"Let Me Walk Away"

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"You just have to let him figure this out," Danielle told her calmly, "He needs time. And he has to do it on his own"

"I know," Sofia said quietly, as she sat across from Danielle and Eleanor drinking tea, "I just miss him. And I didn't think this is how we would end up, that's all. I didn't think that when I got married, I would be in the middle of separation just weeks after. And I certainly didn't think I'd be in this position."

"This doesn't mean it's the end, Sofia," Eleanor said, "I know he's angry. But he does love you."

"I don't think that matters right now," Sofia said, looking up at them both, "I have apologized over and over. I've told him how stupid I was. I've told him that I love him. But it doesn't matter. He's... angry. And he doesn't trust me."

"He just needs time," Danielle said, "And you have to give it to him. And you have been. He'll come around. I know he will. "

"I just stopped trying to convince him," Sofia said, shrugging sadly, "He needs to come to this decision on his own. He's heard everything I had to say. He knows I don't want it to be over. All I can do now is wait."

"Marriage is hard, Sofia," Eleanor said, sighing, "It's hard enough in a normal marriage, let alone a marriage that had psychopath on it's tail."

"Marriage is hard. You don't think that taking those vowels will change much, but they really do change everything. Every marriage has its problems, Sofia," Danielle said, "I almost left Liam because we couldn't agree on when to have babies."

"Really?" Sofia asked, cocking her head to the side.

"Louis and I fought over whether to move out or not. He really wanted to, and I didn't."

"But you didn't loose his trust, you didn't betray him to the point where he hates you," Sofia sighed listening to them, "Harry hates me, he won't even really look at me. I lost everything I tried to build."

"He doesn't hate you," Eleanor said, "He wouldn't be this hurt if he hated you. He loves you. He just needs time. He'll come around. But you have to let him come around on his own, you can't try and pull him back in."

"I haven't," Sofia said, shaking her head, "I want him to make this decision on his own. If he wants to leave, then I want him to leave. If he wants to stay, then I want him to stay. I don't want to force him to do either. I want Harry to do what's best for Harry."

"I think you've handled this whole thing with a lot of grace and maturity," Danielle said gently, "Especially with Birdie and everything else."

"I agree," Eleanor said, "I think the two of you have really handled it well."

"And the old Sofia would've played games or tried to make him jealous or done something to get her way," Danielle said, "And you aren't. You are letting him do this on his own. And I'm proud of you."

Sofia bit her lip. It had been 3 weeks since Liam's surgery, and things were going back to normal. Zayn had returned home after a week in the hospital, but him and Emily had taken off for a much-needed holiday and time alone as a couple so they could start to figure things out.
Liam had returned home a few days ago, and he was back on his feet, slowly but surely. Sofia had spent most of her weeks spending her time between Birdie and helping with the babies, keeping on top of the clubs, and helping Liam recover, and trying to recover herself. She didn't realize how worn out she was once everything had settled down and she no longer had to worry about everything. She was tired, and weak. And trying to push past how awful things had turned out, which was hard when you were reminded every single day.

With Liam in the hospital, she was able to access his office and their
investments. Nothing big had come up, only small jobs. With the help of Louis and Niall, she was able to keep on top of it. While Niall and Louis were more then willing to help her out and show her the ropes, Harry tried to avoid he, usually coming in at the last minute, and leaving as soon as he could.

Sofia and Harry were not back to normal. They were so far from normal, she didn't know if they would ever get back. They told Birdie that Harry was working on the new home, but Sofia wanted to stay with Liam while he recovered. Birdie spent her time between them both, although Harry was very unsure.

He was having a hard time trusting Sofia with anything, but especially Birdie. When he dropped Birdie off at Liam's, he needed to know exactly how Sofia planned on spending their time together before she brought Birdie back to his. They kept things civil and polite, and Sofia gave him all the information he wanted.

They weren't fighting. In fact, if it weren't for Birdie and the fact that they had to work together, they wouldn't even be talking. Sofia had tried several times right after Liam's surgery to apologize and to ask him for his forgiveness. She tried making him see her side, and then admitted that he was right with his side. She tried begging, and crying. But, at the end of the day, Harry needed time.

It wasn't that he didn't love her anymore, he did. But he didn't know if he wanted to be married to her anymore. He wasn't sure that they could have all the things that they used to dream of. How could he build a home with someone he couldn't trust. And it wasn't that he couldn't see where she was coming from. He could. She would do anything for her daughter, including giving up her own life. But, Harry could not push past the fact that she had lied to him over and over, and had kept him in the dark about so many things that would change his life. But mostly, he was angry that she was able to decide to walk away from him, and didn't even bother to say goodbye.

When Harry took his vowels, he thought he was promising that from there on out they would be deciding everything together. The two of them would decide everything that they did, that would affect their lives and their family. He knew that he would never make decisions without her. She was selfish, and Harry didn't think that selfishness had any place in a marriage, especially not one where they were going to start a family.

"Don't say you're proud of me," Sofia said, quietly, "I've ruined my marriage, my child is being carted between parents like a child of divorce, and I almost got my brother killed. I've fucked up every good thing I had."

"Not everything," Eleanor said with a small smile.

"Sofia, you're facing the consequences of your actions," Danielle said,

"You're finally acting like an adult. That is something to be proud of."
Sofia felt like an adult. She was going to be 20 in just a few months, but she felt like she was much older. She felt like she had seen the best and worst that life had to offer. In this year alone she had experienced things some would never get to experience, and things that some would have handled better. She was still learning. She wanted to be the wife and mother they all wanted her to be, the person she wanted to be, but it was hard to change. Change came with growth, and Sofia knew that.

"Zayn and Emily should be landing soon," Eleanor said, looking at her watch, "We should probably give them some space this afternoon, they're probably both tired from the travelling."

"We should take the kids to the park," Danielle said, "Why don't we get them ready? We can pick up Birdie from Harry's on the way there?"

Sofia cringed at her words on the inside. Because taking the kids to the park sounded like a great idea, but the idea of picking up her daughter from her husband's house was enough to make Sofia want to cry. She agreed to the park plan, anyway, and followed them out of the kitchen, picking up her phone to call Harry and ask him if that was okay.


Zayn and Emily had arrived home after spending a week and a half in the South of France. Both felt like they were rested enough to face the world again. When they left, they had been stressed, not knowing what they were going to do. But coming home, they felt a little less of that stress. Knowing that they were coming home to everyone healthy helped. Knowing that they no longer had to fear Sikes helped. Zayn's eyesight was back, and his dizziness had stopped. But, they still stopped off in a small café for lunch before they returned to the craziness of the house.

"You look much better then you did before we left," Zayn said, smiling at her from across the table.

"Thanks babe," Emily quipped, her voice deadpanned. Zayn chuckled, reaching out to grab her hand.

"I just mean that I'm not worried about whether your doing okay or not, you look healthier."

"I feel healthier," Emily admitted, "Everything was just starting to pile up and I felt like I was taking hit after hit. I wasn't ready for any of it, it seemed."

"And now?" Zayn asked, nodding at the waitress who had brought them their drinks.

"Now I'm ready," Emily said quietly, "Especially with you back on your feet, it helps. I was just so lost with the thought of loosing you, or you not being the same..."

"You didn't loose me, though," Zayn said, his eyes were staring into her. She smiled at him gently.

"I think we can get through anything," she said quietly, "as long as were together. I know it sounds cliché and stupid. But, I love you so much it hurts. And I know that people say love isn't enough, but I think it is. I think that we can get through anything, as long as we're facing it together. I don't know if I can get through life on my own, but I can with you."

"You'll never have to do it on your own," Zayn said, "I promise. I'll always be right beside you. We will always face life together. No matter what it brings, we will always get through it."

Emily smiled at him. Zayn hadn't left her side since she told him her secret. He was there for her through all the tears and the worries. He listened to her concerns, and her hopes. There was a point in time where Emily wasn't sure if she was the one for Zayn. She worried about him not loving her the way she loved him. But, she didn't have that worry anymore. With everything else that was going on, Zayn could have easily been distracted.
He could have easily wanted to stay home for Liam, or tried to help Sofia with everything she had going on. But, he didn't. He made Emily his first priority. He made their relationship his first priority. It was such a change from the man that she was with last summer, the one who put her last and expected her to just wait around. He put her first, and she knew that he would continue to do so no matter what happened in the future.

"I love you," she said quietly, before she bit into her sandwich.

"I love you," he replied easily, without hesitation, on instinct. Those words that he once found so hard to say, were now the words that he loved saying. He loved reminding her of how in love he was with her. Their relationship had been through a lot, almost as though they were being tested. And while there were hiccups along the way, Zayn felt like they had passed. This was it for him. She was it for him.

"You know the boys thought I was going to propose to you," Zayn said casually, watching as Emily choked on her drink. He smiled at her reaction. Her eyes got wide, and she looked up at him horrified.

"You're not going to propose are you? Because you don't need to. We do not need a wedding on top of everything else, Zayn. I know you love me, you don't have to prove that with a ring," Emily said, her words were coming out fast, she was getting anxious. Zayn was enjoying watching her squirm, though he would never admit that.

"No, I'm not going to propose," he said, "Not yet anyway. Someday I will though. And you'll say yes."

"Oh I will?" Emily said, raising her eyebrows in response to his cockiness.

"Yes, you will,' Zayn replied with a sly grin, "If this whole pregnancy thing has taught us anything, it was that you want to spend the rest of your life with me."

"Oh, is that what it taught us?" Emily asked, "Funny, I thought it taught us that we should stop having sex... forever."

"If that's what you learned, how come my back hurts so much?" Zayn asked,

"I mean, you were all over me. Who knew you enjoyed riding so much?"

"Shut up!" Emily hissed at him, reaching out and smacking his arm, before
glancing around the café to see if anyone heard.

"You should keep your hands to yourself, Emily," Zayn grinned, leaning forward, "Or I'm going to have to punish you. Imagine, you over my knee in front of all these people." He grinned at her, as her cheeks blushed bright red.

"Keep it up Zayn," Emily growled, "And the only way you'll way you'll be seeing my ass is when it's walking out of that door." She pointed to the café door, and Zayn laughed again, before leaning over and kissing her cheek.

"I love it when you're feisty," he whispered in her ear, causing shivers down her spine.

"Stop it!" she hissed, pushing him away, but a smile was on her face.


"Harry!" Sofia called, stepping into the house, as the front door was open. Harry hadn't answered his phone, and Sofia decided she would just grab Birdie with Danielle and Eleanor on the way to the park.

"Birdie!" she called into the house, not hearing anyone in the house. Glancing around, she wondered quickly if something was wrong. She also noticed all the work Harry had put into the house. From the downstairs she could see that the living room was all set up, and she could see the dining room and the kitchen area.

"Mummy!" Birdie called, Sofia looked up to see the back door slide open, and Birdie was running toward her.

"Birdie! Don't run!" a female voice called, catching Sofia off guard.

"Hi baby," Sofia greeted, sweeping the child onto her hip. Sofia looked up to see a pretty blonde girl, who had followed Birdie into the hallway. Sofia felt her throat constrict as she took in the girl.

"Hi," the girl greeted, reaching her hand out, "You must be Sofia. I'm Ellis."

Sofia held her hand out, and shook the girls hand, still not sure what to make of the entire situation. She knew who she was. Harry had gone to school with her when he was younger, and she was positive that they dated at some point too. Ellis was pretty, and she had a warm smile. If she wasn't in what was supposed to be Sofia's home, with her daughter and her husband, Sofia might even like her. But she was in her home, with her daughter and husband, so Sofia didn't like her. But Sofia pushed her feeling of dislike away, and stayed calm.

"Hi," Sofia said softly. She heard the steps creek, and looked up to see Harry who was standing there, confused by all the commotion. When his eyes caught Sofia's they widened in surprise.

"Hi," he said softly.

"Hi," she said back, "Um, I'm sorry for just dropping by. I tried calling but you didn't answer..."

Sofia hated that she had to apologize for dropping by their house, to pick up their daughter, like she was some sort of stranger. She hated everything about this situation. But this was what Harry wanted. And she wanted to
give Harry what he wanted.

"I must've left my phone in the bedroom," Harry said, walking down the rest of the stairs, "Sorry about that. Is everything okay?" Sofia glanced at the blonde women, wondering the same thing, before she looked back at Harry.

"Birdie, why don't we go finish putting away those cookies," Ellis said softly. Sofia put Birdie down so that she could follow Ellis out of the room, but it killed her to do so. Sofia pushed down the instinct to rip the blonde's throat out, and grab her child back.

Harry was now at the bottom of the steps and still waiting for Sofia to explain why she had shown up unexpectedly.

"I thought the plan was for me to bring her back later, when we had that meeting," Harry said, his eyes furrowed, "Did I get the plan wrong?"

"No," Sofia said quickly, "That was the plan. But, um, I was going to take her have lunch at the playground. If that's okay..."

"The playground huh?" Harry asked, she could see his jaw locked. He was remembering the last time she told him she was taking Birdie to the playground.

"Danielle and Eleanor are going too," she said, her voice was quiet, "They're outside right now. Lou is meeting us there."

She saw Harry's eyes flood with relief. Even after all these weeks of her returning Birdie to him safely, he still couldn't trust her enough to let her be by herself with Birdie. Sofia didn't say anything else; she just let Harry think about it. She saw as Harry looked out the window, as though to confirm her story for himself. And she let him. She didn't argue, she didn't send him a scathing comment. She didn't tell him that she thought it was ridiculous that she had to ask his permission to take her child. She took it, because she deserved it.

"Well, she already ate lunch," Harry said, "But you can take her. I'm sure Ellis can pack you up some cookies. If you want." She tried not to react too much to Ellis's name coming out of Harry's mouth. She bit her lip and nodded, instead of screaming at the sound of her name.

"Okay," Sofia agreed, she was about to ask Ellis but she pushed the question away, because she wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer.
Actually, she knew she didn't want to know. Not right now. Birdie came running back into the hallway, causing the question to disappear from her head anyway.

"You want to go to the playground with Leo and David?" Sofia asked, forcing a smile onto her face for the sake of Birdie. Birdie nodded with excitement.

"Yes, but do I have to sleep at Uncle Liam's tonight?" Birdie asked, looking up at Sofia with wide innocent eyes.

"Well, the plan was to have you stay there, Sean's sister is watching you tonight, remember?" Sofia asked, "While we throw the party for Uncle Liam?
You were going to stay with me after. Why? Don't you want to?"

"I want to stay in my new room tonight," Birdie said, her face disappointed. Sofia felt her heart squeeze at the thought of another night alone in her side of the house.

"Birdie you were supposed to stay with your mum tonight – you can stay here tomorrow –" Harry tried to say, trying to stop Sofia from getting upset.

"No, it's okay," Sofia said quietly, "If you want to stay here again tonight, you can. I'll drop you off, or you dad can pick you up after the party."

Birdie cheered, before running off to find her jacket and some toys to bring to the park. Harry asked Ellis to pack up some cookies for them, and Sofia stood there trying not to fall to the ground in tears.

"You didn't have to do that," Harry said, quietly, "I don't want to take your time away from her."

"She wants to stay here," Sofia said, her voice small, as she stepped back from Harry and towards the door, "And I'm sure you want that too. And I just want you both to be comfortable."

Sofia glanced out the car, and tried to ignore the fact that Harry's eyes were glued on her. She took a deep breath, as she watched Eleanor stick her tongue out at her from the car.

"Unless you had other plans for after the party," Sofia said, looking back at Harry, "Then I can take her."

Harry licked his lips, and watched her carefully. Sofia was being very agreeable. Over the last few weeks, he knew that her instinct would be to try and get him back in any way she could. And he knew that right now she wanted to ask him about Ellis, or maybe scream at him. But she wasn't. She was just letting him be, and he appreciated that. He didn't owe her an explanation. Sofia wasn't supposed to show up at his house this afternoon.

"No, I don't," Harry answered, "I'll just pick Birdie up after the party and bring her back here, if you're sure."

"Sounds fine," Sofia said, though she wasn't looking at him. She bit her lip, "Lou told me to invite you to the playground, but I guess you aren't interested."

"I'm a bit busy," Harry agreed, "But tell him I said thanks for the offer." Sofia nodded at him, smiling carefully.

"Here you go," Ellis said, handing Sofia the bag of cookies. Sofia took the cookies.

"Thank you," Sofia said, smiling at her. All three adults stood in an awkward silence, before Birdie came running back in. Sofia noticed her jacket in one hand, and a football in her other.

"What's with the football?" Sofia asked, smirking at her.

"Daddy says I have to learn," Birdie said, Sofia glanced up at Harry who was smiling at Birdie, "Especially cause I only have boy cousins. Do you know how to play mummy? Because if you don't daddy should come, he's good at football."

Both Ellis and Sofia snorted at the idea of Harry being good at football. Harry scoffed at them, and Sofia tried to ignore the fact that Ellis was intruding on what would have been a cute family moment.

"I can play football," Sofia said, "You're uncle Louis forced me to learn. But I hate it, so don't count on me playing..."

"Then daddy, you have to come to the park with me and mum!" Birdie exclaimed, making Harry shift uneasily.

"Daddy's busy, babe," Sofia said, saving him from disappointing his daughter, as she glanced at Ellis, "But Uncle Louis will be there, and I'm sure he'd be willing to play." Birdie looked hesitant but agreed to play with Uncle Louis. Sofia said goodbye to Ellis and Harry, putting her hand on the door.

"Do I have to put on my jacket?" Birdie asked, her eyes furrowed in frustration.

"Yes," Harry and Sofia both answered, at the same time, causing Ellis to laugh, while Birdie groaned. They glanced at each other and Sofia could've sworn she saw a ghost of a smile on his face before she turned and walked out.


"Louis, I'm telling you, we should just stay out of it," Niall said, as they sat in Liam's office, "Aint nobody got time for that."

"I agree, it's their marriage, we should stay out of it," Liam said.

"Are you kidding me?" Louis cried, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THIS IS THE TIME TO GET INVOLVED!"

"You're so fucking dramatic," Zayn mumbled, as he relaxed on the couch, "Stop playing cupid. Let them figure it out on their own. They always do."

"They are letting this fall apart," Louis said, "They aren't figuring it out! He won't forgive her, and she is just trying to keep him happy. And soon, we are going to have a divorce on our hands. And you know what happens with divorce? People are forced to pick sides. Now, I for one am Team Harry. But, that could get very awkward in the future. So we should make like Humpty Dumpty, and just put Hofia back together again."

"Hofia?" Liam asked, glancing up from the papers on his desk, "What the hell is a Hofia?"

"Harry and Sofia!" Louis cried in frustration, rolling his eyes, "You know, like Bennifer or Nian! It's their couple name. Me and El, are Elounor. You and Danielle are Payzer. Zemily. Nella. Keep up, Jesus."

"You seriously need to get into the gym and do some manly shit right now," Zayn said, staring at Louis is wonder, "Because I could swear you have a vagina."

"All I'm saying is that if we don't do something –" Louis cried.

"Do something about what?" Harry asked, as he walked into the office, causing all of the boys to freeze. Harry looked at them expectantly, waiting for them to answer. They glanced at each other, and hoped they Harry didn't figure out that they were talking about him and his marriage that was failing.

"Do something about this thug who's trying to make the dock a landing strip for cocaine shipments," Liam said, recovering quickly, "But let's wait for Sofia before we start."

"Where is she? I thought she was going to the park with you, Louis," Harry said, his voice slightly panicked.

"She did," Louis said, "But I don't think she was feeling well. She made some tea and disappeared when we came home. She seemed nervous about something."

"And Birdie? What did she do with Birdie?" Harry asked, turning to step out of his office.

"Birdie is with Danielle and David," Liam said, "She's fine. You really need to relax."

"Don't tell me to relax," Harry snapped.

"Hi," Sofia said, stepping into the office, before stepping back quickly, she wasn't expecting Harry to be right by the door.

"Sorry," he mumbled before stepping back from her and taking a seat on the couch. It was awkward. Things had never been this awkward between them, and everyone in the room noticed. However, neither of them noticed Louis throwing his hands around gesturing to the other boys that they had to do something.

"You alright?" Niall asked.

"Fine," Sofia said quietly, sitting in the seat across from Liams desk, and sipping her tea.

"Okay, so let's get down to business," Liam said, "Since we killed James, their customers have been coming to our guys for their drugs. Which is fine, they need the drugs and they haven't caused any trouble. But, with James out of the picture, we have drug lords who want to come in and take over his business. This guy, Vance Young, has been trying to set up the docks for a cocaine ship. And I want to stop it before it even starts. I don't need another drug lord in this town, especially since we've gotten rid of James. So, we're just going to finish him before he starts. He hangs out at Jay's all the time. Sofia, we just need you to go in and do your thing."

"Right," Sofia said quietly, shifting in her chair so she could look at her brother.

"He's seems pretty easy, has girls coming in and out of his flat all the time. So, just work your magic. But he is aggressive and he's always armed, so be careful. You should be armed and you should be on guard. I don't want you getting too drunk either, so will have Niall behind the bar."

"When do you want to do this?" Louis asked.

"Friday," Liam answered, "That way when the shipment comes in on Saturday, we'll be there to receive it instead of him. That should show them."

"I figure, Niall behind the bar. Louis you'll be in the car. Me, Zayn, and Harry will handle him and whatever friends he's got. Sofia, all you have to do is get him into the back alley, which should be easy enough. Then get the hell out of there. Like, I said, I want you to be careful. He's not friendly and he's been known to knock his women around. Of course if he gets aggressive – we'll step in – but you know how to handle yourse--"

"I have to talk to you," Sofia suddenly blurted out, stopping Liam mid sentence. Liam looked up at her in surprise, before glancing around the room. She looked uneasy and glanced back at the other boys, who were also looking at her in confusion.

"Okay, talk," Liam said, "What's up?"

"Alone, Liam," Sofia said, quietly, "I need to talk to you alone."


"What's going on?" Liam asked his sister after ushering the other boys out of the office. Sofia was pacing his office, as though not sure how to approach him.

"I don't want you freak out," Sofia said quietly, watching as he sat back down in his chair, "And I want you to hear me out. And know that I've thought about this. A lot."

"Okay," Liam said, nodding, "Go ahead. I 'll listen. I won't freak out."

"When you were sick, I was willing to take over. And help out while you were recovering," Sofia said, "And I wanted to wait until you were a little bit better, but with this job, I have to tell you."

"Tell me what?" Liam asked

"Liam, I don't want to work anymore," Sofia said, turning to him and facing him, "I don't want to bait. I don't want to kill people. I don't want to do this anymore."

Liam blinked a few times as he looked at his sister. He wasn't sure he had heard the words come from her mouth. This was his sister, she loved doing her job. It gave her a rush, and she felt on top of the world every time. They usually had to convince her to step back a little bit, he never thought he'd have to convince her to continue. He was sure he was going to have to drag Sofia away from baiting kicking and screaming.

"What?" he said quietly, asking her to continue.

"I am asking you to let me walk away from this," Sofia said quietly, looking at her brother, "I'm asking you to find someone else."

"What are you talking about?" Liam asked, "Where is this coming from?"

"Liam," Sofia said, sighing, "I don't want my kid to grow up the way I did. I don't want her to live like this. But, how can I give her a normal if I'm still wrapped up in it? I want Birdie to be able to choose if she wants to go to college, or if she wants to work, or if she wants to do this. But, I want to step away. I want to have as normal of a life as I can. I'll never be able to take back what I've done. I'll never be able to be able to hide from the scars that this life has given me. I'll never be able to forget the people I've killed or hurt. But, I don't have to place that on my daughter. I don't ever want her to feel the things I've felt."

"What are you saying?" Liam barked, "Are you seriously trying to walk away? AGAIN?!"

"No!" Sofia cried, "My family is here. I want to stay here, with you. And I don't expect you to walk away from this. But, I'm asking you to let me walk away. I don't want to be bait anymore. And I don't want to work for you anymore, Liam."

"Sofia, if this about Harry and your marriage," Liam said, "If this is about trying to prove that you have changed and you're being more careful or whatever. You don't have to do this for him. You're good at what you do, you're good with power. You have good instincts and a good shot. You've been great while I've been recovering. And I understand wanting to protect you children, but you can protect them without walking away from who you are."

"Liam, I'm good at it because it's all I've ever had the chance to be good at," Sofia said quietly, "Maybe I'm not walking away from who I am, maybe I'm finding who I am. I want to be a mom and a wife. I want to go take my kids to football games, not to the gun range. I want Birdie to have the choices I never did. And I'm asking you to let me find my own choices. And I know it's a lot, and I know it's never been done. And I know that I'm probably disappointing you –"

"No," Liam said, shaking his head, "You're a lot things, Sofia. But you've never been a disappointment. You could never disappoint me. I get why you want to do this."

Sofia watched as her brother put his head in his hands, thinking about what she was asking of him. She knew that he was thinking about their father, and what he would say. He was thinking about their grandfather, and their family legacy. The legacy that the two of them were supposed to help carry on. He was probably thinking about David and his own family, and the future of this gang.

"I want to be better," Sofia said, swallowing, her brother lifted his head to look at her, "I want my kid to have better. You became better for me, you changed the way things worked, for me. And I want to do that, for my own kids. I learned to be better from you, Liam. And this is me trying to better."

"You're not leaving?" he asked, searching her eyes, trying to make out if this was her way of saying goodbye. She shook her head, and crossed the room, to sit on the desk in front of him.

"I'm not going anywhere. I still want to be your sister, and I still want to be David's aunt. I just don't want to work for you anymore," Sofia said, quietly.

She was biting her lip. She knew she was asking a lot from him. She was asking him to change years of the same, for her. She was asking for him to let her stay, but to release her from the gang. It had never been done. If you were apart of the gang, you owed them your work and your life until you died, usually at the hands of gang life. She wanted to be apart of the family, but not the gang.

"What about Harry?" Liam asked, "Does he know you want to do this? Are you going to ask him to walk away?"

"I'm not in the position to ask Harry to do anything," Sofia said, "I would never make him walk away. We'll have to figure it out when it comes to Birdie, but I won't force him to do this. This isn't for him. Or our marriage. This is for me. This is what I want."

"Okay," Liam agreed, nodding his head.

"Okay?" Sofia questioned, looking up at him with wide eyes, "Seriously?"

"If this is really want you want," Liam said quietly, "Then okay. You don't have work anymore."

Sofia felt tears in her eyes, as she hugged her brother. Liam had changed the rules of the game, again. For her.

"Thank you," she whispered, letting him go.

"I'll always do better by you, kiddo," Liam said, "Remember, I'm your brother first."

She smiled at him, standing up and sighing deeply in relief. She wasn't expecting it to go like that. Sure, Liam had always put her first, but he was also the leader of this gang. He had years of tradition and pride behind him, and she was asking him to change something that had never been changed. She expected him to call her crazy and to tell her to suck it up. That's what her father would've done. He would've put the gang first. But they were doing it different, family came first.

"Can you retire after this last job?" Liam asked, "I really need you on this, you're our best. Do you have one more job left in you?"

Sofia sighed, closing her eyes. She was turned away from him, so he couldn't see it. She was struggling to find the words, the words that would change everything. She turned back to him, biting her lip. She was nervous again, and he didn't know why.

"I can't," she said quietly.

"Seriously?" Liam growled, standing up from his desk frustrated, "I get where you're coming from, I really do. But why can't you help me out on this one last job? There better be a really damn good rea –"

"I'm pregnant," Sofia mumbled suddenly, stopping Liam in his tracks. He stared at her in shock, almost sure he didn't hear her right. This was his little sister, and she was not supposed to be pregnant.

"What did you just say?" Liam asked.

"I said I'm pregnant."

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