Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The day was coming to a close but I couldn't stop thinking about out kiss. Zayn had kissed me and it was the most romantic thing ever being in the sea and all. I kept hold if his hand as we walked out of the water hearing a wolf whistle,

"Things were looking a little hot in there!", Harry yelled. I laughed and looked at Zayn who had been looking at me already. I smiled and leaned into him, he wrapped his arm around me still keeping my hand held in his. I laughed slightly as water droplets fell from his hair And trickled down my back. Zayn stopped and wrapped his other arm around my back, sadly, letting my hand go. I looked up at him, the sun setting, making it look like he had a halo of light around him. The sight was absolutely hands down the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes upon. He was glorifying. I wrapped my arms around his neck to give my arms something to do. I felt all nervous and the butterflies in me were kicking up a storm.

"How does breakfast at 8 sound?", he asked.

"Sounds to long too wait", I blurted before covering my face. I couldn't believe I just said that. I shook my head in my hands when I felt his hands pull mine away. I looked back up to see him smiling those pearly white teeth. I sighed, he is the most beautiful person ever.

"That was cute", Zayn whispered.

"No it really wasn't I'm such a ding ding", I blushed immensely.

"As was that", he laughed.

"Dang it! I'm sorry I just suck at this sort of thing"

"It's okay and what sort of thing?"

"This", I said losing my confidence. Why couldn't I think of anything to say? I'm such a sad excuse for a girl.

"What does 'this' imply"

"I'm such a sad excuse for a girl", I blabbered, "I just meant talking to guys. Well to you".

"Oh, okay. Well we should stop Harry from burying Jessie the rest of the way under the sand", Zayn replied looking at our crazy friends. Sighing I walked towards them. Zayn grabbed my hand once more and then started dragging me along. Giggling I ran with him and jumped on his back. Tynesha had Jessie's camera and recorded Zayn and I run up to them,

"Well that was very bay watch of you guys", Tynesha smirked. Zayn ran up to her and shook the water out of his hair. Tynesha sat there and glared playfully before chucking sand at him. I felt arms go around my waist and carry me off, when I heard Louis laugh and say,

"You snooze you lose!"

I laughed and begged Louis to put me down,

"Louis! Please?", I giggled.

"Never!", he shouted war like Annie giggled even more. Finally Zayn ran over with Harry in his arms, locking him to himself,

"Let her go and he lives". Zayn said in a deep and quite sexy might I add voice.

"Boo bear! Do what he says!", Harry yelled in a petrified way. I laughed more than ever.

"Tempting deal", Louis shrugged.

"Boo Bear!" shouted Harry.

"Lou!", I shouted.

"Sir knight Zayn!", Zayn shouted. Louis let go and we all fell to the ground shaking with laughter. This reminded me so much of Joel and I. I immediately stood and raced over to my bag. I had 7 missed calls and 10 text messages. Dang it! They were all from Meg,

Forever yours, Zayn [Zayn Malik Fanfic COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now