"I've Got This"

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"Harry," Sofia's voice rang out, Harry closed his eyes and pinched his nose, taking a deep breath and trying to ignore how rude and hostile she sounded. She had been like this over the last few days, and Harry had been very patient – but he had just about enough of her attitude, and he wasn't sure where it was coming from, but he didn't really care.

"Harry," Sofia said again, storming over to where he sat on the couch with Zayn and Liam, with files and computers out.

"Yes?" Harry said, his voice calm, but his eyes were dancing with frustration.

"It's 12 in the afternoon and I am just getting out of bed," Sofia snapped at him, "My alarm was turned off. Why am I just getting out of bed?!"

"Because you needed to sleep," Harry said, as he stood up, walking into the kitchen.

"I didn't know that you were making decisions like sleep for me now," Sofia growled, watching as he filled up his water cup.

"Sofia," Harry said, turning and facing her as he leaned on the sink, "You've been training everyday for 17 days, with no breaks. Do you know how stupid that it? You're going to ware yourself out!"

"That isn't your business!" Sofia hissed

"Sofia, he's right," Liam said quietly from the couch, "I know you're feeling a lot but your health should come first..."

"You don't know anything, Liam!" Sofia snapped, causing Liam's eyebrows to rise. Harry noticed Zayn didn't seem in shock, almost like he expected this. In fact, Zayn was the only one who wasn't annoyed with the attitude change from Sofia in the last few days.

"Excuse you?" Liam said, staring up at his sister, "Who do you think you're talking to like that?"

"I know it's difficult for you boys to lose some control, but don't fuck with my training!" Sofia snapped, "You want to control something, here's an idea... how about you get some control and Sikes and tell me where the fuck he is!"

"Sofia..." Zayn said, his tone of voice warning.

"We're trying, Sofia!" Liam barked, standing up from the couch, "But if you think that you can just go around yelling at me, you have another thing coming to you!"

"Try harder," Sofia hissed, before turning away and walking down the hallway, "Zayn, we're going to the gym in an hour!" Harry heard their bedroom door slam, and saw Zayn looking up at him, unsure as to what to do.

"We can do something light today," Zayn suggested

"I'm going today," Harry said, "I'd like to see what it is that has her so amped all the fucking time. Now, if you two could give us some privacy, please..."

Liam and Zayn stood immediately, realizing that there was probably going to be a fight and neither of them really wanted to see it.

After they left, Harry made his way to their bedroom, he stepped in, the door flying open, to see Sofia just finishing getting changed.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Harry growled, "Talking to me and Liam like that? Bossing Zayn around? You must have lost your damn head!"

"I'm not in the mood to do this," Sofia said, trying to step around him, but Harry was too fast, grabbing her wrist.

"I don't really give a fuck what you are in the mood for, Sofia," Harry growled, "I said I would take care of one 4 year old, not two... what the fuck is going on with you?"

"Nothing!" Sofia snapped at him, trying to pull away. Harry's hand on her wrist tightened.

"Knock it off," he growled, Sofia stopped trying to pull away but she still glared up at him in anger.

"You had no right to interfere with my training!" Sofia barked, looking up at him.

"I had every right," Harry said, "I can interfere with anything I want, Sofia. It would do you good to remember your fucking place, or I'll be forced to remind you..."

It was that voice. The voice that Sofia knew she was right on Harry's last nerve, and that if she popped it, there would be consequences. It was the voice he had been using with her for years, the one that reminded her just how much power he had over her. The one that reminded her who was in charge. It was the voice she loved and hated at the same time. It was low and dark and quiet, but it sent shivers down her spine just the same. And all of a sudden, Sofia was lurched out of this power high she was on and she felt like a child being scolded. And it felt good, even for a second. It felt good to know that instead of doing the taking care of, she would be taken care of.

"Are we clear?" Harry said, his voice bringing her out of her thoughts.

"Yes," Sofia said stiffly.

"This is your last warning," Harry growled, "Things haven't changed that much Sofia, don't test me."


Liam hissed as Zayn swung, and Sofia went flying back, but it was like Sofia didn't even feel it because she swung back twice, Zayns face getting knocked to both directions.

"Jesus Christ," Harry growled low, as he watched Zayn aim for a knee to her stomach, but she was two fast, using her own leg to block him, and shoving him back. Zayn was knocked into a corner, and though he had had both his hands up in defense, it didn't stop her from swinging full force.

"Blood hell," Liam growled, at her how and fast she was swinging, making it impossible to for Zayn to get out of the corner, all he could do was block his face. Harry and Liam both waited for her to ease up, and for
them to call the fight, but they didn't.

"What the fuck?" Harry asked, looking at Liam.

"I don't know," Liam said, as he watched his sister, knee Zayn, causing him to double over, before grabbing his head and shoving him onto the floor. Before Zayn could even look up, Sofia had her fingers pointed at him like a gun, as she would in a normal fight.

"Nice work," Zayn moaned, from his position on the floor.

"You should've just gone down, I would've stopped swinging," Sofia said, taking not of how sore he must be.

"Shut the fuck up," Zayn hissed, holding his hand out so that she could pull him up.

"What the hell was that?" Harry asked, from behind them. Sofia turned, and Harry's breath caught when he caught her eyes. They were black, any sweet version of Sofia that may have been there before, wasn't there now.

"What do you mean?" she asked, as she tried to shake her head out of the fight.

"You were swinging hard and fast, and you knew he was done," Liam said, "You could've hurt him..."

"I don't know about that..." Zayn mumbled, causing Sofia to smirk.

"I couldn't look at it like that, Liam," Sofia said, "If I saw him as Zayn, I wouldn't win."

"Win?" Harry asked, before looking at Zayn who, again, didn't seem surprised by her answer.

"Sofia you were winning," Liam said, "The last few minutes of that fight were unnecessary."

"He wasn't going down," Sofia said, shrugging, "I had to get him down. It was completely necessary."

"Are you alright?" Liam asked Zayn,, Zayn nodded.

"Want to go again?" Sofia asked, but she was interrupted by a screeching noise.

"I'm here!" Birdie called out, running towards the ring, with Louis chasing behind her. Danielle and Eleanor were behind him, walking slow with David.

"Hey babe," Harry greeted the child who ran towards him, as Niall climbed into the ring. The girls stayed on the floor below.

"Liam, Uncle Niall said we could fight," Birdie said, looking at Liam.

"Did he now?" Liam said, "Are you sure you want to fight me? I'll win."

"I don't think so," Birdie said, giggling, as Liam carried her from Harry. Sofia, Zayn, and Harry all got off the matt, allowing Liam and Niall to put padding on Birdie before they got into a play fight.

As Sofia stepped off, she heard Danielle gasp; turning Sofia gave her a look of confusion.

"Sofia, there's a huge bruise on your back," Danielle said, causing Harry to do a second take.

"Oh yeah, Zayn kneed me," Sofia said, shrugging

"You what?" Harry growled, looking at Zayn who through his hands up.

"Relax, Alpha male," Sofia said, "It was fair and square and I'm fine..." The five of them stood there, watching as Niall put Birdie on his shoulders, and began to dance around Liam, who was pretending to take jabs.

"She yours?" a voice came from beside them, Sofia looked up to see a handsome man with blonde hair. She recognized him, but couldn't place from where.

"When we claim her," Harry said, smoothly covering the question with a joke. The man laughed.

"I've been watching you," the man said to Sofia, causing Harry to tense beside her.

"That's kind of creepy," Sofia said, and the man laughed again.

"I was wondering if I could give it a go with you," the man said, his head jerking towards an empty matt, "I want to know if your really that good, or if they just take it easy cause your cute..." Sofia laughed, but she felt Harry's hand on her back.

"She's not interested," Harry growled, "She doesn't fight other people."

"Ignore him," Sofia snapped, glaring up at Harry, "She is interested." She felt Harry pinch her side, but ignored him, "You think you have a shot against me?"

"You think I don't?" he asked, looking down at her.

"I think it doesn't matter," Harry said, stepping in front of Sofia, "Because she's not interested, like I said."

"Chill bro," the man said, holding his hands up in mock defense, "Maybe some other time?" he asked, looking past Harry and at Sofia.

"Maybe some other time," she agreed, before he walked away.

"Over my dead body," Harry growled, looking down at her.

"The way you're going, that could be arranged," Sofia snapped, causing Louis to snort beside her and Zayn's eyes to widen. Harry didn't get a chance to say anything though, because Sofia was walking away towards the locker rooms.


Sofia stepped out of the changing room, her hair wet, but her body less achy from the shower she had just taken. As she stepped out, she felt someone else presence. She turned, expecting to see Harry, but it wasn't

"That little Birdie, she's something else," the man said, his blue eyes twinkling.

"I knew I recognized you," Sofia said.

"She just left with your brother, I think it was," the man said, ignoring her, "And Irish man, and the two girls. Beautiful fake family you guys have going on..."

"Let's skip the for play, shall we? What do you want?" Sofia asked, glancing at the door behind him, he had her trapped.

"Marco," he said, "My names Marco."

"I don't care what your name is," Sofia spat, "What do you want?"

"Well, I know you know the answer to that," Marco said, smiling at her.

"Just so you know, you will have to drag me out of here, and I will put up one hell of a fight," Sofia hissed.

"You misunderstand him," Marco said, "He don't want to kidnap you, Sofia. He don't want to hurt you. He wants you to understand what you are missing..."

"I didn't know Sikes was so deep he could be misunderstood," Sofia said.

"He's impressed with you, he's been watching you know?" Marco said, "You are one hell of a fighter, and you are quite impressive with a gun... he is almost shocked at how fast your come back was..." Sofia didn't say anything.

"But, he could show you more then they can," Marco said, "They're training you on lies. They say you can fight. But you know that when it comes down to it, they'll always step in. They'll never really let you fight..."

"And Sikes would?" Sofia scoffed

"He would," Marco said, stepping towards her, Sofia didn't step back but she watched him carefully, "He can give you the world, Sofia. All you have to do is ask..." It was the sweet tone of his voice that sent Sofia's stomach churning. She didn't even think, swinging hard into the mans face, before slamming him into the lockers. He was taken off guard, but Sofia knew it wouldn't last long.

"Tell him thanks for the consideration, but he can go fuck himself," Sofia spat out. He pushed Sofia off of him hard, and sent her flying to the floor. Soon he was on top of her, and she felt her face go to the side in agony as his fist connected with her cheek.

"He can be very persuasive," the man said, raising his fist again. But this time, Sofia was ready. Grabbing his first with one hand, she turned her body, and sent her other elbow flying into his nose. She could feel it crack beneath her. He flew to the side, and Sofia didn't waste time, in jumping on him, throwing punches to his face.

He shoved her off him, forcing her to lose her balance as he stood up, grabbing her by the collar and slamming her into a locker. Sofia felt the pain in her head as it collided with the metal. She felt his hands around her throat, but raised her knee to his groin before could tighten it. He doubled over; grunting, and Sofia took the opportunity, to switch their places, this time he was against the locker. She heard the door slam open behind them, but she was too busy slamming the mans head against the locker.

"Sofia!" she heard Liam yell behind her, "Step away, we got this." The man's bloody face was in front of her, as she held him by the collar. Turning around, she saw Zayn, Liam, and Harry all with their guns out.

"No," Sofia said, "I got this. Put your guns down..."

"Sofia," Zayn growled, his eyes narrowed.

"Put them down!" Sofia snapped, "We're letting him walk out of here."

"Are you crazy?" Liam hissed, his gun still raised

"No," Sofia said, "His boss had a message for me, and now I want to send one back."

"Sofia..." Harry warned, but Sofia ignored him, looking back at Marco.

"Listen to me, you fucking prick," Sofia hissed, "You are going to take your slight concussion, and your broken nose back to William Sikes..."

"Sofia," Liam hissed, not liking this idea.

"And you are going to tell him, that I will NEVER work for him," Sofia spat, "And that anything he wants dish out at me, I'll give it back to him double."

"You stupid bitch," Marco hissed, shaking his head at her. But he was silenced when Sofia slammed him again.

"But mostly, I want you to tell your coward of a boss," Sofia growled, "That I'm not fucking scared of him. And anytime he wants to show his face, I will be ready for him..."

"Sofia, enough," Harry growled, he hated the idea of her threatening Sikes, knowing that it would only make him angrier. Sofia stepped away from the man, and watched how unsteady he was on his feet. She saw that the boys had put down their guns, but none of them looked happy about it.

"Go," Sofia spat at the man, "And remember the only reason you are walking out of here alive, is because I decided you could walk out of here alive." The man said nothing, pushing himself off the locker, and walking out of the back. He was barely gone, when Harry was rushing towards her.

"You alright? Did he hurt you?" he asked, wiping the blood from her nose.

"Fine," Sofia said, pushing him away from her.

"How the hell are we supposed to explain the bruise on your cheek to Birdie?" Harry asked, his anger catching up with him.

"I think the more important question," Liam said, "Is what the fuck are
we supposed to do with you now you've just threatened the most dangerous man we know?"

"I'm scared of him, Liam," Sofia said, looking at her brother.

"I know you aren't," Liam said, "And I don't know if that makes you an idiot, or really fucking brave."


"He's got to be moving around," Niall said, staring at the laptop map, "I mean, we would've narrowed it down by now..."

"I told you, he's being a coward," Sofia said, shrugging, as she finished Daisy's last nail.

"How can you sit there doing nails after you basically inniciated a war a few days ago?" Danny asked, shaking his head.

"Well, she's still sitting here, yeah?" Liam said, "He hasn't made any moves yet."

"You also have barely let me out of the house," Sofia said, rolling her eyes.

"Love it," Daisy said, looking at her nails.

"Fucking women," Zayn mumbled under his breath, shaking his head.

"Can I paint my nails?" Birdie said, running into the kitchen, Emily behind her.

"Come here," Daisy said, opening her arms up to the child, "I'll paint them for you..."

Birdie climbed onto Daisy's lap, and Daisy gave the girl a tight squeeze and a kiss on the head, causing Birdie to giggle loudly.

"Why don't we do this in the living room?" Daisy asked, looking around at everyone, realizing it would be impossible for them to talk if Birdie was in the room, "There's probably something fun on TV, and I'll even do your hair!"

"Okay!" Birdie agreed, jumping out of Daisy's lap and running towards the living room.

"Stop running in the house!" Sofia called after her, "Or I'll make you sit on the time out step for an entire day!"

"Karmas a bitch, isn't it?" Liam asked, from his spot on the counter, grinning at his sister.

"Shut up," Sofia said, knowing that he was referring to Birdie being just as wild as she used to be.

"You know, we could ask Birdie," Niall suggested, causing Sofia and Harry's head to snap towards him, "Maybe she remembers something."

"No," Harry barked, before Sofia could say anything, "Absolutely not, it's out of the question."

"Harry, she lived with the man," Niall said, "She might know his moves, or remember a house or something." Sofia face was contorted with range.

"I don't care if she remembers the exact fucking address, Niall," Harry hissed, "You aren't getting my four year old involved in this, so come up with a new plan!" Niall looked at Sofia for help.

"Oh yeah," Sofia said, sarcastically, "I'm going to help you with that... fucking dumbass."

"It was just a suggestion," Niall growled, before turning back to the computer.

"Try smarter ones," Harry growled, before sitting next to Sofia who chuckled.

"My four year old?" she asked quietly, looking up at him with a small grin. She watched as Harry's cheeks went a slight red, but he shrugged.

"You know, we could just bait him out," Sofia said, "The reason we haven't gotten him, is because you've kept me here. And I'm always out with a lot of you guys. Maybe I could just go out on my own, see where it goes..."

"Out of the question," Liam snapped, Harry shaking his head yes.

"Well, it's me he wants," Sofia said, shrugging, "So, if we can't find him, we should drag him out of hiding."

"Sofia, you may not care much for your safety," Zayn said, "But the rest of us do. And putting you out there on your own, probably not a good idea."

"I don't think he wants to hurt me," Sofia said, "I think I have an advantage."

"And I think you're an idiot," Harry snapped at her, causing Sofia to glare at him.

"Well, I mean, I'm only one in danger here," Sofia said, "I think I'm our best –" But she was interrupted by Louis' phone going off.

"It's the wife," Louis said, "She probably has another disgusting craving she'd like me to go shop for..." Sofia snorted.

"Hello?" Louis asked, "El? Whoa, what?!" Louis voice became panicked, and they could hear Eleanor's voice being raised on the other line.

"I can't understand you! What are you saying?" Louis tried again, "Eleanor, slow down..." He looked up at the group, and pressed the phone tighter to his ear, "You're where? Danielle?!" Liam lurched at the sound of his wife's name. "What?! OKAY! JUST STAY PUT, WE'RE COMING."

"What's going on?" Sofia asked, as Louis jumped off the counter.

"Eleanor's at the hospital," Louis said, "They've been attacked."

"What about Ella?" Niall asked

"And David?" Harry asked

"I don't know," Louis said, his voice going up an octave, "El didn't say much, just that we should get there. Now."

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