Chapter 35

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A/N: sorry guise! I know it's been a while ! Hope you like, I'm not feeling so great -.-



We dressed and thanked our lucky stars that, for once, no one interrupted us in the middle of our, er, love making. LOL!

"I'm having a shower", I said while he nodded. I grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom. I undressed again and surveyed myself in the mirror. I had cried a little in the middle of our little adulterated moment. It was from pleasure, love and pain. To be honest, it was one of the best feelings I've ever felt, but the pain almost made me stop the process. I looked into my own eyes, seeing a new me and a tear slipped down my face. Change is a scary thing. I stepped into the shower letting the water wash down me. I sat with my back against the wall and cried. I don't know why. I was happy, I was in love, so why was I feeling this? It was the change. I changed for the best and I don't regret it. Not even the slightest. I sat there crying, my hair sprawled around my face, my body curled up on itself. After 10 minutes I stood up and scrubbed my face and washed my hair.

I dried myself of and got dressed again. The questions forming in my head scared me a little,

Does Zayn regret it?

Will he stop loving me?

Why was I crying?

What if he doesn't like the new me?

The next question scared me the most,

Could the reason you're an emotional, excuse the language, bitch because I have my period?

I thought about my cycle and my worst fear was confirmed. I do have my period and I, only 10 minutes ago, just had unprotected sex with my international love. I'm screwed.

I stepped out into the hall just as Niall ran up to me,

"Woah Nialler! What's up?", I asked while giggling.

"Tynesha said yes! We took a stroll down the road so I could show her this area of London. On our way back she slipped and I caught her and I had been trying to find the right time to ask her and that was it. When I caught her from falling and stared into her eye I asked and she smiled saying yes!", Niall said, excitement and happiness irradiating from him through every pore.

"I'm so proud and happy for you bestie!", I squealed hugging him tightly.

As we spun hugging in a circle Niall looked down at me with worried eyes,

"Babe what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing trust me", I replied avoiding eye contact.

"Shay I'm your bestie! Tell me. Please?"

"K but not here and please don't tell anybody please?"

"Sure babe".

I took his hand and pulled him to his room. I'm just going to have to cut to the chase,

"Zayn and I had sex", I said hurriedly. Exhaling a breath and looked at Niall,

"It's about time!", he said.

Well I wasn't expecting that.

"It was my first time", I whispered letting my head drop forward. Nail sat beside me, wrapping an arm around me,

"Not good, I can kick his behind?"

"I have my period and I cried in the shower and what if he regrets it?", I blew out feeling the annoying presence of tears again.

"Definitely not good. Are you okay? Do you think there's a possibility? And I know he won't regret it", Niall said trying to comfort and reassure me.

"I don't know? I should have been more careful! It's my fault!", I cried out tears spilling. I was starting to get really annoyed at myself lately.

"Shh babe it's okay. Have you spoken to him?", Niall whispered into my ear holding me tighter.

I shook my head no. I wiped the tears away and stood,

"Go to your girlfriend Nialler! I'm okay", i said smiling at him. Niall was about to protest but I shook my head again and ushered him out of the door. What was I going to do with myself?

I entered the kitchen with a small smile on my face trying to make things seem fine. Tynesha and Nialler were holding each other, smiling. Liam was sat with a book, his hair unusually messy. Harry and Jessie were in the spa and Louis and Zayn were arguing over a movie,

"Let's watch Faster", Louis suggested.

"Nah let's watch Die Hard", Zayn said frustrated.

"No! Jimmy protested!"

"Yes Lou!"

Oh goodness if I didn't stop this now someone would be in fake tears,

"Can I pick a movie?", I suggested. The boys stopped and looked at me,

"That seems plausible", Liam smiled placing his book down,

"Yeah okay babe which one?", Zayn smiled a gleam in his eyes,

"Faster?", Louis added smiling hopefully at me,

"I was thinking Charlie St Cloud", I said grabbing the DVD before anyone could protest. I placed the disk in and turned, seeing the boys sat comfortably on the couch. Zayn patted the space beside him and winked at me. I took a timid step forward and let go of my breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. Louis looked at me concerned. I smiled and sat beside Zayn ignoring Lou and his 'what's wrong?' facials. I pressed play and watched the screen. I settled in beside Zayn and he wrapped his arms around me. My stomach churned and I felt sick. What the fudge is wrong with me?!


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