Chapter 25

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A/N: GUISE! 102 reads. YOU GUISE ARE AMAZING AND LOVELY AND INCREDIBLE AND I LOVE YA ALL! Seriously I didn't expect more than FIVE people to read it let alone 102!! THANK YOU ALL I LOVE YOU. By now you're probs like STFU AND WRITE MORE! so without firther ado heres chapter 25. ENJOY<3


I could hear the faint sound of whispers. I had woken up but couldn't be at all bothered to open my eyes. I felt the rise and fall of someones chest. I breathed in and slightly smiled. Cologne and mint. Zayn held me in his arms and i felt stiff, my eyes felt like they were burning and my face had dried tears. I wondered how long I was asleep for. I continued to listen to the voices,

"Shut up! You're going to wake her", Zayn growled.

"You shut up!" Jessie and Tynesha shot back.

"Leave her alone!" Harry stated.

"Or what?", Zayn replied.

I had been about to tell them all to shut it when Liam, once again, came to my rescue.

"Why don't you all be quiet", he said before continuing, "NO! No more from anyone. Just. Behave"

I culdn't help it any longer. Even though i felt like I had no ounce of energy, I giggled. Upon opening my eyes i stared into the worried faces of my best friends. Niall held my hand, while Liam had been stroking my hair. Lou and Harry had their heads in their hands untill I laughed and now they bounded over to me. Jessie and Tynesha bustled through. Zayn stared at me deeply.

I though back to before the flight. I had coffe with the girls and made my way to mine and Zayns date. We ordered and then Zayn asked about . . .

"Bradley", I said. Fresh tears spilling out of my eyes. I forgot about that. Tynesha and Jessie put their heads down. Harry cuddled Jessie and Niall, with his other hand, took a strong hold of Tyneshas. I sat up in Zayns arms. I slipped my hand out of Nialls patting the top of his softly before wiping the tears away. Against all odds I smiled. Not because I was okay. Not because I was happy. But because I didn't want them worrying about me and I wasn't ready, or really sure, about telling the guys about my family. The only person in my life from my family was my sister. We kept in contact as often as we could but even then it still wasn't enough.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked, throat dry.

"3 hours" they all said together.

"WOW! How long until the jet lands?"

"Only a few more hours, are you okay?" Zayn said. Tiredness was evident in his voice.

"'I'm fine. Go to sleep, you have circles under your eyes", I said kissing him quick.

"You can talk", Tynesha smirked. I smiled at her way of making this situation less awkward. I would tell them, just not on the jet, not in the air, not right now.  Amazingly after only 5 minutes of persistant 'PLEASE TELL ME'S" the guys gave in. Jessie made coffee and oh boy did it taste good. I had setted back onto the seat when the jet lurched a little. I held my breath. I hated flying. Hated it. After a few more minutes of me in a state of panic the jet continued to fly easily.

Lous and Harry were snugged up and sleeping. Liam was engrossed in a book and he looked rather cute sitting there like that. Niall hadn't once left my side, leaving me to reassure him ever 2 minutes or so that I was fine. Niall finally settled by leaning his head on my shoulder. Soon enough he, too, fell asleep.

Zayn looked absolutely knackered. I pulled his hand and he came, sitting next to me, while he placed his head on my other shoulder. We didn't share words. We just sat there in silence. I circled my thumb onver his fingers and kissed him gently on the head a few times. It wasn't long before he fell asleep. As if on cue Liam book marked his page and pulled out a blanket. Securing it around him self he leant back and closed his eyes. I smiled at the 5 adorable sleeping boys. Especially at Zayn whos head was crooked in my neck. 

Tynesha and Jessie came over and as Tynesha sat down on the opposite side of Niall I gently pushed him to her where he once again settled on her shoulder. Playfully she glared at me but, by a miracle of a chance, I saw a blush sneak up on her. I laughed and Jessie recorded it,

"Just had to bring the camera didn't you", I said playfully.

"Yes I did, got a problem?", Jessie replied focusing the camera on Zayn and I, "Oh you two look so cute. I'm so glad I'll get to remember you guys this way", she gushed. Realising what she said she shut the camera off,

"How bad?", I asked her suddenly feeling bad about crying.

"Not too bad. I mean it hurts but I'm coming around with them terms", Jessie replied like it was nothing.

"Dude! Don't talk like that! What about Harry huh? Are you going to tell him?" Tynesha said bewildered. Jessie looked over at a sleeping Harry and sighed,

"I wish, I wish I could but, without him knowing, things'll be easier. For the both of us", Jessie replied sadly. I felt tears again. I was seriously considering ripping my tear ducks out. Jessie has been sick for so long and it wasn't fair. Nothing she has ever done could be so bad she deserved to only live a short life. Nothing and yet thats where she was heading. Some time in the next 6 months, Jessie was leaving this world behind. Why did she have to die? Why couldn't the doctors find out what was wrong. Help her? Save her? I pushed the thoughts aside. Jessie hated us thinking like that. All she wanted was to live in the present and thats what we intended to do,

"So how about the London Eye when we land and get settled in?", I asked changing the subject. Nodding vigorously the girls agrred at the same time,


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