"Promise Me We'll Be Like This Forever"

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"How's she doing?" Danielle asked, jumping up as Louis walked down the hall.

"Other then she hates me?" Louis asked, sweat dripping from him, "I mean, she really fucking hates me."

"She doesn't hate you, she just probably never wants to have sex with you again... it's fine," Sofia said, causing Louis to glare at her.

"Is there a reason your out here?" Zayn asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Ice chips," Louis said, before rushing down the hallway mumbling to himself.

"Go check on him," Liam demanded, looking at Harry. Harry glanced at Liam and sighed.

"Why me?" Harry asked, "You've been through this before, you do it..."

"Harry, he'll listen to you..." Ella said, "Go on..."

Harry didn't say anything, but he got up from his chair and followed Louis down the hallway. He found Louis getting ice chips, as he continued mumbling to himself.

"Lou, man," Harry said, "You're freaking out... you have to relax."

"You don't know, Harry!" Louis said, turning around, looking quite distressed, "I know you have Birdie, but you haven't seen Sofia screaming in pain and you did watch her grow this thing for 9 months, only to have it decide to pop out 2 weeks early! I'm terrified right now! Don't tell me to relax! Just wait until you're going through this, it's the most terrifying thing you'll ever experience! I promise you."

"What are you so scared of?" Harry asked, "You're gonna be a great dad, this little girl is going to adore you..." Louis paused, looking at Harry.

"Girl?" Louis asked, "What makes you think it's gonna be a girl?"

"I don't know," Harry said unsure, "I just think that it's time we had a baby girl around, you know? Plus Sofia bet on a boy, and I want to take her money... so, I hope it's a girl. Why? You don't think it's a girl?"

"I think I know what to with boys!" Louis cried, "I think I could handle a boy, and I don't know what the hell you do with little girls..."

"You're great with Birdie," Harry said

"Yes, but I can hand her back to you!" Louis cried, "Plus, I kinda think it's a boy cause of the kicks. This kid is gonna be a real football player."

"If I lose 50 to Sofia because you want a football star," Harry growled, "I'll be pissed."

"Well, all I know is it's Tomlinson, it's early, and it's mother might never forgive him for this."

"Her," Harry said, "Forgive her for this." Louis glared at him but Harry just shrugged.

"Boy or girl, you're gonna be great," Harry said, "It's kinda cool, us becoming dads in the same year..."

"Yeah, it is," Louis said, smiling, "You're amazing with her. You're gonna be great when Sofia starts to want more..."

"Hopefully that won't be for awhile, I've got my hands full, you know?" Harry said, clapping Louis on the shoulder.

"I should head back," Louis said quietly.

"You should," Harry agreed, "And uh, you know, don't take anything she says too personally. She's just... having a baby..."

"Thanks man," Lous said, before turning and walking back down the hallway.

Eleanor would later describe the experience of the worst 100 hours of her life, and Louis would back her up saying that their baby took forever to get there. But, in reality, she was only in labor for 10 hours, and at 6 in the morning the day after Harry and Sofia's wedding, she gave birth to the littlest member of the family.

Louis came running out until the hallway, screaming his head off, causing everyone to jump out of their seats.

"I'm a dad! I'm a dad!" Louis yelled, "I'm and a dad!"

"How's El?" Dani asked

"How's the baby?" Ella asked

"What is it?!" Zayn, Emily, Harry, and Sofia cried out, while Liam tried to keep everyone quiet, knowing that they were interfering with other people who were having babies.

"El's great, you'll be able to see her in a bit, and the baby is perfect. I mean, perfect. I've never seen anything more perfect in my life," Louis said,
not able to contain his joy.

"What is it?! You keep saying baby!" Danny cried out, ignoring as Daisy nudged him hard.

"Oh, it's a boy," Louis said, "A perfect handsome little boy... he's amazing."

"YES!" Danny, Zayn, and Sofia cheered, all high fiving each other, while Emily, Daisy, and Harry moaned.

"Hey don't moan about your Godson," Louis snapped at Harry.

"He's not a very good Godson," Harry said, though his tone with joking, "He lost me 50 dollars just by showing up..."

"Shut up, Harry," Sofia said, rolling her eyes.

"Did you name him?" Danielle asked, squeezing David to her as he slept. Birdie was still asleep, laying on the hospital chairs.

"Yes, and I can't wait for you to meet Leo Michael Tomlinson," Louis said.


It was 2 days after Leo was born, and Harry and Sofia were sound asleep in a hotel in the Greece. After Harry complained about how they missed their flight, and he missed his chance to join the mile high club, they took the next flight out – reassuring Birdie that they would be back in a week and would buy her many gifts, and landed in Greece yesterday.

Harry's eyes opened to the light flooding into the window, and he looked over at Sofia who was lying on her stomach, her back exposed, laying on her hand, which now held her wedding ring. He smiled to himself as he traced her back with his fingers before kissing her shoulder. She moved slightly to the feel of his kiss, and so he kissed her again, his tongue rolling over her shoulder blade. She rolled over so she was now on her back, and looking at him.

"Morning," he whispered, his voice husky from the morning.

"Good morning," she whispered, her eyes barely open. He leaned down to kiss her collar bone, before climbing on top of her completely, both still naked from the night before. She looked up at him, her eyes still sleepy, her smile lazy. He kissed her neck, and she hummed at his touch.

"What do you want to do today?" Harry mumbled into her skin, but Sofia could only concentrate on the trail of kisses he was leaving down her chest, and his fingers laying softly on her stomach. He took her breast in his mouth, and she let out an involuntarily moan. Harry left a trail of soft kisses on her stomach, before looking up at her.

"What do you want to do today?" Harry asked again, his voice quiet and croaky.

"Whatever you want to," she said as she spread her legs as Harry's fingers traced light circles in them. He pushed himself up on his hands so that he was hovering over her. He bent his head to give him a kiss on her nose. He lined himself up, before kissing her on the lips. She kissed him back, wrapping both her arms around his neck. She pulled him deeper into the kiss, as he lifted her leg with his hand.

"You're beautiful in the morning," Harry whispered, as he pulled away from the kiss. She didn't say anything, she just blinked up at him, her smile still lazy and tired, along with her eyes.

"I love you," he said, his voice low, "I love you so much, Mrs. Styles..."

"I love hearing that," Sofia said, "Mrs. Styles..." Her voice was so quiet, he almost couldn't hear her.

"I love hearing it too," he said, before he pushed into her slowly, causing her to let out a tiny gasp in surprised. Pulling her leg towards him, and curling his other hand around her back, he rolled into her slowly. She held him tightly to her, as she moved with him, her hands gripping his back, wanting to feel every inch of him.

She moaned at his pace, he was going so incredibly slow, so that she could feel him completely. She pulled him to her, kissing his shoulder and sucking on it and he rolled into her again, and her hips rolled to meet his.

She moaned his name, as his fingers made circles on her back and he attached his lips to her neck, his tongue rolling over it over and over. "My god, you always feel so good," he mumbled into her skin. She replied by moaning loudly as he rolled a little slower, but deeper into her.

"Oh my god," she cried out, her voice cracking at his hit her spot and pushed deeper. Her back arched as she felt his fingertips against it, pressing deeply into her skin. She felt his hold on her leg, pulling it towards him as he pushed into her. And together they built up that mind numbing edge, where they were in complete ecstasy and forgot all about the outside world. Together they felt and touched each other, pushing each other towards the edge that they were sure would bring them the most pleasure they have ever felt. Together moaned and cried out in passion, as they slowly made love to each other. And then they looked at each other, the sleep still in their eyes, in their most natural state, still tired and not quite ready to face today. They looked at each other and Harry appreciated how beautiful the girl he held in his arms was, and Sofia wondered about how it was possible for anyone to look as perfect as perfect as him. They stared at each other, and then they pushed each other over that edge, coming together in the best way possible.

Harry collapsed on top of her, burrowing his head in her neck. She tried to catch her breath, as she reached up to run her fingers through his curls. He moved his head to kiss her cheek.

"You never answered my question," Harry said, chuckling as he rolled off of her.

"You distracted me," Sofia said, rolling over as he wrapped his arms around her, her eyes closing.

"We could sleep a bit longer," Harry said quietly, as he realized how tired he still was.

"Yeah, let's do that."


It took them another day and half to leave the hotel room, but when they did Sofia was sure they had found paradise. She had never seen sand so white, or water so blue. Harry had managed to get them a private beach, though she wasn't sure she wanted to know how. And it was on that beach they had a picnic full of Grecian food and wine. Sofia and Harry talked and kissed, laying together in the sand, as they fed each other food.

"Will you come swim with me?" she asked, standing up. Harry looked up at her, in her very tiny black bathing suit and grinned. He stood up, taking her hand and they walked towards the ocean.

"Do you think Birdies okay?" Sofia asked, as they stepped into the water together.

"She's fine, Sof," Harry groaned, "Stop worrying about her, you heard her last night, she's having the time of her life. They are probably letting her get away with murder, we're going to come back to a nightmare. Plus, Eleanor said she can't get enough of the new baby."

"I can't believe there's another baby in the house," Sofia said smiling, "Another boy."

"Louis won't stop texting me pictures," Harry laughed. Sofia dived into the ocean, and Harry quickly followed her, his eyes open in the water, just so he could see that she was safe. When she swam up, he came up after her, grabbing her waist and pulling her towards him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and smiled down at him, as he stood in the ocean with her.

"I have to tell you something," Harry said, looking up at her.

"That doesn't sound good," Sofia said quietly, her eyebrows furrowed.

"It is good," Harry promised, "It's really good actually. I was hoping to give it to you the day of the wedding, but it wasn't ready yet..."

"Harry, you don't have to get me anymore presents," Sofia said, rolling her eyes, and leaning down to kiss his forehead.

"It's not for you, it's for us, really," Harry said.

"Okay, well what is it?"

"You know that house we were looking at?" Harry asked, "The one just a few minutes away, the five bedroom country manor?"

"The one with the horse barn?" Sofia asked

"Yes, that one," Harry said, "The one that you fell in love with...."

"Yes, I remember it," Sofia said, sighing, "It was perfect. It had a pool, but it still looked like a classic style home. And I just wanted to put horses in that horse barn. And those rooms were just beautiful, all of them with a bathroom. And not to mention all that space. It would've been perfect for Birdie, we could've built a tree house or gotten a play set. Ugh, yes I remember that house."

"It is going to be perfect for Birdie," Harry said, catching Sofia by surprise, "And for us."

"What?" Sofia gasped, pulling away so she could look him in the eye. He was smiling up at her with a cocky smile.

"Did you get us a house?" she asked, gaping at him.

"I got us your dream house," Harry said, still grinning, "The key came in today, Liam told me."

"Are you serious?"

"I'm dead serious!"

The shriek that Sofia let out probably could have been heard from miles away, but she didn't care. She had fallen in love with that house when Harry and her had gone to look at it. She thought it was perfect for them, and she wanted to fill all the bedrooms with children. She basically cried when they had to leave it, and it took all of Harry's strength to drag her out of it. And now it was theirs. Theirs. They had their own home, and they were going to live there together.

"Does everyone know were moving out?" Sofia asked, when she was finally done shrieking.

"Yeah," Harry nodded, "I think Zayn and Emily are next, they found a flat they're real fond of, he's trying to convince her that it's a good next move."

"And everyone else?"

"Louis and El want to stay in the cottage, and I don't think Niall and Ella have any plans to move. They like being in the main house, and Ella is helpful with David. Plus, you know, Eleanor and Louis still have access to the house, and I think they want the babies to be together."

"It's going to kill Birdie when we tell her she won't be in the same house as Leo and David," Sofia said.

"She'll still see them everyday. We do most of the work in that house, but we need to have our own place. Half of us our married with kids now, we have to stop living like a cult." Sofia snorted at him, but agreed.

"And maybe, we'll have our baby to keep her company," Sofia said, smiling at him. Harry's face furrowed in confusion, causing Sofia's heart to drop.

"You don't want a baby?" Sofia asked quietly.

"I don't want a baby right now," Harry clarified, "I want us to enjoy Birdie, and enjoy married life a bit. I want us to get settled into our new house, and deal with Sikes. I just don't think adding a baby to all this is what we need..."

"Okay..." Sofia said slowly, not bothering to hide her disappointment. She really wanted to try and get pregnant as soon as possible, she wanted to give Birdie a sibling, and she really just wanted to have her own child. It was something she had yearned for every since she had lost their baby, she wanted to make another with him.

"Maybe in a year or so," Harry said, "Let's just... enjoy this." Sofia nodded in agreement, although she wanted to argue. She had known for a little bit that Harry didn't feel the same way as she did about having a child, but she was hoping the wedding and the arrival or Leo would change his mind. It didn't.

"Hey," Harry said, bringing her out of her thoughts, "You know that I want to make babies with you right? Lots of them. I just want to wait."

"Okay," she said, "We'll wait." Harry seemed relieved by that, and sighed deeply, before kissing her as she giggled against his lips.


"What is this?" Sofia asked, as Harry and her walked out on to the deck of the yacht, where there was a dinner waiting for her.

"This is us celebrating our first week of marriage," Harry said, smiling at her, "We go home in 3 days, and I just wanted to do something special before we left..."

"So you go a yacht?!" Sofia cried out, looking at him like he was crazy. He smirked at her.

"I rented the yacht for the night, yes," Harry said, as the boat began to move, "The sunset is supposed to be beautiful on the water."

"You're incredible," Sofia sighed, as she reached out to him, he took her hand, pulling him into her.

"Only because of you," he said quietly, leaning down to kiss her shoulder.

"Since were on a yacht can we do the titanic pose?" Sofia asked excitedly, pulling away from him, and looking for the end of the boat.

"The titanic was a ship," Harry said, "And I'm not replicating that stupid pose for you..."

"And why not?"

"Because that movie is stupid," Harry grumbled, "He dies in the end. He fucking dies. They build up this epic romance over way too many hours and in the end, he dies..."

"I remember you crying the first time you saw it," Sofia said, blinking at him, unimpressed with his explanation as to why he hated the movie.

"I don't cry," Harry scoffed, "I have no heart, and no tears. I do not cry. And I certainly do not cry over Ryan Gosling."

"Leonardo Decaprio," Sofia corrected

"What?" Harry growled at her

"The guy in titanic was Leonardo Decaprio, the guy in the notebook is Ryan Gosling. Both unbelievably attractive and both probably phenomenal in bed. I understand how you could get them confused."

"Did you just tell me that you thought they were phenomenal in bed?" Harry asked, gaping at her. Sofia shrugged.

"I'm just telling you the truth."

"Stop talking before I'm forced to show you phenomenal on the deck of this yacht," Harry demanded. Sofia grinned, before turning to look out at the ocean.

"It's beautiful here," Sofia said, "I could stay here forever."

"Yeah, it's amazing," Harry agreed. Sofia felt his hand tighten around her waist, and soon there was music filling the upper deck of the yot. Sofia smiled widely at the familiar slow club beat that was the first song they danced to. As Rihanna's voice began to sing the familiar start of Take Care, Harry pulled Sofia to the middle of the deck.

"Dance with me?" he asked, and she giggled as he pulled her into him, moving to the beat of the music.

"Promise me we will be like this forever," Harry said, "That no matter what happens, we'll always want to dance with each other to this song."

"Always," Sofia said, "I promise."


"Fuck!" Sofia shrieked as Harry slammed her into the shower wall, her leg up on the ledge of the tub, as he pumped two fingers in and out of her and she panted with every touch.

"Hands above your head," Harry barked, and Sofia through her hands above her, feeling the water rush down her, just making her senses go out of control. She whimpered as he picked up his pace, pumping harder in and out, and her hips buckled toward him.

"Always so fucking wet for me," Harry growled, as he got down on his knees. Sofia gasped in surprise as he pushed her legs apart, and she had to grab onto the railing of the shower in order to keep control, and she felt his tongue roll over her.

"Oh fuck Harry," she gasped, as he continued to taste her, making her fingers and toes curl with delight, "Jesus fucking Christ! Harry!"

Her hips buckled towards him again, but he reached up and grabbed them, keeping them in place, as he continued to explore her with his tongue. He knew her so well that he knew exactly where he had to taste and lick to drive her crazy. He felt her shaking with pleasure, and he felt himself getting hard with every moan.

"Harry –" she choked out, "Harry – I'm going to –" And she did, screaming as she did, and grabbing his girls with her fingers as he licked her up. She was still shaky as he stood on his feet. The hot water running over both of them and he pulled her towards him, kissing her deeply. She could taste herself on his lips, but she didn't care, as she gripped him tightly.

"You taste so good," Harry mumbled, "But I just want to feel you."

"Yes," Sofia said, "Oh yes, please." She was begging him. She was begging him to pin her against the shower wall.

"I thought you wanted me to make love to you," Harry teased, "Nice and slow, and romantic like. That's what honeymoons are for, aren't they?"

"No," she growled, "I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me so hard I forget about everything except for how you make me feel. I want you to show me phenomenal." Harry grinned wickedly at her, before he yanked her hair, forcing her head to move, so that he could bite down on her neck. He bit hard, as he continued to bite and suck as she hissed in pain and delight until he knew that he had left a mark.

When he was done he pushed her back into the shower wall and her head collided with it, but she didn't even seem to care.

"Jump," he said, and she did. He caught her easily, her legs wrapping around him. He readjusted himself so that he could push into her, and then without giving her warning he did. He pushed into her hard and fast. He could hear her back hitting the wall, as he hit her spot. She felt her fingers pulling at his curls, and her screams of both pain and pleasure as he tore her body apart from the inside. He moaned when she tightened around him, and went faster, just to show her who would be controlling it.

He could feel every inch of her wet body as he pounded into her again and again and heard her scream his name. He could feel himself building up, as he moved against her. They always seemed to have the perfect rhythm. No matter what pace they chose, or how they went about it, they always were perfect together. He stopped her scream as he placed his lips on hers, digging his nails into her hips, and knowing that tomorrow there would be marks. He could feel her nails scraping against his neck, and he groaned in pain, knowing that she was leaving her own marks on him. He could feel her convulsing, but he continued to kiss her, almost forgetting to breathe as he pounded into her again and again and again. And finally when he came, she did too, whimpering against his lips.

He pulled out of her, and helped her steady herself. She had forgotten to breath, and was having trouble finding gravity, her body still shaking from the complete and total pleasure he had just given her. She looked up at him and he could tell that she was exhausted. Her legs gave out, and he caught her just before she hit the floor of the tub. Holding her tightly, he moved around her so that he was holding her up from behind, and then gently he guided her down to the floor, as she sat between his legs, leaning back onto his chest. They didn't say anything, just letting the water hit them, trying to wash them clean, although Harry was sure it would be impossible now.

"Careful what you wish for baby," Harry said, the cockiness with evident in his voice, "You just might get it."

"Shut up," Sofia hissed. Harry wondered how long they were going to sit there before she was able to get up and move to the bed. But he enjoyed the water rushing over him, and he enjoyed having her in his arms. And he enjoyed knowing that he could cause her to crumble like this, knowing that he could rock her so much that she just collapsed. He pulled her into him tighter, kissing her shoulder gently.

"I love you," she said, breaking the silence. He smiled against her back. No matter how many times she said it, it still made his heart skip a beat. How he had tricked her into falling in love with him he would never know, but he was so glad that he did. He could hear his phone ringing in the other room, but he didn't move to go and get it. Whoever it was could wait, he didn't want anyone or anything to intrude on this moment as they sat together, his head resting on her back, and her fingers intertwined with his.

"I love you too, Mrs. Styles," he said, and he could feel her let out a light laugh as his head vibrated on her back.


Sofia was sure she could have slept forever once she got into bed. The minute her head hit the pillow, she was out. She didn't hear Harry move around the hotel room looking for a t-shirt, she didn't hear him turn off his phone, she didn't feel him crawl into bed next to her, she didn't budge when he put his arm around her waist and pulled her towards him. She didn't hear any of that, because she had drifted into the best sleep of her life, and she was pretty sure that she was okay with never waking up. She didn't dream that night, her mind completely and totally at peace as she allowed her body to recover and re-energize. But, like most sleep, this one didn't last forever. Sofia was woken up. She was woken up to Harry repeating her name over and over again, as he shook her.

"Sofia, you have to get up, we have to go," he said, shaking her harder, as she opened her eyes. She could hear the alarm in his voice, and it was also in her eyes.

"What? What's happened?" she asked, trying to shake the sleepiness
from her body.

"We have to go home," Harry said, his voice shaking, "There's been an accident."

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