"Everything Is Falling Apart"

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Sofia went over everything the doctor told her in her head. She couldn't do the surgery. Her body wasn't capable of getting through the surgery. Her body was still in shock. She should be in bed resting, and recovering. And after being in such a traumatic fire, the doctor was fearful that Sofia was psychologically fit to make decisions right now. Legally, the doctor could not sign the papers that said Sofia could give Liam her kidney. But more importantly, the doctor would not sign off the surgery. Sofia had begged, Sofia had offered money, Sofia had tried everything. The doctor wasn't changing her mind. Sofia had walked out of the office, and now she sat on the bench, replaying the conversation over and over and over in her head. Her brother had just saved her life, but she couldn't save his. It always seemed to go like that, him taking care of her, and her not being able to return the favor.

"Do we have to put you on a leash or something?" an Irish voice barked, causing Sofia to stir. She turned to see Niall walking towards her, with Eleanor and Ella behind him, and Louis pushing Zayn along behind them.

"Sofia, you need to go back into the hospital, and get back into bed," Eleanor said quietly, "I know you're upset. And I understand that. But you have to keep on top of your health too."

"This isn't okay," Ella said, "You have to take care of yourself. We can't have something happen to you too."

"I signed myself out," Sofia said, "There is no longer a room for me in there, and quite frankly, I don't need it. What I need is to get Liam a kidney."

"We've tried," Eleanor said, "We have tried! Sofia, we can't find him one."

"You haven't looked hard enough!" Sofia snapped at her, causing Eleanor to step back from her.

"Enough," Louis growled, stepping between them, as he glared at Sofia, "You're out of line, Sofia. That's enough."

"El, Ella, go inside," Zayn said quietly, his eyes never leaving Sofia, "We have to talk to Sofia. Alone."

Sofia scoffed and rolled her eyes. This should be good. They were going to tell her that she had to accept this. They were going to tell to go in and take a seat by her brother's bed, and to be strong. They were going to tell her that they could get through this, and that everything was going to be okay. And she didn't want to hear it; she didn't want to hear any of it.

"I just got off the phone with Harry," Louis said, his eyes on her in a careful manner, "He's on his way back here, with Birdie." Sofia didn't show surprise. It was the end of the week; Gemma was to call Harry at the end of the week. She blinked a few times at Louis, waiting for him to continue.

"Harry is under the impression that you planned this whole thing," Louis said quietly, "That it was you that set the fire. Sikes didn't do it, it wasn't an accident. He didn't find you, you lured him in. And set the place on fire so neither of you could get out."

Sofia didn't say anything, again. She just stared into Louis' eyes. She could feel Zayn and Niall staring at her. She knew that once Harry was reunited with Birdie he would figure out what really happened. She knew that he would tell them. However, she didn't think she would be around for it.

"Tell me he's crazy," Louis said quietly, "Tell me that he has just gone crazy." Sofia didn't say anything, again. She just stared at Louis quietly.

"Sofia, talk to us," Niall said, "Tell us that you didn't set that place on fire."

"I can't tell you that," Sofia said, "Because I did. I did set it on fire. It was me."

Zayn and Louis both groaned, their groans painful, as Niall's eyes
went wide.

"You what?" a voice came, Sofia looking over to see Danielle standing there. She approached all of them, and Sofia sighed deeply as she saw the pain behind Danielle's eyes.

"I set the cabin on fire," Sofia said quietly, "I planned the entire thing."

"How could you do that?" Niall snapped

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" Zayn yelled at her from his wheelchair, throwing his hands up in frustration.

"Sofia, why would you do something like that?" Danielle asked, her voice breaking.

"I was trying to protect my daughter. I was trying to protect you," Sofia said, "I knew that Sikes would come after me if he thought that I ran away with Birdie. I knew that he would come in alone, because he was that arrogant. And I knew I couldn't beat him with a gun or physical strength. But I could trick him, and set him on fire."

"Sofia, that cabin is so old, the chances of you escaping after setting it on fire..." Niall said, his eyes furrowed, as though trying to think about it.

"Aren't very good," Sofia said, "In fact there wasn't really a chance." The four of them stared at her in shock.

"You didn't think you were going to come out of it alive," Zayn whispered, looking her up and down.

"No," Sofia said, "I didn't."

"HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID!?" Niall exploded, grabbing her. He was shaking from head to toe, his eyes wide and wild, as he stared at her.

"It was me or you," Sofia said quietly looking at him, as she grabbed him back, just as tightly, "Me or Louis, me or Zayn, me or Danielle, me or Leo, me or David. Me or Harry. Me or Birdie. IT WAS ME OR YOU. That's how I could be so stupid."

"Sofia, we could've come up with something else, if you have told us!" Louis growled, shaking his head at her, "You should have told us!"

"I wasn't going to let anyone else die for me," Sofia said, ripping herself away from Niall's arms, and shaking her head, "I wasn't going to let anyone else sacrifice anything else for me!"

"Except Liam," Louis growled, his eyes narrowed on her. As though waiting for her to snap. He knew these words would hit her hard, and that's what he wanted. He wanted her to face the damage she had caused.

"HE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THERE!" Sofia shrieked, "NONE OF YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THERE! I didn't think he would make it a game! I didn't think that he would get you involved! LIAM WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THERE! AND HE SURE AS HELL WASN'T SUPPOSED TO PULL ME OUT!"

"But he did," Danielle hissed at her, "He did pull you out. And he was there. And now he's dying. Because YOU DIDN'T think." Sofia looked at Danielle, who had tears rolling down her eyes. Sofia bit her lip and looked away from her, she couldn't bear to look at her.

"Now he's dying, and it's your fault," Danielle hissed, Sofia could hear the anger in her voice.

"Danielle –" Niall tried to stop her.

"HE'S DYING AND IT'S YOUR FAULT!" Danielle screamed, ignoring Niall's protest, and trying to escape Louis' arms as he grabbed her, trying to pull her from lunging at Sofia.


"I know that," Sofia said quietly, "I know it is."

And with those words, Sofia turned away from the four of them and walked away from the hospital. She didn't look back at them, she just walked away.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Niall yelled after her, she could feel his footsteps behind her.

"If you think I'm going sit there and watch my brother die," Sofia growled spinning back towards him, "You're wrong. Don't follow me."


By the time Harry and Emily had arrived to the hospital, it was well known what Sofia had done. Birdie was asleep in Harry's arms as he sat on the windowsill. Emily immediately took a seat next to Zayn. Danielle was next to Liam's bed, while Ella, Eleanor, Louis and Niall all sat by the small table in the hospital room.

They were all so lost, and broken. It felt like they had just done this. They had just sat around a hospital bed, getting ready to say goodbye. This all seemed too familiar to them. But, this time it was Liam. And none of them could really get around that. He was their rock; he was the reason any of them were sitting there. He was the leader and the head, and now he was leaving them. And they were going to have to find their way without him. And it wasn't fair. None of it was fair, and none of it seemed right. But it was reality. This was what was going to happen, and they all had to get ready for it.

"I'm sorry, Liam," Danielle said, "I just lost it. And I started blaming her and she took off. I shouldn't have flipped out, I shouldn't have blamed her. I was just so angry."

"It's okay," Liam said, his voice calm, as he played with David, who was sitting on his chest, "You're allowed to flip out, you're allowed to be angry. Don't worry about Sofia. She'll be back." He listened to Harry scoff, and watched as Harry rolled his eyes, before they landed back on Birdie in his arms.

"You would take a bullet for both of them," Liam said quietly, "What she did isn't much different then that, is it?" Harry looked up at him, his jaw locked, and his eyes narrowed.

"I wouldn't ever lie to her like she lied to me. I wouldn't ever hide her child from her, or make a plan to off myself. She didn't discuss anything with me Liam. If I died for them it would be instinct, not planned," Harry said, his voice in a low growl, "I would never do what she did to me. Or to any of us."

"Do you think she'll come back?" Eleanor asked, "She's upset. But she's still really weak, the doctor said so. She should be in bed. I'm worried about her health."

"I was going to follow her, but it seemed like it would only make it worse," Niall said quietly.

"She'll be back," Liam repeated, and everyone's eyes were on him. He was pale and weak, but his calm demeanor hadn't faded at all. It had been 2 hours since Sofia had walked away outside, but Liam was sure she would come back, "My sister is a lot stronger then any of you give her credit for." None of them said anything, still unsure that Sofia would come back.

"Look, I know my sister," Liam said, looking around at them, "She's impulsive, and crazy. God help her, she's bloody crazy. But, I lived with her for nineteen years, and she has showed up every time I needed her to. When I was sick, when I was angry, when I needed someone to talk to. When I needed a job done, or when I needed to blow off steam about a job. She's been there. She needs time to accept this, but she'll be back. She wouldn't leave me when I needed her."

"She did leave though," Harry snapped, "She left us all. And you're paying for it."

"You're angry," Liam said, his voice calm as he looked over at Harry
again, "I get it. You have every right to be. She's your wife and you feel betrayed. But life is short, Harry..."

"Especially when you play games with it," Harry hissed, his arms tightening around the four-year-old child in his arms.

"You're a good father, Harry," Liam said, watching as Harry's eyes slowly found his, "It came naturally to you. But, it was my sister who showed you that you could be one. My sister believed in you as a father before you did. That girl is here because of Sofia, you should remember that."

"I haven't forgotten that, Liam," Harry said quietly, "And I'll always appreciate that. But, that change the way I feel right now." Liam smiled at him, it was a small smile, almost like he knew something.

"I know," Liam said finally, "I just hope that you can push past your feelings and work through it. Maybe not now, but someday. I would hate to think that I was leaving my sister on her own."

Harry swallowed hard, before looking out the window. He could feel everyone's eyes on him.

"I can't keep doing this with her, Liam," Harry said, "Especially not when my daughter is involved. Don't make me feel guilty about that."

"I'm not trying to make you feel guilty," Liam said, "I'm trying to get you to think. I want what's best for both of you. I believe you are what's best for her, but if you don't think she's best for you, then that is for you to decide." He handed David back to Danielle before closing his eyes, exhaustion washing over him, telling Harry that the conversation was over. Harry wondered about what he said, was Sofia what was best for him? It didn't seem like it, not anymore.

"Zayn," Emily whispered to him, he looked over at her, and she looked concerned about something.

"Are you worried about Sofia?" he asked, and Emily shook her head.

"I have to talk to you," she said. And Zayn nodded, allowing her to stand up and push his wheelchair out of the room, leaving questioning eyes behind them.

Zayn watched Emily carefully as she sat in a chair in the hallway in front of him. She looked nervous, slightly sick, even. She looked exhausted. He took her hand in his, before using his other to wipe a piece of hair out of her face.

"What's going on?" he asked, his voice so quiet that only she could hear him.

"Zayn, I'm sorry," she said quietly, and his eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"Sorry? For what? You have nothing to be sorry for, baby," Zayn said, "I know these past few weeks have been hard on you, and you have been amazing."

"Zayn, I'm late," Emily said, she couldn't look up at him. This wasn't exciting news. This wasn't good news. They weren't ready. They didn't want this.

"What?" he hissed, lifting her chin with his hand, so that she was forced to look at him.

"I'm sorry – I know this is the last thing we need right now, but I had to tell you – and I'm –"

"Emily, stop!" Zayn said, covering her mouth with hand, "I'm glad you told me." He could see the tears in her eyes. He wanted babies with Emily, but not now. What was he supposed to say? That he was happy? That they would get through this? You weren't supposed to get through a baby. You were supposed to be ready, and want a baby. And they didn't, they didn't want this. But they would do this. He would do this, because he loved her. And he would love that child.

"Do you know for sure?" Zayn asked

"No," Emily said, shaking her head, "I got the test. But, I just couldn't do it. I just... I'm scared. I don't really want to know."

"We can't avoid this," Zayn said, "We have to know."

"I know," Emily sobbed, throwing her heads in her hands. Zayn wrapped his arms around her, whispering comforting words in her ear.

"Baby, we're going to be okay..." Zayn said, his voice quiet and unsure.

"Why does it feel like nothings going to be okay, then?" Emily asked, as she continued to sob into his shoulder. Zayn didn't have an answer for her, because he agreed. It felt like everything had fallen apart, and without Liam, nothing would ever come back together.

"Nothings going to be okay," Emily sobbed again, "Everything is falling apart."


Ella and Emily were just leaving to bring the kids back to the house, leaving everyone else behind to be with Liam when Sofia slammed into the hospital room.

"Mummy!" Birdie cried out, running towards Sofia, who had to do a double take, before dropping to her knees and pulling the girl into her arms.

"Hi baby," Sofia croaked out, kissing her head. Sofia never thought she would see Birdie again, and she could help but cry. She looked up from her spot on the ground, and her eyes caught Harry's. He didn't say anything, just bit his lip, taking in the scene before him like everyone else.

"Did you enjoy Aunt Gemma's?" Sofia asked the girl quietly, and Birdie nodded excitedly.

"Why are you sad, mummy?" Birdie asked, pulling away from Sofia. And Sofia let out another choked sob.

"I'm not, Little Bird," Sofia said, smiling through her tears, "These are happy tears, because I'm so glad to see you."

"We're gonna take the kids home," Ella said gently, and Sofia glanced up to see a man in the suit that she didn't recognize standing next to her brother's bed. She nodded, before kissing Birdie goodbye, and standing up again.

"Who the hell are you?" she asked, her voice biting, as they left the room.

"Ms. Payne – I'm Mr. Gramo – I'm you're family's lawyer," he said,
coming toward her to shake her hand, but Sofia stepped back from him.

"Sofia, he's hear to help me sign everything over to you," Liam said quietly from his bed.

"Oh, is he?" Sofia hissed, narrowing her eyes at the lawyer, "Get out."

"Sofia –" Zayn tried to argue.

"We don't need your services, I won't be signing anything and neither will my brother," Sofia growled, her voice low and dangerous.

"Sofia, don't be ridiculous," Liam growled just as low and dangerous. Sofia glanced at him.

"I'm dying," Liam said, "I'm dying and we need to figure this out before I go."

"You're not dying –" Sofia said, causing Liam to grown in frustration.

"Excuse us, Mr. Gramo," Liam said, "I need to check my sister back into reality."

Mr. Gramo left the room, as Sofia approached Liam's hospital bed, grabbing his chart that what was on the end of it.

"What?" Liam asked her, "You think you're going to find something the doctors didn't? Did you become a doctor without me knowing?"

"Stop talking," Sofia snapped at him

"Sofia I'm dying!" Liam yelled, trying to get her to listen.

"NO YOU ARENT!" Sofia shrieked, "STOP TALKING!"

"Sofia –" Liam yelled back, but he couldn't finish because the door swung open and in walked Topher, catching every one off guard.

"What the hell?" Louis asked

"Unbelievable," Harry hissed, "Things get hard and you run to him."

Topher ignored him, taking Liam's chart from Sofia's hands, and looking at it.

"Well?" Sofia asked, and Topher nodded, before looking up at Liam.

"As you know I'm a general surgeon, so Sofia called me," Topher said quietly.

"Topher, I appreciate you coming here and looking," Liam said, "But there isn't any hope. Unless my sister has convinced you to do an illegal surgery with her involved. Which I won't allow." A small smile played on Topher's lips, and he glanced at Sofia.

"He knows you well," Topher said and Sofia sighed.


"It was her first answer," Topher said, "Calm down. It's not good for you. And I didn't agree to the surgery anyway. I like my medical license. Besides, I'm not here to do surgery."

"Then why the hell are you here?" Harry snapped

"Because I asked him to be," Sofia barked back, before looking at Liam, "You're not dying."

"Sofia, I don't have a kidney! So unless Topher can make one magically appear..." Liam growled

"I'm here for my sister," Topher said

"Your sister?" Zayn asked, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Sofia," a voice came, the door swinging open again, and in walked Cara, "I have the paperwork."

She smiled down at Liam, before handing Sofia the paperwork, which Sofia went through.

"Hi Liam," Cara greeted, before waving at everyone else in the room.

"What is going on?" Liam asked, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Cara and I share the same blood type as you," Sofia said, not looking up from the papers as she read through them, "And unlike me, she is healthy and strong enough to do the surgery."

"Are you kidding me?" Niall asked, his jaw dropping. The sob that came from Danielle was nothing that Sofia had ever heard before. It was one of relief and heartache.

"No," Cara said, "I'm happy to do it."

"Cara, this is a big surgery," Liam said, "I appreciate it, but you should think about this."

"I did," Cara said, "You're family needs you more then I need my kidney, Liam."

"I can't ask you to do this," Liam said, "I won't ask you to do this."

"You didn't ask her, I did," Sofia barked at him, before thrusting the paperwork into his hands, "And all you have to do is sign off on it."

"Sofia, you can't fix everything," Liam said, causing Sofia to groan and throw her hands in her hair, turning away from him.

"You can't just turn life upside down because you don't like how it's going," Liam said, watching her as she paced, "Sometimes life isn't fair and you just have to accept that!"


"I'm not signing those papers," Liam said, "This is huge to ask someone."

"I don't mind –" Cara said quietly.

"Liam please –" Danielle tried to say, but Sofia interrupted her. Her eyes had fire in them, and her jaw was locked, her eyes glaring at her brother.

"19 years," she hissed, "19 years I have let you boss me around. 19 years I have let you be so damn protective it drove me crazy. I've let you tell me what to do and what to eat and how to dress. I've let you scare away boys and lecture me over stupid shit and fucking pull me out of fires! 19 FUCKING YEARS! I've listened to your bullshit. 19 YEARS I'VE LISTENED TO "BECAUSE I SAID SO" AND "BECAUSE I'M YOUR BROTHER." OR MY FUCKING FAVORITE, "I'M NOT ASKING YOU, I'M TELLING YOU." 19 YEARS I'VE LET YOU TAKE CARE OF ME, LIAM. 19 YEARS I'VE LET YOU BE IN CHARGE!"

Liam didn't say anything as he sister yelled at him, as he listened to her words, knowing that interrupting her wouldn't do any good. She needed to scream and shout, and he was going to let her.

"But a few hours ago you put me in charge!" Sofia growled, "You said you trusted me, and you put in charge. You were just about to sign everything over to me. SO here's how this is going to fucking go. I'M IN CHARGE. AND THIS IS WHAT I'M DECIDING. So, for the first time in your God damn life, you will listen to me and you will let me fucking take care of you. For the first time, you will let me save you! BECAUSE I SAID SO, AND BECAUSE I'M YOUR SISTER"

"Sofia –" Liam choked, tears in his eyes, as he saw how desperate and determined she was to save his life.

"YOU WILL SIGN THE DAMN PAPERS LIAM!" she barked, her authority showing as she shoved the pen into his hand, "I'm not asking you. I'm telling you."

She looked up at Danielle and Eleanor, who were both smirking at her, as they watched her take control. Danielle had appreciative tears in her eyes. All the boys staring at her as though they were just seeing her for the first time. Liam looked up at her and sighed, shaking his head, but he used the pen to sign the papers.

"You're an idiot," he mumbled to her, but she could see the tears in his eyes, as he realized he was going to live.

"You're the idiot that put me in charge," Sofia mumbled back, her face tear stained, as she grabbed his hand, "What the hell were you thinking?"


The papers were signed, and everyone was ready to go. Cara and Liam would go into surgery the next day, and God willing, she would help save his life. Sofia was exhausted as she stood in the waiting room of the hospital, waiting for people to say their goodbyes and head home.

"Sofia," someone said, she turned to see Topher standing her, "You really should check yourself back into the hospital."

"I'm okay," she said, quietly, "I'll rest at home. I promise." Topher nodded silently.

"Thank you," she said, "I know that she's your sister and you don't want to do this –"

"We'd do anything for you," Topher said quietly, "Besides, once Cara decides something, I can't say or do anything to change her mind. You know that. And, I was wrong."

"What?" Sofia asked

"At your wedding, I was wrong," Topher said, "This is a family if I've ever seen one. And I might not like it, but you belong with them. And your daughter is lucky to have people who would do anything for her. You are all lucky to have each other."

Sofia sighed, before approached Topher and throwing herself into his arms, he wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Welcome home," he said quietly. And she felt him smile as he kissed the top of her head.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said quietly, exiting the room, as Louis and Niall came into it.

"I'm mad at you," Louis said, swallowing hard looking at her, "Because you still don't get it."

"What?" Sofia asked

"You know how desperate you were to save Liam?" Louis asked, and Sofia nodded.

"That's how we feel every time you put yourself in danger," Niall answered.

"So, we're mad," Louis said, staring at her. She nodded at them quietly.

"I know you are," she said, her voice just above a whisper, "I'm mad at me too."

"No more making plans on your own," Niall said, "You're lucky you survived. You're lucky you got out of there alive. No more, Sofia. Do you hear me?"

"I hear you," she said, looking at them both.

"We have each other," Louis said, "That's why we never have to do anything on our own. Don't you get that by now?"

"I was just trying to save you," Sofia said

"We get that," Niall said, "But, don't ever try and save us again. Not like that."

She smiled at him gently. She agreed, and they both hugged her, before
leaving. Sofia turned to grab the purse she had, and when she turned back around, her breath caught. Harry was standing there, his green eyes piercing hers.

"I think it's time we talk, don't you?" he asked, his voice low.

"I know you're angry –" Sofia said

"Angry?" he asked, "No. I'm not angry. I was angry every time you snuck out your damn window. I was angry when you made out with Chase Montgomery in front of me. I was angry when you jumped up on that table at the club, and danced for everyone. I was angry when you left me after I got shot. I was angry when you decided that drugs would fix everything. I get angry when you talk back or you're disrespectful. I was angry when you kissed Zayn. I'm not angry, Sofia. I don't know what I am – but it goes way beyond anger."

"Harry –" Sofia choked out, watching him. He put his hand up, to stop her from talking.

"I thought you left," Harry spat out, "I thought you ran away, without me. I thought you took Birdie from me –"

"I would never do that," Sofia gasped, "The plan was always to get her back to you."

"Do you know how I felt when I saw that fire?" Harry gasped, tears in his eyes, "I thought you were both trapped in there. I couldn't move! I froze! Because all I could see in my head was you and Birdie burning in that building, and I just couldn't move! Do you know what that was like for me?! Do you know what that did to me?!"

"You weren't supposed to be there, you were never supposed to see it," Sofia gasped, tears pouring down her face, as she watched how much pain he was in.

"That's not the damn point! The point is you didn't think about me! In
any of it! And when I found out she wasn't there, I HAD NO IDEA WHERE SHE WAS SOFIA! OR IF SHE WAS SAFE OR HEALTHY OR HURT! I DIDN'T KNOW! You didn't even think what any of that would do to me. You didn't think about me at all!"

"Of course I did," Sofia said, "I thought of you. And saving you and Birdie. That's what I was thinking about."

"And sacrificing yourself?" Harry growled, "You made life changing decisions without me! I thought we agreed to go through life together! I thought we those vowels!"

"We did!" Sofia spat, "I didn't know what else to do! I didn't want anyone else to die!"

"So you sacrificed yourself!?" Harry barked, staring at her like he couldn't believe it.


"And did you think about Birdie when you made that decision? Or me? Or how I was going to have explain to her that she lost someone else? Did you think about what it would do to me if you were dead?!? Did you think about any of that?!"

Sofia didn't say anything, as Harry paced in front of her ranting, she couldn't say anything. She couldn't tell him that she had thought about it, because she didn't.

"You didn't," Harry said, his voice so quiet, broken, "You didn't think about any of it."

"I'm sorry," she said, her voice cracking. She could see it on his face, this wasn't a fight. He wasn't fighting with her. He was trying to tell her something. This wasn't going to blow over. This wasn't going to be a fight, that ended up with her having marks on her body, or him reminding her who she belonged to. This wasn't going to end in them making love and forgetting about it. This wasn't a normal Harry and Sofia fight. This was different. He was broken; he was hurt, he was angry. And it was her fault, she broke him.

"I don't want an apology from you," he said, turning to her. His eyes were said, and his voice was low. There was no growl to it. He wasn't trying to teach her something; he wasn't trying to get her to admit he was right. His voice held no authority or control, it wasn't the voice that turned her on and scared her too. There was nothing behind his voice. It was hallow and empty. He wasn't fighting, he was giving up.

"You don't seemed surprised that I don't want to hear your apologies," Harry said, his voice quiet.

"I knew that you would hate me for what I did, I knew it," Sofia said, just as quiet, "I just thought I'd be dead."

"You never could face the consequences of your actions," Harry scoffed, and Sofia bit her lip, as though not to bite back.

"So, what now?" she asked, looking at him. He looked at her and he shrugged.

"I don't know," he said, "I moved into the new the house, I've been taking my stuff over there every night, because I haven't been able to sleep..."

Sofia bit her lip at his words and looked at the ground, she knew that he was just trying to put more emphasis on what she had dragged him through. He wasn't trying to be mean or cruel, he was just stating facts, and that killed Sofia on the inside. She caused him that pain, those were the facts.

"I'm going to stay there," Harry said, looking away from her, she knew what was coming.

Sofia felt her heart tighten in pain. He was leaving her. He was leaving, and he didn't want her to follow. For the first time, Harry was walking away. And she had no choice but to let him go, because he was right. But, she felt herself ask the question anyway.

"What about me?" she asked

"I can't even look at you right now," Harry said, swallowing hard, "Not without feeling like shit. So, I certainly don't want to live with you. Or to pretend that we're happily married, when our relationship is nothing but toxic right now. I don't trust you, not with me, or our daughter. I can't trust you. You should stay at Liam's."

He glanced up at her after his spoke. She felt her breath catch. She knew it was coming, but it hit her hard anyway. Again, he wasn't trying to hurt her; he wasn't trying to cause her pain. He was just stating facts, and he was right. But, his words still caused her pain. Pain like she had never felt in her life. The burning of the fire she had been trapped in was nothing compared to the pain that just ripped through her heart.

"And Birdie?" she asked, her voice so quiet he almost didn't hear her.

"You're good at lying, Sofia," he said, for the first time, his voice cold and distant, "I'm sure you'll come up with something."
He turned to walk out of the waiting room; he wasn't going to ask her if she needed a ride home. He didn't care. He just wanted out of that room. It hurt to look at her, it hurt to be near her. All Harry wanted to do was to stop hurting, and he had to get away from her to do that.

"Harry?" Sofia asked, he turned back to her, sighing deeply, waiting for her to ask her next question.

"Are we going to fix this? Are we going to get through this?" she asked, her voice breaking.

"I don't know," he answered honestly, "Right now I have no interest in fixing or getting through anything. And right now, there is no we."

Sofia closed her eyes in pain to his words. She knew that he would be angry, she knew that he would be angry and feel betrayed. But to hear Harry give up on them was horrifying to Sofia. It was something she had never experienced. He always believed in them, even when she didn't. He always fought for them, even when she didn't. She felt her heart shatter with his words, and it took everything she had not to let out a blood-curdling scream of pain. She needed him to put the pieces together with her, but when she opened her eyes, he was gone. And she didn't know if he was ever going to come back.

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