Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"It's been a good 45 minutes I don't think they would be out there or else they would have come in by now", I pointed out.

Zayn just stared at me. Even in the dark it made me feel nervous. Like he was really looking at me properly. Which is ridiculous because we are in a dark room. No scratch that, closet!

"Probably", was all he said. I rolled my eyes, It seemed like I had been doing that a lot lately."Why do you travel with One Direction? Are you their stylist or something?", I asked to keep conversation.

Zayn looked at me once more, with what looked like surprise in his eyes. Then as fast as that came on a look of understanding followed. I was just plain confused.

"What? What did I say? Is there something on my face? There is isn't there? Blood sucking flying green beans!", I rambled on.

"Shay!", Zayn said laughing, "there's nothing on your face! And you said nothing wrong". Smiling, he took my hand, "if anything, everything you said was perfect. Oh and what about blood sucking beans?", Zayn laughed. What? What did I say? I asked myself.

"I better get going", Zayn said standing. The reason I stood was because he still had my hand.

"Yeah I need to go find my seat. Actually up until now I forgot what I was doing and now I need to go do that", I replied taking my hand away. At least I was going to when he turned my arm and pulled out a pen. A few seconds later in a bright red marker were numbers.

"Text me", he said while peeking out the door. Zayn let me out first and then he came out close behind.

"Sure thing", I replied. It immediately got awkward because now that we were in the light I could see his handsome face. Golden brown eyes. Perfect black hair. Masculinity shooting sky high and here I was, just some girl in ripped jeans and a yellow sheer top with curly hair that probably looked wild by now.

I blushed and covered my face. Zayn took my hands away and hugged me tight. At first I was tense and then I rested my head perfectly in the space of his neck. Oh my crackers! Zayn smelt amazing. I looked up at him,

"I think you are going to be one of the best friends I've ever made", Zayn smiled. Letting me go he headed down the hall.

"Hey! You never told me why you travel with One Direction?", I quickly yelled after him.

"Shay you will soon find out! Trust me!", he smiled and raced away.

Thinking to myself I though,

"Yeah! Trust the handsome boy that locked me in a dark closet with him. Wait? Did unjust say handsome? Oh I really need to stop talking to myself".

Then I went down the hall. The opposite direction to handsome guy who's name is Zayn.


[A/N]: I realise this is short. Like, unforgivably so, but, you are going to have to live with it....... :D please? Otay, onwards, next chapter, go go go ------->

Forever yours, Zayn [Zayn Malik Fanfic COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now