Chapter 36

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Tears spilled down my face silently and I hastily wiped them away,

"You okay babe?", Zayn whispered into my hair.

"Yeah this movie is just sad", I lied, "I'm just getting tissues okay", I said getting up and walking down the hall.

Half way down the hall I heard scurried steps, sighing I abruptly turned saying,

"Zayn I don't-"

"Shhh! Or he will hear you!", Louis whisper yelled at a stunned me.

"What on earth are you-"


I lightly stomped my foot and tried to look angry,

"You're cute when you're mad. Your nose crinkles up", Louis whispered, taking my hand and guiding me up to the roof top.

Opening the door he waved me through and then shut it behind us gently. I shivered from the cold,

"Here, this'll keep you warm", Louis said handing his hoodie to me,

"No Lou you'll be cold", I protested trying to shoo his hands and hoodie away,

"Take it"




Lou stood and sat me on top of himself. Lou brought an arm around and wrapped the hoodie around me securing it firmly to me by clasping his hands together. I wrapped my fingers around his forearm and watched as my breath made a cloud of smoke,

"Thank you Lou", I said as nestled into him, relaxing. I thought it'd be a peaceful silence but with Lou it never works,

"Tell me the real reason for crying in there? I know you've seen it plenty of times before"

"How would you know? I haven't known you very long", I pointed out.

"You quoted the movie word for word"

"I did?", I replied, surprise in my voice. I felt him nod a yes on my back. I didn't know why I cried. In fact I hate crying,

"I don't know. Everything seems full steam ahead. My life will not be normal anymore. I worry about my friends back home, my sister, my nephew", Lou let my words trail off, waiting for me to finish,

"And then Zayn comes along, I'm in love for the first time and he makes me feel loved, beautiful, special. Earlier today sex for the first time, my first time, and it was amazing but I'm scared Zayn will think differently of me, you guys will think differently and the girls. Plus it's my time of the month", I finally finished, feeling better about letting everything out,

"Babe he won't think any different. Zayn loves you! You have his heart. You. Just as much as he has yours. We all live you and the girls too. Zayn and you meeting has been a blessing for us all and I know the girls love you, no matter what! As for the sex thing, well, I will kick his ass and first thing I will do tomorrow morning is drive us to the chemist and pick up the morning after pill, okay?", Lou said spinning me to face him. I kissed his cheek and leaned on him as he sung,

"Lean on me,

When you're not strong,

I'll be your friend,

I'll help you,

Carry on"

I closed my eyes and felt a tear leave a cool trail down my cheek,

"We all need somebody,

To lean on", Louis stopped singing for a few seconds,

"Just know that I'm here if you ever need me Shay, through whatever, for whatever, I'll be right here", Louis whispered into my ear.

I snuggled in and sniffled, wiping more tears away,

"Louis Tomlinson, I Love You"

"Shay, whatever your last name is, I Love You Too", Lou said wiping a fallen tear.

I smiled brightly and stood,

"Thanks Lou, let's head inside", I smiled grabbing his hand,

"One more thing before we go inside", he said standing with me and gently squeezing my hand, "Promise me the next time a tear falls from your pretty brown eyes, they'll be happy tears", Lou finished.

I looked up into his eyes,

"Rose", I whispered. From his confused look this clearly wasn't the answer he expected,

"My last name is Rose and I promise", I smiled. The only shine out at night being the gleam in Louis eyes.


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