Chapter 21

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Shays POV 


Great. This was just perfect. Only a few hours till my flight to London and while I was waiting fir the right time to tell the girls Zayn had accidentally blurted it out and now Jessie and Tynesha were staring at me with confusion, anger and hurt in their eyes, "WHAT?!", the girls screamed in unison.

Internally I cringed, "I was going to tell you both when the time came around. In fact I had just grasped the nerve to do it".

I stared at Zayn, "I'm so sorry! I thought by now", his words slipped and he remained silent.

"When!", Tynesha barked at me sitting straighter.

"Tonight", I replied sheepishly, this cringing outwardly.

Jessie stood open mouthed and swung open the sliding doors walking inside. After a moments hesitation Tynesha followed suit, shutting, or more like slamming, the doors behind her. I sat as still as a rock. This wasn't how I anticipated out goodbye. This wasn't how I planned it at all. Sinking in my chair a let out a scream of frustration. In an instant Zayn held my hand warmly in mine. Little tears brimmed my eyes making my vision blurry and I shut them tightly, willing the tears to go away. I heard the doors open again and I shot my eyes open hoping the girls came back settled enough to talk but in the doorway stood Niall, "Shay, babe are you okay?", he asked me. Real sincerity in his voice. I meekly smiled at him and sunk further in my seat,

"Zayn", Niall continued, "Can I talk to you for a sec?".

"I'll be back", Zayn whispered kissing my cheek gently and following Niall into his room. I sighed. This, I thought to myself, absolutely is hands down the worst goodbye ever. The situation went from bad to worse as storm clouds made an overcast. Kicking the seat in front of me I jumped when I heard Harry, "Hey love, don't worry, the girls will come around. I plan to bring Jessie willingly or not and I'm sure Niall is asking Tynesha to come along too", he said trying his best to comfort me.

"Why are they so upset then!", I said my volume raising higher and higher, "I didn't DO anything!", I finished kicking the chair one more time. I was so acting child like right now but it was either the chair or someone I'd regret kicking later.

"What did the chair do to deserve that?", Harry laughed trying to brighten my mood. I gave an exasperated sigh and closed my eyes shut. The next thing I knew, fingers were massaging my temples and someone else massaged my hands. It felt extremely good. I opened my eyes and looked up into the eyes of a smiling Louis. Harry had my hands still held in his and I smiled at them both,

"Oh, have a seat you two", I said holding Harrys hand and reaching the other for Louis. They sat either side of me. At least I wasn't being hormonal anymore, I thought to myself,

"When are you telling Jessie she's coming?", I asked staring at the never pleasant sky.

"After this, I just wanted to make sure you were okay first", he replied.

"Plus we need to take you girls shopping. Dramatic weather change", Louis added.

"Off you go then", I smiled at the two. They stood and before leaving planted sloppy kisses on my cheek. Laughing I shooed them away. Zayn came out smiling at the boys patting their shoulders on the way. I watched as Louis jumped onto Harrys back, both tumbling to the ground laughing. I could help but smile at them. Zayn placed a bag on the table. I eyed him curiously reading 'City Beach' printed on the bag,

"Your dress for tonight", he said. Before I could say anything he grabbed the dress and pulled it out. Holding it out I watched as a vibrant purple silk above the knee dress. It was a strapless perfection. I rushed into Zayns arms and welcomed the familiar scent of cologne and mint and the ever growing, blissful love.


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