Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Zayns POV

Together, Shay and I walked into the living room, hand in hand, matching smiles, hearts blending into one another. Everyone raised their eyebrows. Liam smiled,

"Now I know that look. I saw the exact expression on Danny's face when I asked her out and she said yes", he said. Liam got up and walked over, I let shays hand go and Liam engulfed her in a hug, whispering,

"Welcome to the family". Shay held tightly to him. Those two are so close, bonding, loving each other like brother and sister. I couldn't help but smile at them,

"Thanks Liam", Shay said tiptoeing to kiss his cheek. I grabbed Shays hand and pulled her to my side. I breathed her in, she smelt like roses and daffodils intertwined in her sleek long hair. I kissed her gently on her head. I looked at the group, they were all smiling at us brimming with excitement,

"Were dating", was all I could say before they bellowed out screams of joy. I laughed along with Shay and the others. Jessie and Tynesha hugged Shay while she smiled revealing those chocolate kiss like dimples. I looked at my watch, it was a quarter to 8,

"Sorry guys but Shay and I need to head out", I said before stealing her back and wrapping my arms around her waist, her back to me.

"Where are we going?", Shay giggled. Leaning back into me.

"On your date! Or we can run off into the sunset if you'd prefer", Louis joked winking at Shay making her laugh.

"Or she can come to Nandos with me and then get some gelato afterwards?", Niall suggested.

"Maybe Shay would like to come to tea with me and after walk through the streets of Australia for a personal tour?", Harry joked. I was about to tell them all they could very well do all that by themselves when Liam suggested,

"Or maybe, Zayn and Shay, those two alone, could go on their date that Zayn has generously planned for Shay",

"Thank you Liam!", Shay said racing to him and hugging him again. After letting go she raced over to Niall and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. Louis and Harry came rushing at Shay and sandwiched her in a hug. Giggling she kissed them both on the cheek and came running back to me. I welcomed her with open arms and without a moments hesitation I kissed her. Wrapping her hands around my neck she kissed back, her skin was soft against mine. The smell of flowers over came my sense of smell again. Her lips were soft against mine. We broke away and she hid her face in my chest. Everyone smiled sweetly at us. Without another minute we said our goodbyes and parted off, umbrella in hand, we walked in the rain, hand in hand, heart to heart.


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