"Try Not To Cause Any Trouble"

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Sofia took a bite of the chicken Danielle had just put down in front of her, and it took every ounce of control not to moan with pleasure. She had missed Danielle's cooking. Harry sat be side her, sipping on a glass of water as though she hadn't just told him to give up on her. In fact everyone in the kitchen was acting fairly normal, as though she had been here all along. Ella sat on Niall's lap as they split what Sofia could only assume was dessert that night. Louis sat on the counter, holding David while Liam leaned against it next to him, discussing something quietly. Danielle was writing something that looked like a grocery list, while Emily chatted in her ear. Zayn and Daisy seemed to be arguing quietly, while Danny chuckled at the two of them.

"How is it Sof?" Danielle asked, "Do you need something to drink?"

"I'm fine," Sofia said quietly, glancing up at her as Eleanor came bustling into the kitchen smiling brightly.

"We should go get your hair and nails done tomorrow, maybe do a bit of shopping," Eleanor said to Sofia, sitting down next to her. Sofia looked up at her surprised.


"Oh come on, your nails look gross. And although the red hair is fine... blonde suits you better. And there is no way you fit in any of your clothes right now... besides I need to shop too. I'm starting to get a little too big for my jeans, and it would be fun."

"Fun?" Sofia asked, still confused.

"Yes fun! Or don't you remember what that is?" Eleanor asked, sticking her tongue out slightly.

"I suppose we could do that," Sofia said quietly, "But let's go in the morning, when it won't be as crowded."

"Since when don't you like crowds?" Harry asked

"It's not that I don't like crowds," Sofia said, "It's just... it'll be quieter and calmer."

"Since when do you like quiet and calm?" Harry asked, but before Sofia could answer, Daisy was talking.

"Zayn you're wrong!" Daisy spat out, "It's not going to happen!"

"You're just giving up too soon!" Zayn growled, "You don't have enough confidence!"

"Zayn if he hasn't approached me yet, he won't approach me..." Daisy hissed, "Let's ask Sofia..." Again Sofia looked up surprised.

"Ask me what?" Sofia said

"There's this guy we're trying to get..." Daisy said

"Of course," Sofia said, trying not to sound bitter, though she didn't succeed.

"He's supposedly into bold women, but he hasn't approached me yet. I've danced on the bars, I've danced with men, and I've done tons of shots. I've done everything that any horny guy would want, but he just sits in the corner with his friends just watching. Zayn says a few more days and he'll come to me, but I don't think so. I don't think I'm his type..."

"So what are you asking me?" Sofia asked, her eyebrows rose.

"What would you do?" Daisy said, as though it were the most obvious question in the world.

"Daisy, she did just get home..." Danielle said, rolling her eyes.

"And she's out of practice," Niall said, causing Sofia to shoot him a dirty look.

"I'm not out of practice!" Sofia hissed, "I could still round them up..."

"Oh yeah?" Niall asked, biting into his cake, and raising his eyebrows with a grin, "I thought you didn't want to anymore..."

"I don't," Sofia growled, "But just because I don't want to, doesn't mean I can't. Go back to stuffing your face you stupid Irish cunt!"

"The house was a lot quieter without you around," Niall snapped back.

"Yeah well, put your complaints in with Louis," Sofia hissed, and she listened as Louis laughed from behind him.

"It's like you never left," Liam said quietly, after handing David to Danielle, and sitting at the table.

"Except I did," Sofia said, and the room was silent, filled with awkward tension. They may have been ready to move on and pretend that nothing had changed. Perhaps they thought if they acted normal, she would want to stay here. Perhaps they thought it would make her miss them even more then she did. But the problem wasn't missing them, and she still didn't want to be there. And everything had changed.

"So, anyway," Daisy said, breaking the tension, "What would you do?"

"Has he been watching you?" Sofia asked, Daisy nodded.

"Have you been with friends or by yourself?" Sofia asked

"Just me," Daisy said, "I've been working everything by myself. I've missed you by the way..." Sofia smiled a small smile as she looked at her friend who was acting like nothing had changed.

"I would approach him, but not by yourself, with someone. Make him think you're drunk, and playful. Force him out on the dance floor, feed him some drinks... and feel it out from there," Sofia said.

"That's actually not a bad idea," Zayn said, sounding impressed.

"I went to another town, not a different planet," Sofia said, "Try not to sound so impressed."

"Sorry, it's just you had made it seem that so much has changed..." Zayn said, grinning at her.

"Hasn't it?" Sofia snapped

"Doesn't seem like you've changed that much at all.." Zayn said, "Maybe just went into hiding for a bit."

"Delusional. That's what you all are," Sofia hissed.

"Maybe so," Liam snapped, "But you'll still be helping Daisy out with this one." Sofia opened her mouth to protest but Liam raised his hand to stop her.

"I wouldn't bother arguing, I'm not changing my mind," Liam said, "But you should probably get to bed, you look like you haven't slept in months, and no one is going to be attracted to you with bags under your eyes."

"Dick..." Sofia hissed at her brother, standing up.

"You remember how to get to your side of the house, right?" Liam asked sarcastically, ignoring her comment.

"Yes," Sofia growled

"Well, Harry will show you anyway..." Liam said, grinning wider at his sister's annoyance, "plus that way someone can keep an eye on you. Hate to have you running away again..."

"Are you done yet?" Sofia snapped

"Not even close,' Liam growled, "But I'm done for tonight."


"She didn't sleep at all," Harry announced to the kitchen as he took David from Danielle, who was trying to juggle both him and the pan she was cooking with.

"I could hear her pacing and moving around in the bed," Harry said, "I think I heard her crying and throwing up too... but I thought if I went in there, it would just make it worse, so I slept on the couch."

"You know, it is your bedroom too," Zayn growled, "You don't have to sleep on the couch."

"I'm not going to make her sleep in the same bed as me," Harry hissed, "Not when she clearly doesn't want to be in there with me. She didn't say anything to me, except goodnight."

"She's clearly uncomfortable because she's hiding something," Liam said, "I say we just treat her like normal. We act like nothing's changed. She'll stop fighting it, and she'll come around. I saw it in her face a few times last night – she missed us. For whatever reason, she's trying to pretend like she didn't, but its bullshit."

"I agree," Louis said, "Whatever trouble she got herself into, it's because she didn't want us to know something. But I think she's glad I dragged her back here."

There was a shuffling by the kitchen door, and everyone turned to see Sofia standing there awkwardly – as though she didn't know if she could come in or not. As Liam stared at his sister, she seemed even skinnier today. She was wearing shorts, which showed her chicken legs and had to be rolled several times to be tighter and the jumper she was wearing looked extra big on her. Her eyes scanned the kitchen and Liam watched as her eyes got viably wider and her breath caught as she saw Harry with David. She quickly recovered, her eyes going cold once again as she turned to leave.

"Oi!" Niall called, "Where do you think your going? Sit down and eat something, you look like a skeleton." Sofia turned back to him glaring and opened her mouth to argue but Danielle beat her to it.

"I made chocolate chip pancakes," Dani said, "They're your favorite."

"I don't know if I can stomach them," Sofia said softly, "I didn't get much sleep last night.."

"So we've been told..." Louis said

"What? You're reporting on me now?" Sofia snapped at Harry, he narrowed his eyes at her.

"You're lack of sleep is a concern, now sit down and be quiet," he snapped, "Don't give me an excuse to lay into you this early." Sofia sat down, crossing her arms as Danielle laid a plate out for her.

"That's my jumper," Harry said, as he looked at her from across the table.

"I was cold, and I couldn't find my winter clothes," Sofia said, staring at the plate in front of her.

"They're still put away in the storage closet, we should take them out and put your summer clothes away. But it doesn't matter anyway, what's mine is yours." Sofia glanced up at him quickly in surprise, before turning her eyes back on her plate.

"Would you like some tea?" Danielle asked

"No th—" Sofia started, but Emily interrupted

"Stop serving her Danielle," Emily hissed, "She has two feet, she can serve herself. She's capable of taking of herself. We don't have to treat her like the prodigal sister."

"Emily stop it," Zayn scolded

"NO! I won't stop!" Emily growled, "It makes me sick the way everyone has fawned over her..."

"What is your problem?" Sofia snapped, slamming her fork down looking at Emily with fire in her eyes, "I didn't do anything to you, ice queen..."

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm not going to act like I'm thrilled your home and pretend like it's okay what you did..." Emily hissed, "You betrayed everyone and I don't trust you."

"Emily!" Liam barked, but by this time both Emily and Sofia had stood up in a face off.

"I don't bloody care what you fucking think," Sofia hissed, "I didn't ask to come back here, I was drug back. I didn't do anything to you, so you should probably keep your stupid opinions to yourself you bimbo!"

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A BIMBO?!" Emily shrieked, "I wish you had never come back!"

"Same for me darling! Now sit your ass back down before I'm forced to make you," Sofia growled, moving towards Emily.

"Oh please," Emily scoffed, "Look at you, you're too small to do any damage. Pick up anorexia along with your drug habit, you little crack whore?"

"I couldn't cause any damage?" Sofia hissed, "Even high out of my mind, I could kick your tiny little ass, how about we test that theory?"

"How about you go back to wherever Louis dragged your selfish ass from?"

"ENOUGH!" Liam roared, as Zayn stepped in the middle of the two girl, his eyes glaring at Emily.

"Let's go," he hissed at her, yanking her by the arm and out of the back door.

"Sofia, sit down," Liam growled at his sister, who was still standing and breathing heavy.

"No thank you," Sofia said, as she turned to leave the kitchen. She stopped when she got to Louis.

"I told you to leave me there," Sofia hissed, "No one is happy I'm back, you're just happy you have control again."

"She's just still angry –" Louis said, trying to calm Sofia.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO DRAG ME BACK HERE!" Sofia shrieked, "I HATE THAT YOU FOUND ME!" And with that she stormed from the kitchen and out of sight.


Once Sofia had calmed down, Eleanor had convinced her to go out with her like they had planned. Eleanor convinced Niall and Ella to come with them, because Liam wanted someone to watch Sofia, but Eleanor knew that Zayn, Louis, and Harry were not options if she wanted Sofia to remain in a good mood.

Sofia's mood got better through out the day, she felt so much better about herself once her hair went back to her natural color and her nails were done. She even had her make up done, which made her feel better too. Eleanor did most of the shopping, because Sofia still didn't want to give in to the fact that she would be staying there. She felt if she brought home a ton of clothes the boys would see that as a sign that she was ready to settle back in, and she wasn't.

She was exhausted by the time she got home. Dinner was quiet, with Emily glaring at her every few minutes, and the boys trying to keep a constant flow of conversation going that always ended in awkward pauses. By the time it was time to go out to the club that night, everyone was relieved that there were be alcohol and dancing to loosen the tension that was in the air.

"She's probably going to wear something that will piss us all off," Liam said, as he and the boys waited for the girls to come down, "Just let it go. But keep an eye on her. I want someone with her at all times – I don't need her running away."

Danielle and Eleanor had joined the boys, each sitting on the couch wearing a dress and heels. Soon Emily was there too, standing next to Zayn, who draped his arm around her body, pulling her tightly to him. She still seemed tense, and Zayn just wanted her to relax. The last thing they needed was a girl fight tonight. Daisy was the first one down, in a little black dress that barely covered anything, which made Danny growl in anger.

"Seriously?" he spat at her, she just shrugged.

"Where's Sof?" Harry asked

"She's coming, I think she's putting on shoes," Daisy said.

Sofia soon came down the steps, surprising everyone as she wore jeans and a white button up blouse. She hadn't even put heels on. As she left the steps, Eleanor stood up.

"THAT?! Out of all the clothes I bought for you today?! You're wearing jeans and a blouse?! To a club?!" Eleanor shrieked, Sofia smiled at her gently.

"I like it," Zayn said, grinning, "Why didn't you ever wear stuff like this before?"

"Because it doesn't get anyone's attention," Liam growled, as he looked over at his sister.

"You said we weren't working tonight," Sofia said, shrugging, "And I just want to get readjusted to the whole scene... I haven't drank at a club in awhile..."

"Well, try not to cause any trouble," Emily snapped at her, despite Zayns grip tightening, "Even in a blouse and jeans, you could cause a disaster."

"And even in that red dress, you're still an ice queen," Sofia hissed back. Harry stepped in between them, turning to Sofia.

"I'm first on Sofia watch," he said, holding his arm out to her.

"Lucky you," she said, giving him a small smile, before taking his arm and allowing him to escort her out of the house.

The club was louder and more crowded then Sofia remembered. The smell of alcohol filled the air, and she watched as girls melted into the bodies of men. Feeling uncomfortable, she gripped Harry's hand a little tighter, as someone stumbled into them.

"Watch it," Harry growled at the men, who looked at him in fear before walking off. Sofia followed everyone up to the VIP section. Daisy and Danny hit the dance floor immediately, Danielle settled next to Liam who was already looking for a server. Louis and Eleanor took a table with Niall, who was texting – Sofia assumed he was texting Ella who they left at home. And Zane seemed to be arguing quietly with Emily who was trying her hardest not to look at him.

"What's with them?" Sofia asked Danielle, as she nodded her head over at the arguing couple.

"They've been on the rocks lately," Danielle said quietly, as Liam ordered drinks, "I think Emily really missed you, but Zane totally changed when you weren't around – he was angry – took a lot of it out on her."

"Oh," Sofia said softly, feeling guilty.

"What can I get you Sofia?" the server said, Sofia looked up surprised to be called by her name. She had forgotten who well known she was around here, "You're usual?"

"What's my usual?" Sofia asked

"A shot of tequila and a cranberry and vodka," the server said. Sofia cringed at the thought of the sweet drink that she used to enjoy so much.

"I'll just take a whiskey on the rocks," Sofia said, "And a glass of water please..."

"Water?" Liam asked, looking at his sister confused. Sofia didn't give him an answer; she just looked out into the crowd, as Harry sat down next to her.

"Emily's going to get her ass kicked if she keeps it up," Harry growled to Liam, who was nodding his head.

"I know, Zayn looks ready to explode," he said, all of them glanced over at Zane who was now trying to block Emily from going around him. As Sofia turned back to Harry, she noticed he was staring at her neck, his eyes furrowed in frustration.

"What happened there?" he asked, reaching out and touching her neck, she felt as he moved his finger against the small scar.

"I always forget it's there," Sofia said, reaching up to touch the scar
herself as Harry removed his hand.

"Well?" Liam asked, glaring at his sister.

"Cara and I were mugged one night," Sofia said with a shrug, "He had a shitty knife, and left a small mark. It was deep, but it left a scar."

"WHAT?" Harry exploded

"Were you okay?" Danielle asked, concerned

"You were mugged?!" Liam spat

"I was fine," Sofia said, as she took her whiskey from the server, "He didn't get anything, just my tip money from the night. Although he really wound Cara up, she was upset for weeks after."

"Unbelievable..." Liam hissed, shaking his head, "When was this?"

"Just a few weeks after I left," Sofia said, still not looking at them, she watched as Emily stormed away from Zane, "It was almost enough to scare me into coming home."

"Why didn't you?" Harry asked, his voice frustrated and concerned.

"Because the thought of coming home scared me more," Sofia said, as she stood up. Not waiting to hear Harry's response she crossed over to Zane, who was ready to go after Emily.

"I'll get her," Sofia said, Zayn glared down at her.

"You're not supposed to go anywhere by yourself," he spat, "Besides you're the last person she wants to see..."

"Zayn, just let me talk to her, okay?" Sofia said, before gently pushing him away and walking towards where she thought Emily had gone. As she crossed the club, keeping an eye out for Emily, she realized that some man was harassing her. Sofia picked up the pace, as she watched Emily try to struggle out of his grip.

"Get off of me!" Emily growled, pulling away from him.

"Just one dance," the man spat, "Don't be a tease!"

"I'm here with my boyfriend," Emily hissed, again trying to remove her wrist from his grasp. Sofia turned to see if the boys could see them, and Zayn and Harry had both noticed, and were getting up from their spots at the VIP section.

"Get off!" Emily spat out again.

"I think she asked you to get off of her," Sofia growled from behind the man, "Now get the fuck off." The man turned, removing his grip from Emily to turn to Sofia, who was glaring up at him.

"Sofia it's okay—" Emily whispered, Sofia could see the fear in her eyes.

"I know," Sofia said shrugging, grabbing Emily's hand, "I just wanted to make sure he took his hands off of you, come on... let's go back..." Sofia turned to walk away with Emily but was quickly pulled back.

"Who do you think you are you little bitch?" the man spat at her, shoving her against the wall.

"Sofia!" Emily cried, as Sofia struggled against the man.

"If I want to take her to the dance floor, no one is going to stop me, especially not some little whore friend of hers," the man spat out, Sofia rolled her eyes at him.

"Get off of me you ignorant asshole," Sofia hissed, glaring at him, "Before I remove your hands myself. " The man laughed at her.

"You know what? Forget her," he growled, "Apparently you need to be taught a lesson." He leaned down to assault her with his mouth, but Sofia was too quick, grabbing his hair and yanking him back.

"OW! YOU STUPID BITCH!" He yelled, but Sofia was yanking him back, and soon she was slamming him against the wall.

"Listen to me, asshole," Sofia hissed, "Me and my friend are going to walk away now, and you are going to slither off like the snake that you are and never bother us again because if you do I will make you regret it, do you understand?" She pulled his hand harder, and squeezed his balls.

"You like your balls?" she hissed, "Because if you lay a hand on her ever again, I will personally remove them? Do you understand me?"

"Yes!" he hissed as Sofia squeezed tighter.

"Good," she growled, "Now get the fuck out of my club before I
change my mind about letting you walk out of here!" She let go of the man, and watched as he scrambled away from her, rushing towards the back door. Sofia straightened out her shirt before turning around and seeing the boys and Emily staring back at her. Emily rushed to her, hugging her tightly.

"Thank you," she said, "You didn't have to do that."

"Don't be silly," Sofia said, "He had his hands on my best friend, what was I supposed to do?"

"Well that's one less thing I have to worry about," Liam said, staring at his sister, a small grin on his face.

"What?" Sofia snapped

"I know your loyalty is still there..." Liam said.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, approaching her.

"I'm fine," Sofia said, "But it was a struggle. I'm not as strong as I used to be..."

"A few weeks at the gym will fix that," Niall said.

"I don't want to fix it," Sofia snapped, "I don't want to fight off anyone anymore..."

"Well, you shouldn't of had to do that," Zayn growled, "If Emily wasn't so stupid..."

"Or if Zayn wasn't such an asshole," Emily snapped. Sofia watched as Zayn's hands twitched.

"Stop it!" Sofia snapped at both of them, "You shouldn't be fighting
because I left. Em, I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye and I'm sorry I left you, because I know that we always said that if we left we would leave together...."

"What?" Harry growled

"And I'm sorry that Zayn was probably the biggest douche bag ever while I was gone," Sofia said, ignoring Harry and Zayn audible growl, "But he loves you. And you love him. And you shouldn't be fighting over me. So stop it. Em, if you want to be mad at me fine. And Zayn, if you want to be mad at me fine. But don't take the anger you have for me out on each other, that isn't fair."

"I wasn't a douche bag," Zayn said, glaring. Sofia rolled her eyes at him.

"You kind of were," Louis said, "But she makes a good point. You two need to stop fighting."

"I am mad at you," Emily said, looking at Sofia, "I mad that you left..."

"I know.." Sofia said

"But despite what I said earlier, I am glad your back and I know that you've probably been thinking about how to escape again..." Emily said, "But I'm hoping for everyone's sake, you don't. And you figure out whatever it is you have going on, and you stay here and you become as happy as you were before."

"I don't know if that's possible, Em," Sofia said, her gaze softening on
her friend.

"I don't know what happened, Sofia," Emily said, "But if you let us in, it could be possible..."

"No, it can't," Sofia snapped, before turning and walking away from the group. She returned to the VIP section where she found Eleanor and Danielle and sat next to them. When everyone else returned to drink and to have a good time, Sofia sat in her seat quietly, staring blankly into the crowd. Her emotions were on overload. She was starting to feel for these people again. She had jumped to protect Emily. She wanted Zayn and Emily to stop fighting. She was beginning to care about them again. She was starting to let her wall down, and her feelings were starting to show. She couldn't let that happen.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asked, from his spot next to her.

"You don't want to know," Sofia said quietly.

"Try me," Harry said, looking at her.

"It will only make you angry," Sofia said as she tried to avoid his gaze.

"I promise not to get mad," Harry said

"I'm thinking about how high I want to get right now," Sofia snapped, surprising Harry as he looked at her in shock.

"Why?" Harry hissed at her, as he glared at her in anger.

"Because then I could stop feeling these things," Sofia hissed, before standing up, and walking over to a table in the corner, leaving Harry stunned in silence.

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