Chapter 30

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"You guys! They're going to kill you!", I shout whispered to the boys who were not at all listening to me.

They came up with this stupid idea that, since Jessie and Tynesha were still asleep in Harrys room, they'd give them a, what did they say? Oh a One Direction Wake Up Call,

"Don't fret your pretty little head love", Louis whispered patting me gingerly on my head.

I swatted his hand away and stood there with my hands on my hips. Awaiting for the hell to break loose. I watched as Niall slid in next to Jessie as harry slid in beside Tynesha. Automatically my two sleeping best friends wrapped their arms around the guys who held in laughter,

"Tynesha? Love? Time to wake up now Niall whispered in her ear making Tynesha hold onto Harry tightly.
"Jessie? Babe? Wakey wakey", Harry whispered into Jessies ear making her smile slightly and cuddle Niall. I face palmed. They thought it'd be funny to wake the girls and scare them when they saw that they lay holding onto the others, Friend?, Boyfriend? They never brought that up.

"Niall", Tynesha asked eyes still closed, "I'm hungry", she finished.
"Come on then sweetie", Niall whispered from beside Jessie.

Opening her eyes she smiled and then went bug eyed as Harry shout whispered,
"Goodmorning Love!".
Tynesha had opened her mouth to yell at harry when he placed his hand over it. Tynesha began thrashing so Harry lifted her of the bed, still holding her mouth closed. Niall continued,

"Babe, I'm lonely", Harry whispered over to Jessie.
"Kisses?", Jessie said before locking her arms around Niall and leaning towards him. Niall freaked
"NANDOS! ITS NIALL!", Niall shouted while Jessie unclocked her arms from around his neck and sat up. In my defense, I did tell them not to do it,

"3, 2, 1", I counted out slowly. The boys all turned to me and I pointed out the door. Harry placed Tynesha down when her and Jessie stood up and crossed their arms,

"Annnnnnnnnnd RUN!", I shouted. The girls leapt across the room as the boys ran out the door. The girls ran out after them while I stood there and watched as the guys tried their best to get away. Jessie ran up and smacked into Niall, who had been looking the other way,

"YOU!", Jessie screamed inching her fist back. Jessie swung and Niall just, only just, dodged out of the way. However harry wasn't so lucky. Looking over at the couch I saw Harry in a head lock,

"Say 'Tynesha is the best and I bow down to her'!", Tynesha yelled at Harry.
"Okay Okay ! Tynesha, You're the best and I bow down to you!", Harry yelled.

Liam, Zayn and Louis stood further away from the girls. I looked back at Niall and sighed,

"NO NANDOS FOR YOU TONIGHT!", Jessie shouted while Niall pouted playfully.
"Please Jessie?", Niall fake begged. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay children! Settle down now", I called out above the noise. Everyone stopped and continued on their business like NOTHING just happened, I rolled my eyes,

"Don't worry you'll get use to it", Liam said popping up beside me.
"Yep", I said popping the P.

After everyone settled down, had breakfast, had showers and pretty much everything else they needed to do we all sat down at the table deciding what to do next,

"SHOPPING!", Jessie yelled and internally I groaned. GREAT! This was just going to be so miuch fun.

*2 hours later*

"Okay we'll go in pairs, Zayn and Shay, Niall and Tynesha, Harry and Jessie and Louis and I", Liam said, planning our back up plan if we were to be seperated.

"Fine, lets just get this over and done with", I said grabbing Zayns hand and walking, reluctantly, into the mall.

Shops took up every square inch of the place. I could smell purfume from the cosmetics area and food from the food court. Shoes stores, Brand stores, Any of the sort stores lined the place. It was HUGE. We walked as a group and decided to just pick at random which shop to enter. Closing our ours we spun and walked straight all our eyes closed. We came face to a glass pane window. Laughing we all side stepped and entered the shop. Jessie took of with Harry and shortly after them the others drifted off too,

"See anything you like?", Zayn asked.
"NO! I mean it I can buy my own things", I replied holding up a hand and walking over the a little Jewellery section. Zayn stood by my side and I raced my eyes over the necklaces and bracelets, rings, hair clips, nose rings, everythijng. I caught a glint in the corner of my right eye and turning I saw the most prettiest charmed braclet yet. On it, it had a flat heart shape that you could engrave your name on, a treble cleff music note, a feather that resembled and angel and a script looking banner that could also have a name engraved on it,

"It's so beautiful!", I said giving it closer inspection.
"I can-", Zayn begun.
"No", I finished.

I walked away and after a few seconds Zayn joined me. I had to walk away because I knew no matter how many times I stood there saying NO he would still buy it for me anyway. We made our way throughout the shop and I got bored. I sat down waiting for everyone to finished paying for their stuff. The girls got clothes and shoes and pretty much everything that Harry and Niall, who inststed on paying for it all, paid half for it all. Finally we walked out and spoke, laughed and glanced around at the cute little boutiques and such.

I could smell food and my stomach grumbled. I blushed and hid my face hoping no one heard it and thankgully, thank my lucky starts, no one did. We reached the food court and I took in all the places we could eat. Mc Donalds, Fish and Chips, Nandos. I immediately stopped looking,

"Can we please go to Nandos?", Niall asked.

We all laughed and nodded watching a happy Nialler run towards Nandos with Tynesha in tow. Those two were so cute. As we were seated and ordered we sat around the table, many things catching out attention or worrying fans might see us all,

"Harry?", I whispered into his ear.
"Yeah love?", he replied.
"When are you going to ask Jessie out properly?"
"I was thinking I'd do that today"
"Oh and Nialler?"
"Same deal. Different girl", Harry smirked.

I smacked him playfully on his arm and leant back over to Zayns side where he welcomed me with a kiss. Our food came and I took a bite of my chicken burger. OH. MY. LIFE. It was the best burger ever ! I officially now know why Nialler loves this place so much. I watched as everyone dug in. Nialler was staring at his food like he was in actual love,

"Niall, I love you", I said smiling at him. Zayn choked.
"I love you too Shay", Niall replied before eating his chicken again.
"You love Niall?", Zayn asked me wiping sauce from his mouth.
"Yes why?", I replied.

I saw the look on Zayns face and my eyes went wide,

"Not in a I'm IN love with you way just a friend way", I said shrugging. Zayn was about to reply but I held up my hand,

"Guys I think we might need to run!", I said sitting frozen. The boys all looked at me confused and then looked at the direction, haha direction, I was staring in. Standing before us was a group of 10 girls, all open mouthed,

"WE LOVE YOU! CAN WE HAVE AUTOGRAPHS! MARRY ME!", they all shouted at the same time. People around us began to look and the girls started jumping up and down, pointing at where we sat,

"LOOK ITS ONE DIRECTION! ONE DIRECTION IS IN NANDOS!", a blondy screamed out. We all shared looks and, as we planned, grabbed hold of our assigned partners, stood and ran.

I dont know how long exactly we ran for but GAWSH these girls just didn't give up. Zayn and I had found a place near the entrance but still hidden behind pot plants and passerbys. I had no clue where the others were. I heard a beep and looked out door. Harry, Jessie, Liam and Louis were in the car. Zayn and I bolted while Liam swung open the door. Like super ninjas me and Zayn jumped and and slammed the door shut. Louis stepped on the accelerator and we drove off, leaving some fans in the smoke behind,

"Wheres Nialler and Tynesha?", I asked, pumping with adrenaline.
"Out back hiding behind the bin disposal", Liam chimed in looking like a father about to scold a child.
"Whats the matter Li?", I asked smiling at him.
"I told Niall to run LEFT and he swerved Tynesha and ran RIGHT", Liam said while we nodded.

So Nialler needed to learn his Left from Right when in a panic. No biggie. I could help with that. We rounded the back and saw Tynesha pop out from behind the bin,

"Hey guys a little help?", she said pointing at the bin,
"Wheres Nialler?", I asked her while she pointed at the bin.

As one we all jumped out and walked towards the bin just as Niall popped his head out with a sour look on his face, we all laughed, beside Tynesha,

"Not cool. I had to jump in here while Tynesha pretended to see me run that way", Niall pouted.

We helped him out and made our way back in the car. We kept a safe distance away from Niall, as did Tynesha, because he smelt like, well like, trash. We headed back to the apartment all of us excited about our mini 007 mission. Aim. Fire. Hit. Complete.

Forever yours, Zayn [Zayn Malik Fanfic COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now