Chapter 42

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Liams POV ***(couldn't help myself mwahaha!)***

**4 months earlier**

It was just surreal. We were at our concert and things like this just didn't happen. No. I wracked my brain but no sense was coming to me. I looked out into the crowd who had erupted in shouts and screams. The next thing I knew security had rushed out,

"Mr. Payne" A brick like guard said pushing me gently but hurriedly into the circle, he and the Others formed around the guys and the 3 girls.

I watched as people ran frantic trying to leave the arena. I tried finding the shooter. Girls ran and weaved this way and that. I thought the shooter may have run off but, there, stood at the centre where the seats were, stood a man who had a rugged look, greying hair, tattered clothes and no regret on his somewhat familiar face. I heard Zayn,

"No no no no no"

I ripped my eyes away from the man who was now being apprehended by security and police officers. I watched as Tynesha and Jessie frantically tried to bust through the security guards. They were shouting out a name I only, but barely, managed to make out. Jake. No matter how many times, or how hard they tried, they couldn't get through. Zayn was frantic and I've never seen him so helpless. Tears streamed his face and he held Shay to him. The boys and I rushed to his side to help.

Shay lay there looking delirious,

"Wasgonon?" she slurred, translation "What's going on?"

Blood covered her chest. She closed her eyes while Zayn yelled at her to open them.

"I love you Shay. I love you with all my heart and everything I am" Zayn cried.

An emergency team was escorted on the stage to us. A lady bent down frantically trying to stop the bleeding. Shays head lolled back and side ways when she let out a scream I'd never forget. Zayn put pressure on the wound,

"We need to get to the hospital. Stat. Emergency operation" she radioed in.

"Is she going to make it?" I asked frustration crawling into me.

Zayn and I, along with the others, looked towards the lady who wiped the sweat from her forehead. Looking each of us in the eye before sadly shaking her head. Horror came upon us all. A stretcher came through and Shay was lifted on it. I ran to her side,

"I love you Shay please pull through" I kissed her head, getting her blood on my shirt.

Shallow breaths escaped her. I wiped years off my face as I watched them wheel her away. Zayn by her side all through out the heart stopping trip to the hospital.

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