Chapter 22

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I twirled around my room in the dress I was to wear tonight for part 2 of my date with Zayn. Jessie, Tynesha and I had left the boys hotel an hour ago. Louis took us back to the beach for my baby car and surprisingly it was okay. We drove home and were welcomed by a parade of cameras, people wanting our autographs and the buzzing from all their yelling and screaming of our names and questions was still present in my ears.

We had packed our belongings and the girls were making coffees before my date tonight and then the ling hours of our flight before us. The dress hugged me in all the right places, my skin shone against the deep purple silk. The design was amazingly gorgeous, the details down to perfection and, I must admit, it made my boobs look, what's the word I'm looking for, GOOD! I placed on gloss black, peep toed, high heels and added black earrings to be simple with my locket and finished my attire with a black clutch, decorated with jewels. I twirled one more time thoroughly enjoying the breeze I created whip past my face and string through my hair. It was only 1:30 so I had a couple more hours before my date and the flight to London with my best friends and boyfriend,

"When are you going to stop being vain and come have your coffee?", Jessie smirked while Tynesha stood there rolling her eyes at me, I giggled slightly,

"I'll get changed and come out", I said picking up my pillow and chucking it to the now closing door. I smiled brightly. Slipping out of my shoes and dress I settled for some shorts and I singlet. I headed towards the door before racing back to my bed and placing Zayns jacket on. It smelled like him. Satisfied I walked out and say by the girls raising the hot coffee to my lips and welcoming the burn of it sliding down my throat,

"So have Harry and Niall spoken to you two yet?", I asked seeing it was like they'd forgiven me about not telling them about London. They gave each other a look before pinching on me. I only just managed to put my coffee down before we all landed on the floor laughing so hard Jessie started pulling her crazy look and Tynesha was going cross eyed.

"I'll take that as a yes then", I laughed sitting back up and grabbing my coffee as a safety precaution.

"YES!", they screamed in unison laughing again.

"Niall politely asked me to join him, the guys and you and I've always loved to go to London plus ni- yeah", Tynesha said. Jessie and I looked at each other and back at Tynesha she just shrugged as a way of evading the questions we were definitely going to get after my date.

"Harry told me flat out that I was coming and that was the end of discussion. I just gave him a hug and said yes I'll come", Jessie said a blush working it's way up to her face. That's was also another topic I had to bring up again after tonight.

"So were ok then?", I asked, hope taking over me. Without another word the girls stood and hugged me and I smiled, loving that I had my girls back.

I decided I'd start on my hair since it was the trickiest thing about me to contain. It never listened or wanted to do what I wanted it to. I sat before my mirror waiting for the curler to heat up. Dividing my hair into 2 sections I began curling the lower half of it. After 20 minutes I finally sat the way I wanted it to. Starting on the top half of my hair I changed my mind. I continued curling it and when it was done, instead if leaving the curls out I tied it up in a loose but glamourous bun, leaving little wisp of curls the fell, framing my face. Happy for once with my hair I started on my make up. It only took 10 minutes. It would have only taken 5 but since half way through I changed my mind again I had to start all over again. I had eyeliner only on the top lids of my eyes and applied a bronze eye shadow, next my mascara framed my eyes making the brown color of them pop. I bronzed the frame of my face and left out foundation. Next I settled for a simple clear gloss. I slipped on my dress and placed my heels on. Grabbing my cluth I twirled again and took a look in my mirror. I smiled a smile of acceptance and walked outside my room where I was welcomed by my two grinning best friends and five handsome guys. One of which was dressed to impressed. Walking up to Zayn indid a little spin and, without further more, he wrapped his arms around me pulling me in for a kiss. I heard a snap and breking away from Zayn looked at the people who I could no longer see my life without. Jessie passed me the photo and after the longest 30 seconds ever a picture came into view and I relived my kiss with Zayn. Together we stood embraced and I had never felt more loved than ever before.


Short chappy I know! But it's Easter weekend!

Btw HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY! hope you all have a wonderful easter!!


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