped out of the car, the girls a few feet behind me. Meg crossed her arms across her chest,

"Shay! Did you just roll your eyes at me?", Meg said faking offence. My response was,

"Me? Roll my eyes?

I laughed and pulled her in for a hug which she gladly returned. Tynesha and Jessie ran up then and joined in.  The 4 of us standing there hugging while Jessie waved the camera around trying to get us all in. Sneaking around Jessie I reached for the camera and snatched it from her,

Hey!", Jessie yelled, reaching for it. The only problem with that was that I was pretty tall, still shorter than guys but taller than most girls and, well, lets just say that even if I were average height she still wouldn't reach. I zoomed in on the group while running backwards. I was laughing and only half watching my feet when I smacked into something, or rather someone,

Joel!", I yelled smiling down at him. between running backwards and clashing into our good friend Joel, Meg's brother, I managed landing myself upon him. Unintentional of course. Joel looked up at me with his lazy grin,

"Hey Shayah", he said leaning up and kissing my cheek. Joel was the only one who called me by my whole name. I hate it.

"Aww how cute!, I heard jessie say, camera in hand again, recording us. Tynesha and meg made their way over in time to see me flip the bird at Jessie and that flipping camera. Tynesha raised her eyebrows and Meg made a sound that was a cross between a gorilla puking up and panda going through labor and her face was priceless. Realising Joel and I were still laying there I looked down at him once more and said,

As much fun as this is, I'm afraid to say that I must get up and off you", Joel laughed and was about to say something when I interrupted him,

No don't make this harder than it is. I must leave, I have duties to fulfil", Everyone laughed. Even Meg, Joel replied saying,

"My fair lady where shall you go? What duties are to be complete by my one and only", I couldn't help but laugh as he grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles.

"Oh my knight. My saviour. I must depart you to order an Iced Milo smoothie or else, I'm afraid, I'll die", I said placing the hand he kissed across my forehead and 'fainted' to the ground.

"Bravo! You've reached a new level of stupid!", A new voice said in a joking matter. Looking up  I took in the sight of Mary. Her long brown hair was swaying in perfect curls in the wind, her smile was glowing and I raced into the arms of my "Mum".

"Mary!", I screamed, hugging her close. I heard footsteps approach and 4 more pairs of arms held us together. Aww group hugs were the best.

"Hey what was that comment about mine and Joel's acting?", I asked acting offended. Mary just laughed and cupped my cheek,

"Nothing. It was beautiful acting. The next Romeo and Juliet, I think", Mary said winking at me. I smiled and looked to see Joel blushing. Weird, I thought, Since when did he ever blush? All of a sudden a chorus of "Oohs" and "Aww's" broke out. Joel blushed again and I could feel my own cheeks start to blush.

"Quit it NobGobs!", I said, giving them all, aside joel, the stink eye.

"What in the world is a NobGob?" meg asked, face scrunched up.

"Honey if you don't know then, well, you're a Nob Gob", I shrugged, holding in a laugh.

Meg returned my glare from before and I put an arm around her shoulders. Smiling at her I asked,

"Who wants a hot chocolate?", skipping inside. Tynesha turned towards Meg at the same time as Jessie and I smirked when Meg said,

"Me!", I laughed an evil sort of laugh and came skipping back to the front door. Tynesha and Jessie face palmed their selves while I said,

"Great! I'll have 2 scoops of chocolate mix, 2 sugars and 6 marshmallows", Meg stared at me, placing a hand on her hip. Laughing but glaring she walked towards the kitchen. I winked and reminded her again,

"Don't forget! 6 Marshmallows. S-I-X, 6!".


xoxo - Shay<3

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