Chapter 23

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Zayn and I were sitting at our tables at the Mariot. The dim lights set a romantic scene. The orchestra played soft tunes while the chandelier glistened beautifully. The table was painted night black and had a black table cloth thrown over. The cushioned black seat had white cloth over the back of them, they were really comfy. I continued to glance around the room taking in every inch of detail. I felt nervous for some strange reason, my palms were getting sweaty and my mine and mouth were trying to work at the same time resulting in me saying,

"Vas Happenin!?"

Zayn laughed and I relaxed a little. Before I left the girls told mento say it.

"Vas Happenin!", Zayn said, "Is I'm on a date with this girl", he finished.

"What's with the whole 'Vas Happenin' thing?"

"My catch phrase", Zayn winked.

I smiled brightly and savored the moment. We had ordered already and were waiting for it. It was silent beside the tunes played by the orchestra,

"Shay. What will you tell your family?", Zayn asked, hesitation in his voice.

Everything about my family came rushing back. I was 4 years old, tears spilled down my face as I had my back against the door. All I could hear was the screaming and shouting and glass being shattered,

"I never wanted a child! You're selfish-", I had blocked my ears. My life was a war zone in itself. I ran to my bed and slid underneath it. The fighting continued. All hope of a happy fun loving family ran cold along with my blood. My door slammed open and in came my father,

"See! All this stuff! These pathetic play things! Wasted money, that's all it is, wasted money!", my father shouted at my mother. I heard her crying but otherwise spoke up,

"She deserves nothing less! Your own flesh and blood!", she retorted.

My daddy wasn't happy. Once he was, my brother had been 3 and mummy was pregnant with me. Everything was as it should have been. My daddy and mummy smiling at my brother and an unborn me. One day mother was rushed to hospital early, things didn't look good for me. The doctor kept telling her I may not live. I was born pre-mature and had to stay at the hospital in an incubator. No child should be poked and prodded with needles and yet, before my day was out, I had several needles and numeral cords protruding my little baby self,

"She deserves nothing! She is the reason he's gone! My little boy", my father cried out.

When I was being picked up from hospital my daddy had picked up my older brother. They had begun walking to the entrance when Bradley, my brother, raced towards the crossing, letting daddy's hand go. Daddy yelled at him racing to catch him. Only he was too late,

"She had nothing to do with that! It's not her fault!". My mother responded.

Bradley reached the crossing and without looking began running across the crossing. My daddy shouted a blood curdling scream. Bradley froze, eyes wide. The driver slammed his brakes. Then the inevitable happened. Bradley died on impact. Along with Bradley, daddy's soul broke too. Leaving him broken, heartless. Drunk.

"She killed my boy. My little Bradley! He lived her and she-", my daddy choked out in tears. Like that the fight was over. Mummy Bradford daddy's head in the crook if her neck. Tears stained her face. I crawled out and stood there. Daddy paled at the sight of me,

"It should've been you", daddy said to me, walking out if the room.

I was back in the present. Those were the last words I ever heard my father say to me. That was the last day I ever saw him again. That was the last day the little girl I use to be gave up on hoping her daddy would live her. Me.

Tears stained my cheeks. Sobs creaked in my chest as I tried to hold them in. I shook terribly. Zayn had worried lines in his forehead. We dent have dinner. We didn't finish our date. Instead Zayn lifted me bridal style, ignoring the looks people imposed on us and walked out. The driver we had frowned with concern. The second the door shut I burst. I sobbed. Sobbed for all my life was worth.

We reached the airport. Niall came out to greet us and instantly ran up to me still carried in Zayns arms.Zayn shrugged. Through all my crying I didn't tell him. Niall took our bags while Zayn carried meant the bathrooms. Insteadnof entering the ladies room we entered the mens. I stripped of my dress and heels and dressed in jeans, a simple top and Zayns jacket. I chucked my now straight hair into a pony tail. Lazily I steppe out of the cubicle, without warning Zayn picked me up again. I was too tired to fight so I gave up and curled into him. He started singing,

"I, I wannah save ya,

Wannah save your heart tonight"

I fell asleep instantly. That's how I left Australia. Worried best friends. Worried boyfriend. Lost family. Zayns voice. I began to dream the horror of all nightmares. It went like this . . .

I was 4. I cried my eyes out. I his under my bed and the rest of my nightmare continued, making me relive the one time I fought so hard to forget.


Hey guise!!

Just lettin you know the whole 4 years old thing is made up.

I know sad :(

Forever yours, Zayn [Zayn Malik Fanfic COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now