Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

It was raining, the smell of the drenched pavement swirled throughout the outside air. The sun disappeared behind coal grey clouds that covered the endless skies above, but Zayn kept me warm. The close proximity of him held an ever burning comfort inside my body. I watched as his chest rose and fell with every breath, watching me he smiled and tugged on my hand, smiling brightly I lifted my eyes to his and took in the sight of him, his eyes, his defined jaw line, the way his hair stayed perfectly in place, despite the wind blowing around. I drank in how handsome he is,

"What has you so entranced?", he asked quietly, question in his divine voice.

I raised my hand to his face, cupping his cheek I replied, "You do.", I placed my hand back down and intertwined my fingers with his, feeling his warmth race through me again. We fell silent once more, embracing the silence and the air around us. Nothing could be more perfect than this moment. Except if I had my locket. I'm still so torn about that. I held back the pain of losing it to live in this moment, this time with the girls, the guys. This time with Zayn.

The wind blew stronger, sending goosebumps up my arms. A shiver ran down my spine and my teeth began to chatter, I still had my swimmers, shorts and light fleece throw over top. Zayn pulled my arm, standing I sat back down in his lap. Snuggling into his chest I breathed him in, I felt him encircle his arms around me, shielding me from the wind, he placed his chin on my head like Liam had this morning, I closed my eyes for the moment. How did I get from talking to him in a closet to sitting, curled up in his lap, savouring this time with him.

"Come with me", he said so silent, I almost thought I imagined his voice.

"Where? Our date?", I asked, just as silent.

"Our date is still on but I wasn't talking about that"

"Then what do you mean?", I asked, cuddling closer.

"To London, our tour, with us"

"Sounds tempting", I joked.

"With me", he finished.

"Seriously?", I asked, whipping my head up, staring into his deep golden brown eyes that were becoming comfortably familiar to me. Zayn only stared back, a deep intensity in his eyes, confirmation to what he said written all over his face. I couldn't believe it, he was being serious. I mean don't get me wrong, I'd love too but can I really leave this life of mine now? What about the girls? My family? My friends?

"Zayn", I couldn't finish my sentence. I didn't even know what to think, let alone say.

"Think about it?", he asked. I nodded. It was all I could do. I settled back down, and snuggled in, thoughts were racing, what if I do go? Will I like it? Will I hate it? Will Zayn and I drift apart or will I eventually grow to like him more than what I do now? I pushed the thoughts aside, and inhaled deeply. I wanted to saviour this moment, this time, and I wanted to hold onto hope that life will finally change for the best. I knew then and there what my answer was. I smiled and jumped off Zayns lap,

"I'm having a shower, could I borrow something to wear until I get to mine?"

"Definitely", he responded. With that I entered the house and walked down the hall. Two rooms down from Liam's room I found the bathroom. Undressing I jumped into the huge shower and turned the handles, feeling the jets hit my body. My hair soaked the water, sticking to my back. The warmth erased the goosebumps from earlier and I smiled. I will go to London. I will tour. I will embrace the changes it'll bring for the best and most importantly, I will embrace the strong feelings I feel for the guy I met in a closet, welcoming the love that was beginning to blossom. 


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