Chapter 33

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Okay guise. thought id do a chapter before i go to bed cause its 10pm and todays was my nephews4th bday so im extremely tired !! anywhos oh and OMGAWSH 789 reads!! i love you. LURVE you all seriously you people are amazing!! thank you thank you thank you!!


Sadness crept into me making my chest ache. Tears poured out like a broken water line. I bit my lip trying to keep the sobs in and failed. There was a type of lonliness that was embedded in me and it made me angry. I couldn't even breathe properly, which made me more angry. Tears were falling, while I fell into a deeper, colder, lifeless depression,

"Don't cry babe. He didn't mean to yell", Liam hushed softly in my ear.

My only response was to cry harder. It was the first and only time Zayn had ever yelled at me or ignored me or acted anything but lovely. I couldn't pi point what had set it off or why i felt like crying. I think I bottled up my emotions way too much and now I'm spilling everywhere. Liam held me tighter as we lay across his bed. Dani had recently talked to him over the phone and Liam told her all about me and how we were going to get along. Dani also told him to look out for me and the girls, seeing as she knew how the boys could get. If only she warned me about this though.

It had been a good half hour and I felt bad that Niall didn't have my support. Like magic he entered Liams room making sure to close the door behind him. Zayn was still frozen in his room. I was still frozen in Liams room and poor Nialls plans were frozen because he wanted me happy,

"Babe, I talked to Zayn", Niall said while sitting down and rubbing my leg.

"What did he say?", I managed to squeak out, closing my eyes and cuddling Liam more.

"He's sorry. He over heard a phone call? JJ? You told him you loved him", Niall replied.

"I love who? JJ?", I asked confused. What ? He heard the phone call ?

"Yeah and you said I love you but you can't say it to him", Niall stated. I sat up in liams arms.

"I wanted it to be special. I love JJ because I've spent my life with him", I replied, wiping tears.

"Well he doesn't seem to think so", Niall said face dropping.

I didn't say anymore. Instead I got up and stomped out of Liams room. If he couldn't wait for a romantic time or a better setting then fine. I do so love him, I can say that now, I can honestly say I Love Zayn Malik and now whether or not he wanted to talk I was going to tell him. I walked into his room and, by the look on his face, I had startled him,

"I love JJ because I've know him my whole life! JJ is like a BROTHER to me. Yes I love him. NO its none of your business. If you had a problem you could have just told me Zayn because I Love You! Okay, ,I Love You and had you just asked or somehow made the effort-" I was interuppted.

"Shay shut up", Zayn simply said.

"Shut Up?", I evilled him.

"Shut up"

"You know what Zayn Mal-"

Before I could finish my sentence Zayn placed his hands either side of my face and kissed me hard. It was more magical than the other kisses we've shared and I couldn't help but respond to him. My hands reached his neck and he pulled me closer, closing the gap between us. Hands running over each other, kisses getting deeper and depper, love growing stronger and stronger, I no longer fought against my ever growing love for him, we pulled apart,

"I love you Shay, I Love You with all my heart", Zayn said breathlessly.

"I Love You Too. Love  you with everything I Am", I said back kissing him gently.

"You should let me love you,

Let me be the one to

Give you everything you want and need

Baby good love and protection

Make me your selection

Show you the way loves, suppose, to be

Baby you should let me love you, love you, love you

Oh Yeah", Zayn sung beautifully.

I wiped a little tear away, this tme a happy tear. Together, in unison, Zayn and I said with so much certaintanty and truth, it made my heart squeeze with pleasure,

"I Love You", we said together. I knew at that moment, my heart was no longer mine, but ours.


Very short I KNOW! but im tired waaah hahaha give me a break pweeease. love you guise thanks for getting me to the 700+ reads, i love you all!


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