Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The air was cooling the moisture on my skin. Trickles of water were dripping on my back leaving tickling traces of water lines. The smell of roses and daffodils scented the air, the steam stuck to the mirrors clouding the vision of me. Wiping the condensation away I examined myself. My glowing bronzed skin radiated like a glowing halo, thanks to the brightly lit lights, the cheeks were lightly covered with sun kissed freckles. My long black brown hair hung low, still dripping from half way down my back. My lips were drying, I bit my bottom lip, thinking back to my ocean kiss with Zayn.

I walked out and wrapped the towel around me tighter, the temperature dropped dramatically and soon I was rushing to get changed quickly. I looked at my appearance, I had on some tights, which I was going to ask about in a minute, amenity sleeved t-shirt that hugged me enough to move with a varsity jacket that had an SM imprinted on the left breast side. I laughed at the coincidence of it. Button the jacket up, I sat on Zayns bed placing socks on. Walking out I slipped on the wood covered and felt and arm encircle my waist, keeping my balance. Zayn stood there smiling and did a run down of me. I shied away and remembered the tights,

"Hey, whose tights are these and why does the culprit own a pair?", I asked with a laughing tone.

"There Danny's tights. Last time she saw us she left clothes behind and Liam packed them up for her next time she came to get them", he replied.

"She won't mind that I'm wearing them?",

"No, she wouldn't mind-plus they go with my jersey", he winked. I blushed, I scolded myself internally. Spinning in a circle I stopped, facing him and posed my arms up. Laughing he reached his arms up and twined his fingers in mine, holding my hand tightly. I squeezed his hand, bringing our hands down, I stepped forward into him. Letting go of my hands he circled his arms once more around me, placing his hands on the small of my back. I placed my arms around his waist and leaned my head on his chest affectionately. 

I breathed him in, smelling cologne and mint. We stood there in the hall, embraced together, when Niall came into view. Smiling he placed his hands arm, like he shouldn't have been there, and backed away slowly. I giggled a little and looked up at Zayn. All of a sudden his eyes lit up, and he reached an arm into the pocket of his jeans. Grabbing whatever it was, he pulled out a necklace. Instantly I let go off him and placed my hands over my mouth. It was my locket. My promise. My hearts contents. A tear slipped from my eye and my hands began to tremble. Zayn looked worried,

"What's wrong?", he asked, panic in his throat. My own throat thickened in my attempt to hold my tears back. The trembling only grew and I placed my hand out, Zayn placed it in my hand as I stood there, not believing I had it back,

"My locket. I thought I lost when-", I couldn't even begin to put it into words. Instead as the trembles took over my body, tears slipped from my eyes. The cold emptiness that felt like a rock in my chest broke releasing the life beating heart of mine, the sorrow that was drowning me washed away and I felt like I could finally breathe without guilt making me feel sick to my stomach. I reached my arms around Zayns neck and tiptoed. I kissed him softly at first and, after the first initial of shock, he kissed back, deepening the kiss between us. My lips parted slightly, inviting him in, letting myself melt into him. Hungrily he held my body to his while I ran my hands through his hair. As one we broke apart,

"Yes", I said breathlessly. At first Zayn looked confused,

"Yes what?", he replied, also out of breath,

"Yes I'll go to London and tour with you all. With you". Gazing into each others eyes he kissed me quickly then asking,

"Shay, will you be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love nothing more", I replied matching his smile. As one we kissed, our first kiss being together. Our first kiss being one. Our first kiss making both of our hearts claim each others love.


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